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No Agenda! | August 2018

Making a trip to The Big Island of Hawaii at the end of June, where an extremely active volcano is expressing itself, was not high on my “let me grab my suitcase now” list.  First, I am not an Island girl.  There is just something about knowing that I am on a little piece of land that I can drive all the way around, in one day in a car, and still get a good night’s sleep-this disturbing idea never seems to leave my mind.  I am constantly aware that if this Island sinks we are sunk!  I know that this is not a rational thought, but it is just how my mind works when I am on the Island.  Then, add to this mix, an actual erupting volcano that is a two hour drive from where I am staying, and I still can’t get “if this Island sinks we are sunk” kind of thinking out of my mind! 

Having said all of that, I love the Big Island.  It is the largest of the islands, is the least populated and has many sacred areas.  The Hawaiians still have a ceremonial practice and I can feel the ceremonial prayers in the earth there. It is home to several large pods of spinner dolphins and has many wonderful places to snorkel.   There are also many sacred temples {stone platforms} called Heiau’s.  It is rare that I visit Hawaii in the summer and I was looking forward to the silky air and intoxicating aroma of the mango’s, papaya’s, pineapple and flowers ripening in the heat of the sun.  I weighed all the pros and cons in my mind and had pretty much decided that I was not going to go.  Then I had a conversation with my own spirit and was told that yes, I must go.  What to do when my body says one thing and my spirit says another?  I follow my spirit first of course.  This is not my first rodeo trying to argue with my spirit and over 25 years, I can not recall winning one argument!  However, my body had a few good points about fears of volcanic eruption, sulfur clouds and acid rain.  Once I was assured by my spirit that it would not be an issue, then being presented with a $350.00 round trip ticket, I knew this trip was all systems go!

Meditating two weeks before my trip, my spirit piped up and said to me, “oh by the way, this little Hawaii trip you are going on needs to be without any Agenda”.  What, NO AGENDA!?!  What do you mean by NOOOOOO AGENDA?  I do not even know if I know what that means to have NO AGENDA!  I began sharing this message with friends, family, clients, and students.  Seriously you guys, what does it mean to have NO AGENDA?  This only caused all I asked to laugh even harder.  I think my entire life has been an agenda! My work began first by trying to define the difference between INTENTION and AGENDA.  What I know now is that “intention” sets the tone before the trip, and an agenda would be a list of goals to achieve that intention.  In this case my intention became not to have an agenda!  Clear as mud right?

The day I was to leave, found me over sleeping and hitting Highway traffic at a dead stand still at 3:30am in the morning.  My spirit kept assuring me that I would be sitting on that plane but if you have ever been at Seattle Tacoma airport then you can tell me how in the world I arrived at the United Airlines desk at 5:05am and the plane took off with me on it at 5:25am?  Again, my body was shaking from cortisol coursing through my veins and yet my spirt was cool and calm as I was clearly reminded, I  would make that flight!  My agenda was to leave at a certain time, but my agenda did not include over sleeping or getting caught in the middle of the night in a traffic jam.  Spirit was really pushing me to literally let go of any agenda!

When the plane doors opened on the tarmac, there was an onslaught of fragrances to greet me; all the wonderful intoxicating smells I remembered,  weaved with just a touch of sulfur.  The air and local greetings were warm as I walked out to meet Yvonne.  First stop was Kona Coffee, then groceries, then our favorite spot, Manini Beach on Kealakekua Bay in the Captain Cook area of the Island.  Sensually, everything was just what you imagine Hawaii to be, visually stunning, intoxicating air, and soft breezes on your skin.  I brushed off that deep unsettled place that says you are sunk if this Island sinks and settled into having no agenda. 

