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Remembering The Sacred | April 2017

Every energy has its own signature, its own imprint on us.  For over twenty years I have been like a mad scientist testing this energy and that energy allowing each energy to infuse my aura so that I could feel and experience each separate energy and how it affects my energy field. 

Nearly 17 years ago, I was teaching a class on meditation and guiding the class through experiencing how the various cosmic colors can feel differently in the body. As the students shared afterwards, it was important to notice who had a positive experience with the color red, who disliked red, who felt uplifted with green and who felt nauseated with green.   As I guided them through several different colors, I had the thought; I know, we will finish up with the energy of love to help them feel loved!  Well to make a long story short, it was a disaster!  Immediately I could see the contracted looks on everyone’s faces who had their eyes closed.  Three people had to leave the room to go and throw up.  Others began crying, wailing, and others just opened their eyes because it was too much. 

I have learned since then, that our society, overall, has difficulty not only loving themselves, but also struggles with allowing others to love them.  Yet, we all seek to love and be loved deeply.  It was not the love energy that made them sick, pained, and saddened but it was the belief that they were not lovable, deserving, or worthy of love!  Since that time, learning about all the different energies and their effects on human nature has driven me to deepen my own spiritual understanding so that we can all benefit from what I learn. 

We are witnessing a time in our human evolution that has happened before on our planet.  The Atlanteans, and Lumerians are just two examples of advanced races of people who existed on our earth tens of thousands of years ago, who had higher knowledge and technology.  They could fly aircraft, move objects with their minds, communicate telepathically, and assimilate energetic changes easily. Then one day their entire civilizations just disappeared.  The theory is that they began to value the mind over their spirit, that materialistic power carried more weight than spiritual power, and the secrets to unlocking the soul were held by a few.  As history repeats itself we have the opportunity again to change the outcome.  If we miss this opportunity, we will have another one until we get it right. 

Political conflict is a word we are all experiencing right now.  Who is right and who is wrong.  Who really has the power, the elite with money or the people, the blue collar, or the white collar, the educated or uneducated?  Which religion is the ultimate, the righteous?  Which sexual expression is ordained by God?  These debates have been going on for at least several thousand years, they will be repeated over and over again until we get it right! 

However, I kept telling myself, something is missing.  There is one ingredient that is missing and it was driving me crazy.  Which brought me back to the energy of love, and wondering if that is the answer, then why are we having so much difficulty loving each other?  Then the answer came…….we have forgotten the sacred.  We have forgotten that all is sacred, all life, all people, all colors, all sexes, all of nature, all religions, all paths are sacred.  Everything is already sacred. 

According to Stephen Harrod Buhner; One must enter the realm of the sacred and experience its transcendental nature to fully understand it.  To say one religion is more sacred than another or one territory of land is more sacred than another is like saying your thumb is more sacred than your fingers!  He further pointed out that the sacred has a dynamic aspect in that it has a tendency to manifest itself on its own accord.  The intrusion of the sacred into human experience represents a direct transmission of the REAL, a transmission of God, Creator, Allah, Great Spirit.  This transcendence predates linguistic and cultural constructs. 

Sacred energy is an essence, that is a quality uniquely its own. In other words, sacred energy cannot be described or defined, it can only be experienced.  This is the element we are missing in all of our relationships.  When observing another we catalog, categorize, size up and package them into little boxes constructed from our mind/ego.  What results would those same observations produce if we looked at one another from that place of the sacred? 

This is my theory of what is the missing ingredient in the world.  We are being called at a deep soul level to remember the sacred. To embody the sacred, and treat all of our relationships as the most precious valuable connections we have.  Including our relationships with the, earth, nature, animals, water, air, and ourselves.  Sacred energy is not just for the few, this energy is a direct energy transmission of the divine available to infuse us now, if we will allow it. 

Energetic Health Tips

Remember that sacred essence cannot be understood or described in words.  Sacred essence must be experienced. 

  1. Find a place and a time to create a quiet sacred space to sit or lay down in.
  2. Have a journal nearby to write down how this sacred energy felt in your body.
  3. Allow yourself to ground, and then contract your body, then relax it, contract it again, and relax again. Repeat this three times.
  4. Allow any tension in your body to drain away with each breath.
  5. Imagine your hand and feet chakras wide open, to allow tension and stress to drain out of your body. Move and adjust your body as needed to feel more relaxed. 
  6. When “thinking” about sacred energy, you may feel tempted to “think” of God, Jesus, Mary, Buddha, Shiva, Angels, or other ascended masters to help you “think “ of a sacred being to relate to. I will ask you to try and not do that for this exercise. 
  7. Imagine you are a being who has absolutely no concept of religion, or spiritual structure. You existed long before there were rules, and commandments. 
  8. Now imagine calling forth the sacred, call it to you, allow it to begin infusing every cell of your being. Like sacred water being poured into a container of sand.  Allow the sacred essence to flow through the tiniest of places of your bones, marrow, muscles, tendons, nerves, blood vessels.  Like a dry sponge expanding as you soften and take in more. 
  9. Now as a sacred being, allow yourself to see someone in your life that causes you to feel impatient, or annoyed. When in the essence of the sacred, do you see them the same or different? 
  10. Journal your experience, and then make a list of ways you can express the sacred in your everyday life.

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