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The Great Goddess Morrigan | March 2020

Just off the phone, two weeks ago, with Maria O’Farrell Carr, Irish Wisdom Keeper, I pondered about this trip to Ireland.  I had traveled to Ireland with Maria in 2015 and just touching the land stirred up memories of deep ancient wisdom along with more recent history of deep grief.  Learning the history of the great famine, and the mass exodus helped me to understand the suffering this country has endured.  Yet, the Druid and Celtic traditions were alive and well in every megalithic structure, stone circle, portal mound, and ley line that we visited. 

My mindful wonderings mused over just why I was being called back to Ireland again.  What was the reason, the purpose, the intention?  So, my time on the phone with Maria, this Ancient Wisdom Keeper, was to review the entire itinerary day by day, hour by hour, so I could feel the vibe and where it just might be taking us as a group.  The frequency far surpassed what it had been on my first journey there, so I found myself feeling extra curious. 

My own spiritual practice has not included the Druid Celtic Tradition, although many clients who come to see me, have often been met with messages from Celtic Druids and Goddesses.  So, this particular day, when the energy was ripe, I wondered just who I might call in to help me to understand these energies more.  On my first trip, Maria had taken our group to an ancient healing well, known as St Brigid’s well.  When our tour bus pulled up it appeared to be a grotto and cave; the sacred site was lined with crutches, wheelchairs, photos, candles, icons, symbolic of miracles and devotion to the Goddess Brigid.  So, I thought, I will send out a call to the Goddess Brigid and just see what unfolds. 

I closed my eyes and telepathically sent out a message, first of gratitude of her gifts, her presence, then explaining that I will be going to Ireland with a group in May and to humbly beseech that she illuminate insights for our upcoming trip.  I could tell that my request had hit its mark because the energy began to shift.  Over the next few minutes it shifted more, raising the vibration of the room I sat in to accommodate her frequency. 

Suddenly, Goddess Brigid was standing, floating, about 5 feet away to my left.  She was so illuminated and beautiful.  Then, the energy shifted again and more women in spirit form filled the room encircling Brigid.  There was a rainbow of colors all around me, as I was filled with an uplifting light, and my heart naturally opened.  She greeted me with a warm smile, yet there were no words. 

Then, the room I was in shifted, shifted, shifted rapidly, like the fluttering of wings, and behold, a much larger Goddess glided past the veil between worlds into my living room.  She was stunningly beautiful like the others, yet she was dressed in a long black gown, with lace, long black hair and bright eyes.  Her cape flew behind her as she came in, and as it settled, I could hear the fabric of her cape rustle into stillness.  Around her head was a crown of black, blue black feathers and ravens/crows announced she had arrived.  I could feel her enormous strength, quick wit, and no non-sense way of addressing an issue.  

I was speechless.  Sitting in my chair, wondering what door I had just opened in my innocence to call in Goddess (Saint) Brigid.  In my simplistic intention to just get some small insight as to the importance of our group taking this journey to Ireland.   I wrote Maria back, right away and this is what she wrote in return:

Goddess Brigid, is like the mother of all the goddess so that why they all came in with her when you first called.  She is like Mother Mary, sharing a similar, ray of light.  Bridgit is a triple goddess and so is Morrigan.

The black goddess was the Morrigan. I teach about her on my workshop. 

And it sure catches the student’s attention with her black cape and black crows around her.

The name Morrigan means ‘phantom queen’ (or ‘great queen’) and describes a Goddess from old Ireland that was very associated with war, destiny, fate and death… which just often means a change is coming. 

She was a shapeshifter and frequently appeared as a black crow, an ominous sign for those who saw her prior to battle.  Legend has it that the Morrigan was in fact a triad of sisters, often named as Badb, Macha and Nemain, while the Morrigan is also remembered as the triad of the land Goddesses Ériu, Banba and Fódla.

Such was her influence over the land of Ireland that it is from áariu that the word ‘Eire’ and ‘land’ (‘Ériu-land’), developed into ‘Ireland’, in effect naming the country! 

Maria went on to say in other emails that the Great Goddess, the Great Queen, is a very auspicious sign for all of those traveling to Ireland with us.  Can you say back pedal?  I have worked with many spiritual beings in the past, but few come through with her type of presence.  I made a decision that day to reset myself and move into creating a relationship of understanding with her over a few weeks, rather than a few minutes. 

