Home / Newsletter Archives / The Time of Great Madness | January 2018

The Time of Great Madness | January 2018

When the internal bell of my soul rang, as I heard the term, The Great Time of Madness, I knew that this prophecy was significant.  I also know that, this prophecy is foretold in many ancient indigenous cultures in different ways but for some reason, this time, it drove deep into my consciousness.  If we had been reading this prophecy a thousands years ago, five hundred years ago, or even thirty years ago, we might have thought it was predicted by a mad/crazy person.  It might have felt intriguing, or even curious, but for me personally this past year of 2017 has shown me that this IS, “A Great Time of Madness.”  Nothing makes sense! 

Here is one of the interpretations of the prophecy that I found in my search engine.  

From the Lotus Sutra 13:

“In the evil age to come, living beings will decrease in good qualities and increase in utter ignorance, coveting gain and honors, developing their evil qualities, and being far removed from deliverance.”

“Drought, famine, disease and war will sweep the world… Nation will fight nations, and the larger will devour the smaller. People will no longer have any religion to which they can turn for solace or liberation: the doctrines of materialism will overwhelm their minds and drive them to struggle for their own selfish ends. The lust for power and wealth will prevail over teachings of compassion and truth.”

Last year we were exposed to event after crazy event that shook us at our core.  Regardless of your personal, religious or political beliefs, each of you have been touched at your soul’s core as we have experienced mass shootings, genocides, natural disasters, greed at the highest levels, and the utter lack of care and compassion for those suffering at unimaginable levels.  We are shaking our heads in disbelief, thinking at any moment we will wake up from this Time of Great Madness.


For twenty five years there has been a driving force that has moved my soul to prepare for this time.  No matter how many times my mind tried to tell me it is all non-sense, my soul continued to push me forward to strengthen my own grounding and in some ways, to prepare for battle.  Most recently, communication with my ancestors has been about strengthening my inner warrior qualities.  I find myself left with more questions than answers about how can there be room for warriors and love in the same breath?

Yet, this is exactly what we are being asked to do!  Be a warrior for love and go into battle for the values of loving compassion, kindness and blessed stewards of our fellow brothers, sisters, earth and the universe. 


We have been witness to the Great Time of Madness, yet do not forget that we also have been witness to a great time of warriors for love.  Millions are standing united against this time of Madness, refusing to allow it to consume us.  Many of you in your own ways are standing up and saying, not on my watch!  Each of you are guardians of this time.  This madness must come to the surface to be cleansed and thousands are being called to ground in strong solidarity to birth and transform this madness back into wholeness. 

You are invited to join us, in knowing, that the great comfort is coming!  We have been at this place in our evolution before and we are well equipped to hold the rudder as we steer this ship through the storm.  We can do this, in fact, we already are!  No matter how crazy or dark it gets out there, let us all be unwavering in our determination to be the guardians of the light of our own soul!

Energy tips:

It can be so easy to slip into despair when we read or hear about these ancient prophecies.  In fact this is why I have never read the Book of Revelation in its entirety.  I did not want to fall into despair, give up, or buy into the craziness.  I wanted to believe in the strength we have all been born with to continue to foster goodness.  You each are being called in your own way, during this Time of Great Madness, to do your part.  Meditation, I believe, is the key to keeping our rudder in the water, no matter how big the waves get. 

  1. Create a quiet, sacred space to turn within, in contemplative meditation.
  2. Have your notebook or journal with you to write down any messages you may receive about this time we are living in.
  3. Light a candle, symbolic of the pure divine light that is a constant in illuminating your way.
  4. Ground yourself to the center of the earth. The Prophecy talks of how the ancients moved to the center of the earth to protect the divine teachings so they would not be lost.  Allow yourself to touch into that sacred place.  Anchor yourself, then release all energy that would block you from knowing what you are being called to do.
  5. Take a deep breath in and as you release the breath, release all tension in your body. Reassure your body that your spirit will continue to make sure that your body is safe, secure, and well cared for.
  6. Connect with the God of your heart, the great creator, the divine love, the supreme wisdom, or what ever term feeds your soul the most. I do this by creating a gold or silver cord and imagining it connecting to God. 
  7. Allow the God of your heart to love you, to strengthen your core, knowing you are not alone in this great time of madness.
  8. Allow yourself to have a conversation, just like you are sharing a cup of tea with a friend. Share your concerns about this time we live in.  Ask to be illuminated, to maintain your illumination even when you are stressed, depressed or anxious. 
  9. Ask for guidance, a message for you. Even if you do not receive a message in this one sitting, ask that the message come through for you in signs when you are out in your daily life.
  10. Thank the divine, for sitting with you, journal your messages, feelings, knowingness and visions in your journal.
  11. Make plans to connect more with like-minded people so that when you are feeling particularly alone in the world, you will have the group’s strength to draw upon for solace.

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