Well my intention to stay in the moment and have no agenda served me well.  The waves were too large to swim or snorkel, and the Vog, (sulfurous fog) hung over the Island and obscured the potential for crystal clear skies.  If I had come with an agenda, each moment would have been a disappointment.  If my heart had been set on getting in that water and snorkeling all day, I might have felt let down.  If my agenda had been to soak up a lot of sun and view the stars at night I might have been cranky.  NO Agenda was a valuable lesson on this trip.  I found myself able to shift gears in direction much easier when the plans changed.

We did have many highlights!  Singing out to a pod of 30 spinner dolphins.  Asking them if they can hear me, would they please respond by having 3 dolphins jump out of the water?  Then, one, two, three dolphins shot straight up to show me that got my message.  We went on a four-hour hike with a local Hawaiian story teller who shared many ancient stories of the land we were walking on.  We had western movie night marathon, Kona coffee with papaya, mango, bananas and lime every morning, beautiful birds, flowers bursting in bloom, a drive up through a 5000 ft pass where the largest telescopes are located and a day trip to Hilo to take my first helicopter ride over active lava eruptions. 

The spirit world and ancient sacred sites were highly active with Goddess Pele waking them all up!  I slept only 1-2 hours a night due to the high spiritual activity in the portal I was in.  My clairvoyant eyes could see strong orange red rays of light infusing the land with streaks of blue light.  The blue light, which I am beginning to write about in my blog on the same subject, was most intense in the area we were staying in.  I was told that Kealakekua Bay was extremely high in vibration and the area was on the 19.5 degree latitude, https://www.muaisa.org/vortex, where a large star gate portal exists.  Here is another small clip that talks about the significance of this location.

We invite you to explore this phenomenon more deeply on your own.  Basically this means it is a huge portal that creates an ease for other beings to move on and off the planet earth.  So I assisted as guided to anchor this blue light into the bay to stabilize all the active creative forces inspired by Goddess Pele, the creator of sacred earth. 

My last stop was Pu’ukohola Heiau, which is the most sacred and powerful Heiau’s of all the Islands.  It was prophesized that when built would bring all the islands kings together to form one unified kingdom and provide peace.  I was alone, walking the land, as 12-foot-tall blue light beings moved with me.  Many ancestors of this land greeted me in gratitude for taking the time to drive north to pay my respects to the Hawaiian ancestors and thank them for allowing me to visit.  My visit felt complete and I was ready to step back off this island that is the focal point of spiritual transformation at this time.  Makhos!

Energy tips

This Newsletter is about having No Agenda.  This will serve you well to practice this as six planets are currently in retrograde; Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.  High vibrational portals are opening wider in this earth to anchor in higher frequencies for us to begin integrating.  So I suggest a good meditation to keep you on an even keel!

  1. Find a quiet place out in nature or in your home near a window. Have your journal and write down the words, NO AGENDA.  
  2. Close your eyes and breath deeply in and out.
  3. Ground yourself with the deepest, strongest roots you can possibly imagine.
  4. Imagine the Hawaiian soft air, the fragrant smells, the new sacred land being created, and the high vibration of the portal bringing forth new spiritual information.
  5. As your imagination carries you, allow yourself to repeat over and over again; NO AGENDA as current thoughts try to block you from experiencing spiritual upliftment.
  6. If you feel a place in your body contract, repeat NO AGENDA and let it go.
  7. When spiritual messages come through this portal allow yourself to simply observe those messages with NO AGENDA. Do not grab ahold of the message with your mind.  Do not start creating a plan for the message.  Just send out the telepathic thought, I hear you, I got the message, then let go again. 
  8. Spend as much time in this space as you desire.
  9. When you are ready, call yourself back from that vibration and frequency by imagining feeling your body, opening your eyes, and looking around the space you are in. Remind yourself the date, your age, your own name and the town you live in.  It is very important that you call all of yourself back to the hear and now. 
  10. Write in your journal the experience you had and any messages you received.
  11. This is the time we have been waiting for and we here at Intuitive Mind are thrilled that you are on this journey with us.  Makhos!

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