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Tip: Manifesting Your Desires! | January 2012

In the theme of dreaming, desire, creation and manifestation a story came to mind that I have not thought of in a long time. In the year 2000 (so long ago), I had an invitation to go to South Africa for the first time and work with Indigenous Healers. As you can imagine, just the idea alone was a dream come true however I was a single parent, had a mortgage, and had just left my job as a nurse completely to open a full time practice as a Clairvoyant Healer.

There was absolutely no way, is the first thought that came to mind. I was so absolutely certain that there was not a chance that I thanked the person who invited me and put the idea of it all completely away. Over the next few weeks, thoughts of Africa began to flow into every moment, and I could feel the energy in my heart. Then one day I heard this voice say… “If you do not start the creation of going to Africa, how can we finish it?” I then asked the guidance, how do I start? It seems too big for me to create!

Then the guidance said, write down exactly how much money you need to be able to go on the trip. Then write a letter to everyone you know letting them know of your desire and ask them for ideas to help you manifest it.

A list was made of what finances I would need to go, and then I followed it with a letter that I sent out. Then I kept hearing, “how can we finish it, if you never start it?” Almost smugly, I sat back saying well I started it and my mind had doubts, but deep inside I could feel excitement and I didn’t know why.

The first call came…from my lovely mother. I am buying your plane ticket to South Africa! Then money started arriving in the mail, $50.00, $100.00, and within two weeks $4,000.00 arrived. Guess what? I went to Africa, and this year in 2011 was my 6th trip there. I recall that story each time I feel that something I desire is too big for me to manifest and I have never forgotten…if you do not start… how can we help you finish?

Simple steps to start creating and manifesting.

1. First, allow yourself to play with ideas of what you want.

2. Write down a list of desires, the more details help you to really embody and feel that desire on every level of your being.

3. We have discovered that enthusiasm is a very high vibration. Allow yourself to feel enthusiastic about what you are writing down.

4. Close your eyes, have music that inspires sensations, light a candle that warms the heart, sip a wonderful coffee or tea that enhances the participation of your body.

5.Then imagine your entire list going out into the universe so that all of creation truly knows what you desire, so the divine can help you manifest it.

6. Let go, and again feel how you are feeling. If you have doubts, allow yourself to let go of those too. If you feel hopeful and excited then allow that feeling to bubble up and fill every cell of your body.

7. Then allow yourself to receive all the messages and signs to help guide you in the direction of any action steps you may need to take to help manifest.

8. Continue to release anything that blocks your having all that you desire for yourself!

These are simple instructions, and they do work. You can become more elaborate in your design, however if you review the list, you will notice that having your feelings match your vision is one of the most single important parts of the process. In my own process, simpler is better because I am more likely to do it. Again, happy manifesting!

First published: January 2012

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