Your Life’s Path and Purpose
Your Life’s Path and Purpose came bounding to the top when I asked spirit what I should write about for the December Intuitive Mind Insights Newsletter. Working as a full time psychic in Tacoma, as well as having a full time teaching schedule provides a wealth of knowledge and experience for me to draw upon. What I can tell you is, I am a bit crazy and obsessed about your energy field. I have this intense curiosity that is like a mad scientist when it comes to looking at your energy field and how it operates and functions.

For this newsletter, I will devote it to the subject of your life’s path and purpose. When working as a psychic there are two main questions that stand out as the absolute most popular questions. One, “What is my life’s path and purpose?” or “What purpose was I born to serve?” Two, “Will I ever meet my soul mate?” or “Will I ever meet my twin flame?” These two questions are asked almost by every person I do a reading for even if they have an amazing career and solid relationship already!
Let me tell you the most dominant answer that comes when I tune in to see what your life’s path and purpose is. To be grounded and rooted in love and compassion in everything that you do. So basically, the bottom line is, it really does not matter what you do, but how you stand in your truth, integrity, love and compassion while you are doing it! In other words, you can have the most brilliant satisfying job in the world, and if you are cranky, ungrounded, and cannot see the beauty in everything you do or cannot be in gratitude that you even have a job, then there is a problem!
However, having said all of that, when your spirit comes through to talk about your life’s path, I will be shown images that represent what is most in alignment with your true nature, your true character and personality. If you have a large creative energy channel surging creative energy through your body, then if you are NOT doing anything that provides a creative outlet, you will never achieve true happiness in your life. Your full time job does not have to be as a world renowned artist however having weekly opportunities to express your creativity will settle your soul. If your spirit shows me that your true nature is to work in groups of people and you are working in a cubicle at a computer 10 hours a day, then again, you are short circuiting your ability to find satisfaction. This does not mean that you have to quit that job in the cubicle but adding activities around groups of people in the evenings or weekends will help you fulfill and satisfy your life path and purpose.
As a clairvoyant psychic reader, it means that I can “see” your soul, your energy field, and read what is going on in your energy field. In my experience the largest block that is revealed most often is other people’s energy all over your life’s path and purpose. It can be your mother’s and/or father’s dreams and desires for you. It can be that your parents wanted you to fulfill a dream that they had for themselves but circumstances did not allow it to happen. I also see when you have your own perfect job images covering your life’s path and purpose that block you from seeing your true job. We also can have programming on what a good job is or what a bad job is and this programming can cover what truly can make you happy. You can also have your spouse and children’s energy all over your life’s path and purpose. They may not want you to travel with your job, or if you quit your high paying job to follow your passion then they would no longer benefit from your income. The other thing I notice crowding your life’s path and purpose is placing everyone else’s happiness at the front of the line before your own happiness. You find that you encourage others to follow their bliss, yet, you do not get around to following your own!
In the Energy Health Tips section, the meditation exercise is to help you clear off your life’s path and purpose to bring greater clarity to your life. Clearing this area in your energy field, will also provide great insights as well as clearing the way to knowing who YOU were born to be. As well as assist you to set your own goals, dreams and desires for 2017.
Energy Health Tips:
To prepare for this exercise, it is always recommended that you create some quiet time and space for yourself first. Have your journal or notebook nearby. What does sacred space look like to you? Then create that sacred space, even if it is simply sitting on your couch with a hot cup of tea.
- Ground yourself to the center of the earth. Simply imagine that you have roots, and keep imagining those roots going deeper and deeper until you feel your entire body relax. This may take a few minutes. Just keep adding more roots, deeper roots until you feel that you are there.
Remember that your grounding not only stabilizes your energy field, but its other quality is to help you to drain old outdated energy out of your field as well.
- Your Life’s Path and purpose energetic information area is located between your heart/chest, and throat area. Now focus your attention on this area in your body. If you place your hands on your clavicle bones, there is a little dip in between the two bones. Your life’s path and purpose area is located behind the upper sternum and in front of your spine. So basically in between them.
- Your Life’s Path and purpose area, when healthy, looks like a golden radiant sun about the size of a golf ball. It is part of your soul, therefore it can be super bright.
- Now close your eyes, and while you have your hands placed over this area, allow your mind’s eye to reveal what your life’s path and purpose looks like. You may not be a visual person and that is okay ……just allow yourself to get the information in other ways such as knowing or feeling or both.
- Is your Life’s path and purpose area cloudy? Does it have layers of sticky energy coating it? Are there people standing near or around your life’s path and purpose? Allow yourself to experience what its current state of existence is and determine if it will require some healing energy.
- To clear other peoples energy off of your life’s path and purpose can be as simple as asking them to move. Telepathically send a message to move their energy off of your life’s path. If they refuse to move or are stubborn, then call in one of the archangels to escort them off of your life path and back onto their own life path.
- To heal your life’s path, simply imagine a grounding cord connected to the bottom of the golden sphere, and then connect the grounding cord to the center of the earth. Shower the golden sphere with golden energy until all the cloudy and sticky energy releases.
- Have you found that it is not clearing easily? Then repeat each day little by little and over time you will find it reveal itself in all of its beauty again. Remember if you have lived your life for everyone else for many years, it may take a little while to reclaim your life.
- Make notes on your new goals as your inner wisdom guides you.
- Please write to me and let me know what you discovered from this exercise.
2 responses to “Your Life’s Path and Purpose | January 2017”
Thank you for these Energy Health tips, Nancy! These are great simple (most empowering things are usually the simplest; I didn’t say easy) and practical steps for setting the ground work of discovery.
I’ve put them into action.
Thank you. I love practical ways of working with myself. So glad you also find it helpful. Nancy