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Tip: The Spirit Realm

We are curious about the unseen world. We ask ourselves if we have guides, how many, and how can I communicate with them? To be honest, most people have had at least one experience where they felt the presence of angels, guides, spirits however very few people share that with someone else. Here are some tips to cultivate your relationship with your guides.

1. Sit quietly, and ground yourself to the center of the earth. The more grounded you are, the clearer your intuitive nature becomes. Have paper and something to write with.

2. Say hello to your own spirit first and allow yourself to get a hello back. It may come as a word in your mind, you may hear it, feel the hello, or just know that your spirit is responding.

3. Set the intention that only those spirits that are aligned with God, the Supreme Wisdom come through. When you set that intention, spirits who are not in alignment with God will move away.

4. Everyone has guides and angels who help them. I have never seen otherwise regardless of the life a person leads. Ask your own spirit, how many guides you have and go with the very first number you get and write it down. Even if you feel you are guessing, do not question the answer.

5. Your guides love it when you try to learn more about them. So ask one guide only to move closer to you and give you a sign of their presence. Each guide lets you know, in their own unique way, that they are there. Then ask for a name. Again, you may see, hear, feel, or know the name. Still stumped? Then ask you guide to show you their name in the form of signs in your life. Example: The name Celeste came to me, and then I met a Celeste in a class and then picked up a book and the Author’s name was Celeste. That is an uncommon name so I was able to confirm that Celeste was the correct name.

6. Now you have a sign when they are around, possibly a name, and now you want to know more about their personality and why they are in your life. What do they learn from you and what do you learn from them? If your energy field is clear you can talk to them directly. Most people have great success, in pretending to write a letter from their guide to them. In other words, if your guide could write you a letter what would they say to you? Then just begin writing, remaining open, playful, and imaginative. As the energy builds between you and your guide the information comes through clearer and easier.

7. Cultivate all of your relationships with your spirit helpers by doing this exercise. Draw pictures of them, talk to them, even while in the car, store, or at work. Begin to include them in all aspects of your life and that builds a stronger bond between the two of you.

8. What can I ask of them to help me with? Nothing is off limits. I remember a colleague said her guide told her she can even ask how many carrots she must cook for dinner. I love this example because it helps you to realize that you do not need to save up your request for only big things. You can ask your guide to help others that you love however there are laws of free will on behalf of the other person. Meaning you can not interfere with their life lessons. You can always send loving intentions for their best and highest good.

9. Then allow yourself to tune in and see if there are animal spirits, land Devas, elementals and faeries around. The Book Animal Speaks, list the animals and the strengths they bring to your life.

10. The God of your heart is the all seeing, all knowing and all loving essence that permeates your whole life and simply by asking to be uplifted ….it is done. You do not even have to believe it and the essence moves throughout your life. It is the same with all ascended masters, such as Jesus, Mary, Buddha, Mohammed, and the Archangels.

11. Ancestors, are your family, who are able to help you on the other side in ways they were not able to in human form. Place pictures of family members who have passed. Light a candle, put out their favorite food, flowers, and fragrances as a way to show them you remember they are there and appreciate their constant support.

12. Building your spiritual support system will spill over into everything you do. When you have a relationship with the spirit world you can truly never feel alone again. Remember, the more grounded you are, enhances not only the clarity in your life but also how clear your guides can come through. I can tell, when you walk into the office just how strong those spiritual relationships are because both you and your guides are very bright and it is like a crowd of people just walked into the room.

13. You are spirit having a human experience. Your spiritual guides can forget what it is like to be in a human body, so you may have to remind them. If I am having a problem at the human level, I will ask for help from one of my guides that has had a body before since they have that human depth of knowledge. Do not make this challenging because it can be very simple. Remember to have fun, because spirits love to keep all that life has to offer light and loving!

First published: February 2012

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