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Trees are a Community! | April 2020

Yes, trees are a community that is better known as a forest.  Yes, we know that the forest is an entire eco system that supports all energies within to grow and thrive.  When a tree dies it decays into the forest floor providing valuable nutrients to support the rest of the forest.  We know that trees provide wood to build houses, bare fruits and nuts and provides fuel for a fire to warm us. 

Yet, there is something greater than those simple facts.  When I walk into a forest, everything feels alive, almost active, even in the stillness of the trees.  I have always known at my soul level that nature in its healthy state is in pure balance and adapts itself to maintain a constant state of balance.  I know, when I walk in nature and I am in an out of balance state, when I walk out again, I will be in a more balanced state. 

When I first realized this phenomenon with nature, I just thought it was because I was out of the house in the fresh air, but it was more than that.  As I sat amongst the trees, I could feel my energy shift this way and that, sometimes fast, other times slow, until it would suddenly stop.  Once my energy field was in balance the energetic activity would stop.  In other words, I was healed!

When spending time in my own yard at home, I noticed each tree had a personality.  At least I felt as if they had a personality.  Only living here for 5 years, I wanted to introduce myself, as the new owner of the property.  I made a small gift of an offering to each tree, thanking each one for watching over our house.  I had a knowing sense that the trees understood me and acknowledged my gift.  I imagined, the trees were happier after I spoke with them, and felt they were happier too!  I was part of their forest and they were going to take care of me. 

So in preparation for this newsletter, I wanted to know if anyone was doing any research around trees and came across Suzanne Simard and Peter Wohllehen in an article in the Smithsonian Magazine, https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/the-whispering-trees-180968084/.  I also watched Suzanne Simard in her Ted Talks about her research with trees.  I was enraptured with what they were discovering around the complex system in which trees communicate with each other. 

What they found was that trees want to make connections, trees respect each other, trees are reciprocal in their exchange of energy.  A tree when distressed, sends out a signal and the other trees will rally to send whatever support is needed.  Trees love balance and will shift energy between them all until balanced is reached.  Trees actually recognize their own offspring and will send more energy to their own saplings. When they get older, they will then shift their wisdom to the other trees before the elder tree dies.  Trees have a complex system between the roots, fungi and other organic systems help them to maintain their communication and balance.  Trees and forests are resilient! 

So, when I revisited my past experiences of walking into the forest in a stressed state and walked out in a balanced state, I realized that there is a growing science that is supporting what I have always felt was true.  When an individual walks into the forest, it is active, and can become more active to assist the individual to release stress and come into a balanced state.  In other words, the forest rises to meet the demands, rises to support.  As Suzanne Simard said in her Ted Talk, “Trees are not bigots, Trees are reciprocal!”. 

When I moved my awareness to people and communities, I realize we too are like a forest.  We each have our own part in maintaining the balance of our community.  We have been out of balance for a long time and I believe the forest can teach us a great deal about balance.  So, for now, I think a walk amongst the trees is on order for each one of us.  We have a lot to learn and the trees have so much to teach us. 

The Energetic tips for this April issue –

It is an easy one!

Go for a walk in the trees!

Let us know what you experienced as you walked amongst the trees!

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