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Spiritual Leadership by taking Action

Spiritual Leadership by taking Action

September 2014 Newsletter



This past month has been spent in deeper meditation than usual looking for spiritual answers to the world crises. Interestingly enough, we have had multiple calls for emergent appointments from individuals who are feeling and experiencing the stress in their lives manifest into relationship, health and emotional crises. All of these things seem to have come at the same time.

In the last newsletter I shared the message from the Divine to not give up, to keep standing and moving forward and to trust and have faith that there truly is an unfolding and that there is purpose to all that is happening now, even if we cannot understand why there is so much suffering. The last message that came through was: “It’s Time! “, it is now time to take everything we have been working towards and put it into action!

In the talk last week, at the Intuitive Mind Center, about how important the health of the energy field is, the topic of meditation came up. I spoke to the importance of meditation and to the fact that in all the years of practice and seeing energy fields, I have not seen anything that shifts your life into balance faster than actually sitting and meditating consistently on a daily basis.   I have noticed a pattern of many of the great teachers of our time who write about meditation; they started 20 years ago with the suggestion to meditate an hour per day and it will change your life and change the world. Then it was meditate 30 minutes a day, change your life, and then 20 minutes, and now the pleading request is 10 minutes! Now, we see all over Facebook, emails, and other social programs, just meditate 5 minutes a day and it will make a difference!   What I can hear spiritually is an energetic urgency, begging the community to at least do the minimum. We know your life is busy, we know there is stress, we know there are too many distractions, we know you have monkey mind, so please, please , please just try to meditate for one minute a day!


The true reality is, in our western culture and now moving into other cultures, that we have our priorities all mixed up. We will reach for the phone, email, or social media and find time for those things, however, no time to meditate. If you have children, then you have so many activities to take them to, and yet meditation is an activity that is discounted and put at the bottom of the list. Even children can meditate and actually love to when provided the opportunity.


Attending a social event was an action goal that I set for myself this month. At a gathering I attended, a man said to me, “it must be hard for you being in tune with the larger world events and knowing it can shift but then you realize it just cannot happen fast enough.” He was speaking a truth. It just cannot happen fast enough. In this situation he took the leadership role in acknowledging this truth. We were both inspired by the conversation that followed. Each of you can take this action step by engaging in heart-felt real conversations with others; acknowledging what you are experiencing and feeling about life right now, and sharing ways that you cope with news of world events and with the issues that come into your life to be worked with. This keeps us “in tune” with our feelings and with each other as we navigate our lives and builds community and strengthens the feeling that we are not alone in our endeavors; it keeps us connected to ourselves and to each other.

Then, I was reading our favorite Astrologer, Eric Frances (www.planetwaves.net), and found a kinship in his writing dated July 24th, 2014. He said, “We as people have developed more humane personal values but those values are not showing up in forms of action, choice, involvement, resistance or creative solutions.” He continued on; “Intelligence requires cultivating inner sensitivity to problem solve and yet we leave little room in our lives to do so. Being in a state of constant crises does not grant a pass from getting involved in larger issues.” Then he went on to say; “Personal work, self-improvement, study of astrology or metaphysics, yoga and meditation can become self-serving, and all-consuming with its aims towards enlightenment and perfection, but then what?”

ACTION is the next step towards true spirituality but what does that mean exactly? Everyone can be a leader. It does not mean you have to lead thousands of people, just one person at a time. Use the wisdom you have learned and share that wisdom with others. When in conversation, speak about peace, compassion, and love. Bring those words to the forefront when you engage with others. Get involved in a service project. I mentioned this in the last newsletter, however, it is worth mentioning again. Reach out to the shelters, nursing homes, Big sister, or Big brother services to connect with kids who may not have parents or other adults to lead them; or, begin at home, making sure there is quality connection time with family members and then as a family connect to others in your community, make the time to connect!

Healers can offer healings to others. I know so many who have wonderful skill and abilities, but have stopped giving healings. The Universe provides so many opportunities to reach out to others. Now is the time to offer your services! Join your community planning meetings and add your voice to what is important for the whole community. Again, action can mean so many different things to each of you. Please join us in taking action at a whole new level. Mentor others on ways that they can take action. There are those out in the world right now in a war mentality that seem to be taking more action than the rest of us. It is time to turn the Universal ship around and head towards a more peaceful existence, and together we can do this!







Energy tips


Meditation is an action step. I have mentioned in other newsletters and in our classes, that when you do not meditate, you still learn. You learn from outside experiences that cause you to feel uncomfortable enough to make changes or to stop and contemplate what you need to get out of the uncomfortable experience so you can move forward in a different way.

When you meditate, you shift from the inside out gaining spiritual insight, in this still place of meditation, mitigating the need to work spiritual lessons out through repeated external experiences. You calm your inside self and then the outer world calms. However, many times in the beginning chaos can increase when you begin a meditation practice, because you are shaking up the chaotic energy to move it out of your body and energy field; don’t let this stop you!

Eventually, you begin to get into sync with your inner rhythms and that is reflected in your life, and though the “bumps” continue, the perspective changes and forward movement resumes as you bring this spirit-filled perspective to your life; and sometimes you are able to smile a little at the chaos, because you have a different kind of “knowing” about its relation to you and what lesson it brings. Releasing the old outdated energy through daily meditation brings the sense that each day has a fresh start, and gives release from the “energy hangover” from past events…just 5 minutes…it truly is life-changing.

We invite you to make a list of spiritually oriented action goals, as well as steps that you will physically take to engage with those goals and others in your life. These action steps are as important, perhaps even more-so, than any activity on your already long “to do” list!   Phone a few friends and agree to meet to make goals together about ways you can begin to change the consciousness of your community, make time to connect with others at community gatherings to share ideas and connect with other people about current issues, both personal and global; we suggest that it is more important than ever to come out of our “individual pods” and reach out and stay connected as a community and that making this commitment is vital to bring about the social change that will evolve into a world that we all desire to live in.

Choose a service that you can do. Even if you cannot leave your home, there are many things you can do from home.

  1. Find a quiet place to sit with your list. Or if you are not sure where to begin with your goals, then meditate first and allow spirit to give you ideas in those quiet moments of your mind.
  2. Ground yourself to the center of the earth. Imagine you are like a tree with deep roots connecting to the center of the earth and bringing up into your body the nourishing energy of the earth. Allow yourself to take in deep cleansing breaths and then when you exhale release tension down your grounding (roots). This activity alone can be very centering and bring peace.
  3. Allow yourself to notice what comes up for you around the tension in the world and release it down your grounding over and over again until you feel more at peace. With each breath in, gather the tension, and release it down your roots as you release the breath.
  4. Sit with the words, “action” and “it is time”, and notice what messages come up for you around this. Many times when you allow the quiet, knowing what your next step should be can just “pop” to the surface.
  5. Write notes about the inspirational ideas that spirit is providing you. Yes, in these quiet moments, your own Spirit is communicating with you; take time to listen as the tension and chaos releases down your grounding you are more able to hear your Spirit.
  6. Set action steps that you will take to reach those action goals! Call a friend, make a friend, go to a community gathering; connect with others.
  7. Share with friends what you plan to do and inspire and encourage them to find something to take action on.
  8. Continue to inspire yourself by inspiring others, one person at a time.
  9. Write us and share your actions so we can feel inspired too!






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