What I have learned in my journey with this Great Goddess:

She is fearless and compassionate.  She does not have any hesitation to go deep into the darkness to pull the gifts of our soul to the light.  She showed me an image of her hand cutting through black mud, driving her arm deep into the muck and grabbing the crystal of our soul and bringing it out into the light. 

The time for Hiding has ended!  She is the Goddess of things hidden within us.  She tells me, I do not help you with your shadow side, clearing the old layer by layer.  I get right to the heart of the matter, bypassing all the wrongs, the sins, the ways in which we hold ourselves insignificant. 

She is the Goddess of war, death and birth.  She described to me she helps with the war going on inside of us, helping what no longer serves to die and pulling forth our gifts to be rebirthed.  When she helps with literal war it is from an energetic way. 

Goddess Morrigan is very no nonsense.  Straight to the point, cutting to truth, and blasting away illusion. 

Her color is so black that it has hues of midnight blue.  Just like the crow or raven, when the sun hits the wings there is a blue shimmer.  It is the same for her, so black that when the light illuminates her there is a blue shimmer throughout. 

The great goddess Morrigan will have a significant presence on our trip, reaching deep within us to pull forth each of our unique gifts to the surface.  She is certain each person will go back home, with a grasp of their own gifts to use in the world. 

The Sacred Hill of Uisneach, is known as the birth place of all the earths’ ley lines.  At the Beltane Ceremony, on May 9th , world elders as well as our group of travelers will gather together in celebration.  The ceremony will spark a surge of energy along the ley lines of the world, to awaken us all to the illuminate our own gifts that are hidden.  Therefore, this trip will be a significant one.  If you are joining us on the trip, you will be right in the thick of the transformation.  For those who will celebrate that day with us around the world, you too will experience an opening.

However, what I was most in awe of was the realization that she is in alignment with the blue light movement that is currently happening over these next few years.  The pieces of the spiritual puzzle continue to fall into place. 

Scroll to Energetic Health Tips for suggestions on connecting with your own hidden gifts.  The world is changing fast and the doors of consciousness are flying open.  It is time to let your own light shine!

Energy Health Tips –

What has been hidden will be revealed.  This was the message I received from spirit in 2019.  What was revealed was a whole lot of deception, corruption, greed, and crime.  However, what else has been hidden are the gifts we bring to this earth from our own spirit.  Our spirit is the gift!  Yet, we often hold back our own light and remain in our own shadow.  Here are some tips to begin to reunite with your own light, your own gifts and your own confidence in just who you are and who you came to be!

  1.  Find a quiet place to meditate.  Bring a journal, and pen.  Maybe some warm tea.  Light a candle and if you have a blue candle, even better. 
  2. Take time to write first, what you want to know, what you wish to see revealed in yourself, what you desire to feel what is deeply hidden within you. 
  3. Then set things aside, relax and close your eyes. 
  4. Ground yourself to the center of the earth and intend that your grounding go deeper until you can feel a sense of calm wash over you.  Let go of any pain, anxiety or tension by dropping it right down your grounding. 
  5.  Call your own spirit forward into the present moment by stating the date and your age.  Say out loud or in your own mind that all of your soul’s essence that may remain in the past or is in the future come fully present in the moment.  Do this for every chakra too!  Chakra 1 – survival, chakra 2 – emotions, chakra 3 – power and boundaries, chakra 4 – love, chakra 5 – communication, chakra 6 – clarity, and chakra 7 – divine spirit. 
  6. Ask that your gifts, your hidden gifts rise to the surface.  Do not allow for one second your mind to go to those places of why you might not have gifts, why you doubt your gifts, or your insignificance.  Only focus on the light of your gifts rising to the surface into the full light of consciousness. 
  7. If you feel comfortable, call on the Great Queen of Goddesses and ask for her assistance.  If her presence feels too strong for you …I get it.  Just allow yourself to then call upon another ascended master to assist you in your endeavor to bring your gifts forward. 
  8. Once the meditation is complete, thank the ascended master (s) for helping you. 
  9. If you did not have an experience, know that your intention to reveal hidden gifts may require, what I call, more cooking time.  Meaning, it could be days, weeks, months or years before it is revealed.  But do this exercise more often and your gifts will be revealed. 
  10. Did you have an experience?  Did you have a revelation?  Did you receive a set of instructions?  Then make a list of action steps to take the wisdom and knowledge and implement it into your life.  Be specific with yourself, and even mark in your calendar the steps you plan to take to help make it more real for you. 
  11. Allow yourself to fully receive the blessings infused, all the way to your toes. 
  12. Gratitude will activate your gifts. 

 I invite you to share this exercise with others. 

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