It time to wake up!
There is a ton of material from science, astronomy, an astrology that is burning up Facebook, YouTube, and media. There are religious sites talking about the end of time. All pertaining to the eclipses (2), mercury retrograde and the full moon (blood moon) on September 28th, as well as the Fall equinox. Even my 93 year old grandmother asked me to come by to give her the inside scoop as to what all of the fuss is about.
Truly you can find much more material about this in other writings, so most of this focus blog is to write what I have noticed directly with my clients, students, and myself. As well as conversations with other spiritual healers and teachers and what they have noticed.
The bottom line is……according to predictions, prophecy, this event only comes around every 3,600 years. This event is a certain planetary alignment boosted in significant affect on the earth by a coronal mass ejected from the sun as intense solar flares. In history according to what I have read, each time this has happened there has been a significant spiritual evolutionary awakenings on a mass scale all over the world. This change impacted history. Now we are in another history making spiritual evolution that is reported to awaken billions of people all over the world at the same time.
I wrote about this in 2010, channeled, and at about 50% through the writing over several days, my mind had convinced me it was more a piece for a science fiction movie than a real potential event. So I put the book away and went on about my life.
Now here we are in 2015, just a few days away from September 28th, the first Great Awakening shift and I am like a kid who can not wait for Christmas! Feeling this intensity build is the largest energy build that I have ever been able to consciously feel, so for me that says something because I can feel just about every little energy shift. So here in this post lets talk about what I have noticed personally.
1. When eye close my eyes, there are times that I see waves of energy flowing from bottom to top.
2. Pressure, pushing on the bottoms of my feet, arches that the shift into vibrations up my legs and then further up my body.
3. Intense pressure on top of my head for weeks now, and on some days a headache, and I rarely have had a headache in my life.
4. Sleep, I have needed an extraordinary amount of sleep. However have heard others can not sleep at all.
5. Light nausea, has not stopped me from eating however no food is appealing and I love food.
6. 3 Lucid, out of body type experiences in 3 weeks, when I have not had one in about 10 years. This is significant for me. I meditate regularly to make sure I stay in my body, so even with an increase in meditation it has no helped.
7. Dehydration! I have NOT been able to keep up with my fluids. yesterday was a 6 quart day just to see I could catch up. You would think that increase would come with more frequent trips to the loo! Nope, just keeping up.
8. Joint pain. Especially knees, ankles, and hips.
9. Meditating 1, 2, 3, and one day 4hrs in one day and it feels like spitting on a house fire…….just can not keep up with the vibration.
10. Irritation and annoyed easily. Or cry easily
What others have noticed :
- Headaches migraines.
- Join pains
- Irritation, anger, annoyance, and frustration.
- Intensity of life.
What do I suggest?
- Get plenty of sleep
- Drink plenty of fluids
- Meditate, Journal
- Keep LETTING GO! everything, just let go, do not engage. With anyone nor yourself, just keep letting go so that the new frequencies can expand rather than contract.
- These frequencies are infusing from the bottom up, earth to sky, not sky to earth even though that seems logical. So nature will help your awakening. The Wave X is infusing into the earth, then the earth infuses everything on it to include trees, waters, animals pets , children and adults.
- As students of our courses, ground, ground, ground!
Typing this has mercury retrograde infused in every strike of this keyboard so I will stop here before it breaks my patience! Happy awakening everyone !
Nancy Rebecca
2 responses to “The Great Awakening”
It is nice to know I am not in this alone. Thank you for sharing.
So, you said it, I have had ridiculous reactions to the point of a strained right leg tendon reaching form hip to ankle, Will be at the reading and request that you reserve me a seat. I have a luncheon invite that I want to attend so may arrive late and will pay at the door, Will try to be on time and present, Thank you, miss you both and have a marvelous reading, We are all so blessed that you have taken on our lights>>> julie