Let me begin by explaining what a Bones Divination is. I have my own Bones Divination set that went with me through a ceremonial initiation to become spiritually activated. Each single bone has a meaning all on its own. When two bones that have separate meanings touch each other it then creates another meaning. If 5 bones touch each other, creating a cluster of bones, then it creates a more layered context. Therefore, it can be a complex process to learn to “read” the layout and listen to how the spirit world/ancestors define the lay out. One of the hallmarks of a session with a Sangoma, is you cannot state out loud what questions you have, because your ancestors already know what you want to know and will tell you in the reading.
A clear example of this is when one young 11 year old girl came in with her father for a bones reading. Her father went first, and then left when it was her turn. He later told me that he wanted the ancestors to address her anxiety and he had coached his daughter to let me know about the anxiety that can at times consume her. When she arrived in the room, she was very shy, yet attentive to my instructions and she never said a word. As soon as I threw the bones onto the mat, her ancestors were all aflutter describing this deep anxiety that she holds in her chest area and that it needed to be healed. I share this to show the example of how the ancestors know what needs to be addressed even if we do not always know.
So when the ancestors told me they wanted this year of newsletters to be a message from the ancestors each month, that is exactly what I did and here is the results for February:
My intention in this Bones session is to bring through the spiritual messages for our global community that will assist us with clear vision, intuitive insights and wisdom to be able to take the actions necessary, whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual to move us more clearly onto the path that will awaken the world to a greater consciousness. In turn that greater consciousness will assist us in creating a world of caring, kindness, compassion, truth, and justice for all.
Once I threw the bones onto the mat, a vision came to me through the ancestors of a large earthy pathway wide enough to support 10 people walking side by side. The vision further showed 100’s of thousands of people walking towards this large earthy path, barefoot, and turned onto the path heading to the future towards the sun. In the vision if I looked back at where the path came from I was shown thick black fear, in the form of blackberry vines, with thousands of thorns. When I asked spirit what they represented I was told it was old fears in the past. Fears are contained for most people in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd chakras, the physical chakras. Individuals on a spiritual path often make the decision to simply move only into the light without clearing the darkness the shadow self that we all carry. Acknowledging that we all are working through our shadow, having gratitude for the lessons learned, and letting go of the dark residual, allows us to get to our inner most gifts.
I then raised up from the vision to see the bones lay out. The very first bones represented fear and near the fear bone was the gifts and strength bones. The ancestors went on to explain that this month of February was about working through our fears to get to our strengths and gifts in life. Ignoring our fears, pretending that they don’t exist, or using numbing behaviors to help us forget our fears can also block us from our strengths and gifts as well.
The next segment of the layout of bones, shows old ancestral pain that we hold in our DNA that tells us that we are insignificant and what you have to offer the world truly has no meaning or purpose. This is what I would call a belief system that we hold as a truth but is actually a lie. Knowing the lie that we are insignificant is the first step of healing it. Also, set the intention for your ancestors who came before you to know that they no longer have to play small. The ancestor’s ability to rise up, uplifts you as well.
The “nature” and “Bear medicine” bones were together on the mat along with an “ascended master bone”. Those three together create a very big PowerPoint in this reading. What makes it even more exciting is that those three bones were right next to the “Bridge/Path” bone indicating a moving forward. So although there is fear, and fear of dealing with those darker aspects of the self, you each have in this month of February a tremendous amount of spiritual support to walk you through your fears and climb onto your path to achieve your gifts. Getting out in nature, talking to an ascended master that you feel comfortable with, such as Jesus, Mary, Kuan Yin, Buddha, Archangel Michael, God, etc, and meditating on the strength of the bear coming out of hibernation will assist you to deepen this healing.
Once on the bridge, which I am told is around mid-February there will be great movement in your life and you will be called to bring your male and female energies into balance through diet, rest and exercise. More walks in nature will take this balancing to another level. Then as you come into balance and with the help of ascended masters, and ancestors in general, you will begin to have faith that your strengths and gifts are coming to the surface. The feelings of inadequacy and insignificance are shedding away and a unity confidence is beginning to form. This can be seen by the “Family/Community Bone” (Turtle) under the “Heart Bone” (Shell), which is also a really exciting layout which represents a strengthening in the community that uplifts and opens the heart for everyone. In the layout the heart is upside down, meaning closed but community love is on the way to help get it turned right side up. How you personally can assist this process is by being kind and caring to each person you meet knowing with each interaction, the heart of our global community is opening. Opening the heart ultimately calms and heals our fears, allowing us to not ignore them, rather face them with an open, compassionate heart so that we may heal them.
The top of the mat lay out is the conclusion of the month. I was very excited to see this strong finish to such great movement through old fears this month. The red and white beaded “Balance” bone was near the “complexity bone”. When we are stressed we can see our life’s issues as being more complicated than they need to be. It is a good spiritual sign that the balance bone is on it and taking care of business. The “Action” red beaded bone, represents taking action with your new strengths and gifts. The “Abalozi bone” turquois and white beads, represents the STAR BEINGS, those spirits from another galaxy that are here to assist us on earth during this GREAT TIME OF CHANGE. Smack dab in the middle of those bones is the power and strength bone.
In conclusion, the entire Bones Divination Reading started with moving through fears and working with the shadow self at the beginning of the month to stepping into our inner strengths and revealing our gifts as a global community. Visit the Energy Health segment to explore tips on getting the most out of this month’s wisdom.
Energy Health Tips
Once you have read the bones reading, allow yourself to make notes about what this reading specifically means for you. You may even want to print off the picture to be able to keep it near your meditation space the entire month, since in March there will be another new Bones Divination message. If you process through creativity, then have colored pencils and paper with you as well. Find a quiet place to work and if you feel called to light a candle for the ancestors or put on soft music feel free to do so.
- Write down how this bones divination session spoke to you personally in regard to your own life. What fears and insecurities do you hold onto in your life? List what you would describe as your shadow self and shadow behaviors. I call them the good, the bad and the ugly. Ask the ancestors to help you to clear what no longer serves you.
- Close your eyes, and turn within. Ground yourself really strongly to the center of the earth. You can achieve grounding results by simply working with the image of a tree but do not limit yourself to this one image. You want strong grounding as this will be a transformational month.
- Set your intention to release all out of balance shadow material. Sometimes I imagine filling a large black garbage bag and then dropping it down my grounding shoot to be recycled by earth. Spend About 1-2 minutes just dumping as much as you can. Allow any spiritual lessons that you have learned from experiencing your shadow to be incorporated into your conscious memory as you release the old outdated emotions around the shadow material. Remember to present time your energy to today’s date and remind yourself how old you are now.
- Express gratitude to all of the ancestors, ascended masters and star beings for all the love and support they are surrounding you with this month as you heal your shadow side. Allow yourself to feel and experience their presence and let the emotions of gratitude drift upward and also let it saturate your energy field.
- Then ask that you be shown and know your strengths and gifts. If nothing comes to you just know that over the month, the spirit world will work to reveal those strengths and gifts to you.
- Once this meditation and prayer is complete, make notes on what intuitive insights came to you and write goals that will require personal action this month to achieve a strong finish in self and community caring, kindness, and compassion.
- Color or draw any images that may have come up for you.
- Know that each person who reads this month’s newsletter and participates in these tips will add to the strength of each of you as a whole.
I look forward to sharing the month of change with you as we are always much stronger together than we are apart.