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The Upcoming Wave | March 2017

We all have male and female energy channels in this great “unseen” physiology we call an energy field.  In fact, I have written about this before, yet it deserves to be written about again.  Maybe from a little different perspective or perhaps you will just hear it differently.

We have also written about the last 5,000 years being part of the patriarchal society.  It is important that we can say the word patriarch without spitting on the ground in disgust.  Male energy, patriarchal energy, masculine divine energy, all come from the same source.  These past 5,000 years have provided surge after surge of discovery in numerous areas of our human understanding of the universe that we live in.  The masculine divine has been essential during that time to assist anchoring the divine essence of our soul in a stronger way to the earth.  This, in turn, has assisted us to bring more of our soul into our body.  The more our soul is in our body the more illuminated our ancestral wisdom is that is contained in our DNA.  This makes it easier for us to physically manifest our dreams into matter. 

Now this is the time to expand again.  It is kind of like a ticking clock where the hands strike midnight.  It is that simple, it is just time.  Drop deep into your soul memory and remember, as spirit you chose to be here to welcome in this great expansive feminine divine energy.  You are already physiologically and energetically built to handle this new wave, this new expansion, or you would not be here.  The 7th generation is now young adults, everyone is in place, the planets are aligned, and world community is ripe and ready for peace and harmony. 

Two months ago, while in meditation I was shown this wave of feminine divine energy that is already on its own journey towards humanity.  Not only coming from the cosmos but also from mother earth.  Matriarchal feminine is more of a receptive energy meaning it must be received, allowed in.  Feminine divine energy is strength in its gentleness, its higher frequency can permeate places in our energy field because the particles are smaller if I can describe it that way.  Like a glass bowl filled with golf balls and when you pour in water it can fill all the spaces in between the balls.  That is what we can expect, this beautiful elixir to infuse us with receptive expansive essence. 

For those of you who are caregivers, other oriented, put others before yourself, giving of yourself and constantly in service, over generous; you may find yourself welcoming this energy and yet challenged to take it in.  This essence requires you to allow yourself to receive.  This is not easy when we are constantly on output mode, what’s the next step mode, action oriented mode, and busy mind mode.  However, it is not impossible, in fact, it is not only possible but will happen whether you are choosing it or not.  I remember reading once, “we are being birthed and that is inevitable, however you can choose your birth to be easy or difficult, it depends on you.”  James Twyman.

This expansive essence of feminine divine energy is already allowing small amounts to come through to acclimate you to the upcoming changes.  March 11th it will begin to come through with an increase in flow and by March 15th we can experience the fullness of its beauty.  Some of you may not experience much change as you have already been working strongly with this energy.  For others it may feel like being infused with helium and you are lifting up, making it difficult to feel grounded.  Other symptoms, are aching feet, ankles, knees and hips, as you feel disconnected from earth energy, ringing in the ears as you can actually hear the high pitched sounds of this new frequency, or headaches as this frequency is loosening up old patriarchal ways of thinking. 

There is nothing to be afraid of with this new expansion of consciousness.  Once you have adjusted to this new heightened awareness you may notice yourself having different perspectives than before or new intuitive insights.  The one thing I have learned from riding the waves of change for the past 20 years is that there are new gifts we hold inside that are revealed to us with each shift.  Knowing this will help you keep your eye on the prize, the ice-cream after the game, the relief after the workout.  Remember you are not alone, there are millions, billions of others going through the same changes.  We are stronger together than we ever are apart. 

Energy health tips

Now that we talked about the upcoming wave that will arrive in just two weeks, let us talk about ways you can welcome these changes.   When this information came through, I had a lot of questions.  Why was it so important to share this with the community because we experience energy shifts all the time?  The reply was because this is a particularly large shift of energy and preparing will help all of us anchor it with more ease into the earth.  Will it make people sick?  No, but energy blocks within your body may feel uncomfortable as they are loosening up to release.  How long will this last?  Forever, this is the new energy you have been told about for years.  Can we do anything to ease this transition?  Yes, get creative, work with your creative energy.  Let’s get started with the tips:

  1. Find a quiet space to sit in meditation.  To meditate means to self-reflect.
  2. Imagine a grounding image that fits for your personality and connect that image between you and the center core of the earth and anchor that image to the core.
  3. Now imagine, earth energy rising up through your body starting with your legs. Set your intention that the earth energy assists you to dissolve any old outdated energy that no longer will serve you in this new vibration. 
  4. Allow yourself to release whatever blocks you from “allowing” yourself to release. Just say it in your mind, or out loud and let go.  Let it all drain down your grounding.
  5. Now imagine a switch. One direction is output mode and the other direction is intake mode.   If your switch shows you are on output mode then imagine flipping that switch to intake mode.  Do not be surprised to experience a lot of shifting happening in your energy field when you do this.  Allow yourself to release the energy that is always geared for output.  You may find the next day the switch has flipped back to output.  It may take a while to change this pattern in your life. 
  6. Remind yourself of today’s date and how old you are now. Repeat often, daily.
  7. Ask you spirit what is something you can do to increase the flow of your creativity. If you have no idea, then a simple box of crayons and a child or adult coloring book will do it. 
  8. Make a plan to start being creative right away. Plan to express higher creativity for about 6 weeks during the transition time. 
  9. Repeat this meditation time as often as you can, and share it with others who may benefit.  

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