It is June here in the great Pacific Northwest! We have had so much constant rain over the winter that we never thought we would begin to dry out. The news reported that in 7 months we only had about 4 actual days of sunshine which could make the hardiest of us feel heavy and depressed.

We do need sun, warmth/heat, and sometimes even fire to activate the seeds that are buried deep underground. This sparks the creation process of bursting that hard outer shell of the seed so it can begin to expand and blossom. When we are born, we come into this body with seeds of a calling and purpose to fulfill. These seeds are held deep inside of us. We also have seeds of unfinished business left over from past lives, old karma, and ancestral patterns held deep withing our DNA.

Those seeds of creation inside of us have a time and a place to open, grow and blossom. They will open at just the right time and no matter how much meditation time we take to love and nurture these seeds, they can leave us frustrated and impatient with the lack of results.

The Madagascar Palm ONLY flowers after 100 years of growth; it then bears its fruit and dies. Inside of us there are seeds of creation and purpose that lay dormant and only bloom when divine timing and personal choice collide to add their color to our lives. Those potential blossoms inside of us bear the fruit that is intended, which is life teaching, learning, and experience, and then disappear shedding itself from your energy field.

Night Blooming Cereus has a rapid huge growth over a year/12 month period of time before it blooms. Yet it does not bloom in the daylight, only in the dark of the night, therefore we can miss the beauty of its long-awaited blossoms. These types of seeds held inside of us can grow quickly, and blossom quickly yet can be passed by in the darkness of our life causing us to miss this awakening. There are always gifts left behind after the bloom, if we can get out of our own way enough to notice.

The American Agave takes 10 years to produce a bloom. In that 10 years it can appear as a scruffy unassuming plant that does not attract any attention then suddenly it burst forth with a flowering that can take your breath away. How many times in our lives have we surprised even ourselves? Scruffy unassuming in our ways and then at just the right time and moment, we step up and truly show our enormous beauty!

The Giant Himalayan Lily only grows in higher elevations in the Himalayan Mountains, needing the perfect thin dry air to thrive in. Appearing as a low lying shiny leafed ground covering; then suddenly every 5-7 years it will burst upwards to a height of 10 feet with delicate trumpet shaped flowers announcing its grandeur. How many times have we said to ourselves, it is now time to stand in my truth? We then stand up, no longer flying under the radar, to show our own high towering blossoms!

The seeds of growth inside each of us has a timing. Each seed has its own purpose, its own nature, its own character and personality. You may wish that you could grow up faster, feel confident and no longer insecure, speak up when you have been shy, or playful when you have always been responsible and serious. However, we all have our own timing, our own true nature, and own purpose and calling that may not even be achieved in this lifetime.

In the month of June, enjoy the seeds blossoming for you and allow yourself the patience to know it may not be your timing to push those other seeds to blossom and fruit before they are ready!
Energy tips
In the energy tips for this month let’s look at your own seeds of change and transformation. Remember to always begin first with solid grounding and then add playfulness and imagination!
- Find a quiet place to sit, grounded and centered. You can light a candle, turn on soft music, whatever assists your body to settle into a place of self-reflection.
- Have a journal with you to write down your observations.
- Now close your eyes, and remind yourself of today’s date. If any of your energy is in the past or
the future call it back to you to be here fully in the present moment.
- Release down your grounding any tension you may hold in your body.
- Now let’s play! Imagine that you can see a cross section of soil. Inside this cross section of soil are many seeds. Some seeds are closer to the surface and some seeds are deeper. Some of your seeds are tiny but powerful and some seeds are large and gentle.
- Now imagine the sun’s radiant light shining down on the seeds, warming them to open.
- Which ones open easily, which ones are thinking about opening and which seeds inside of you have no intention of opening right now.
- Ask your higher self what the seeds of change and transformation are about, what is about to grow and blossom inside of you.
- Ask your higher self about those seeds that are still dormant. It is not their time yet to open. See if you can gain some insight on your growth to come down the way in the journey of life.
- Ask the Divine for patience as well as gratitude for where you are in your growth.
- Journal about your new found awareness’s today.
- Enjoy tending and growing your inner garden!