Home / Newsletter Archives / Spread the Kindness Vibe! | August 2020

Spread the Kindness Vibe! | August 2020

Everything has a frequency, a vibration, a movement of energy that influences our human energy field.  In years past, we were not conscious enough to know just how much we were impacted by the vibes of the world.  Some would say we have been asleep, going through our day as if what happened out there did not really directly impact us. 

The internet has changed our awareness of events around the world and in this way we have become a global community: we are much more aware of events happening worldwide and that is a lot of energy and information to assimilate and process.

In the last few decades extremely sensitive humans began to be born that were tapped into the energies surrounding us.  You, sensitive ones, could feel the wars on the other side of the world and wondered why you were not able to cope in the same way others did.  The world got busier the pace ever quickening and we became entrenched in schedules so thick with activity and that “became” a life.  Currently, as the world has slowed in the face of the pandemic, we are waking up and yawning off the heavy slumber only to awaken to a world that most of us do not even recognize.  Who was at the helm of the ship while we slept?  Who did we trust to steer the ship of our world and our lives? 

Spirit continues to tell me that what is needed in the world is our core goodness to emerge.  Spirit often reminds me that our soul goodness resides deep inside of us and hungers to awaken with the rest of the world.  Somewhere along the way we adopted the dog eat dog world mentality just to survive and now find that is no longer working for the majority. 

Vibration and frequency can best be described as sound waves.  The lower the sound frequency the slower the granules of sand on a platform vibrate creating a blocked, square type pattern.  The higher the frequency the more complex and beautiful the pattern that emerges is.  Sound frequencies radiate out and influence us.  Sensitive people have known this because they can feel it.  Dr. Masaru Emoto released his ground breaking discovery of how the vibration and frequency of our thoughts could influence how frozen water formed crystals.  You can witness this in the 10 minute video here: 

Every thought you have, has a frequency.  That frequency can be lower or higher and everything in between.  The frequency of kindness, can move into the human energy field like a light elixir that can soften the hardest of hearts.  Kindness, can move into the most microscopic openings to liquify the blocked energy of pain and suffering.  Yet there are some people who have so much protection that they fear letting their guard down in the presence of kindness.  I describe the response as being like throwing water on a grease fire.  The kinder you try and be the more explosive some can become.  The explosiveness energetically is meant to protect deep terrifying fear energy.  For those who fear the vulnerability of that much kindness coming towards them it requires smaller doses of kindness over a longer period of time.

There are many of us who have chosen to come to the earth to anchor kindness during this great time of change on our planet.  Those with the core of goodness and kindness are being called forth now to remember this beautiful frequency and make the choice in each moment to be kind.  Choosing kindness again and again can feel like such a struggle against the battering of greed, hatred and violence.  Choosing to stand up as “Kindness Warrior” is what is needed now in our own homes and in our communities. 

Collectively, we can choose kindness over and over again, shifting to tip the balance for the entire world.  Choosing to radiate the higher refined gentle frequency further and further out to the world and the universe to create a better world for everyone.  Does this mean passive?  Not at all!  This simply means we are moving into a new era of Kindness in powerful action!

Please join us in visioning a future where Kindness in Action is the predominant frequency that crumbles the old patterns of dominance so that the sun can rise, awakening us to our souls that hold the wisdom of who we truly are!

Energetic Health Tips

We must first awaken to our own kindness.  We all have it, however for some of us it has been buried deeply for safe keeping for our entire lifetime.  Kindness has been seen as weakness and we have been programmed to believe this as a truth but it is actually a lie.  Kindness is an incredibly strong frequency and through meditation you can rebuild your relationship and understanding of this brilliant energy. 

  1.  Create a sacred space for yourself for this exercise.  It can be in your own home or in nature. 
  2. Allow yourself to light a candle, have nice soothing music, soft pillows and blankets and your journal. 
  3. Close your eyes and turn your attention to your inner spiritual world.  Take some deep breaths in and out with the intention of settling into yourself. 
  4. Ask your body how it is feeling and let you body know that you would like it to open to the frequency of your own kind soul self. 
  5. Talk to your own spirit, ask your spirit to help you to learn something new about your own inner kindness. 
  6. Ground yourself deeply into the earth, creating a deep root system to anchor the kindness frequency into mother earth. 
  7. Now, ask your spirit, who remembers your deep goodness and kindness, to create a large ball of kindness energy above your head and like a highly refined energy, allow it to infuse, soak and saturate your entire human energy field, and chakras. 
  8. Infuse your bones, muscles, organs, nervous system and brain with kindness.
  9. Once you have filled yourself with the kindness frequency, then allow it to cascade down into the earth, filling up the earth with kindness. 
  10. Imagine you are a lighthouse of kindness and radiate your kindness frequency out into the world and universe. 
  11. When you have completed this kindness meditation, journal your experience.  Ask you body and soul, when it would like to do this meditation again?  How often should it be repeated for the healing of yourself and the world? 
  12. Make a decision to do one act of kindness for someone else each day.  Remember, the small things are the big things and we are all in this together. 

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