For several months now conversations all around me have been focused on the topic of masculine and feminine energy. There are many different viewpoints on this subject. In May of this year I had a Bones Reading with Nancy Rebecca and this same topic came up for me. My Ancestors were guiding me to work with my Indeki. This is a Zulu word so I was not exactly sure what this meant. Was it masculine energy or something more? I decided to explore this topic from a spiritual perspective.

I was raised in the generation where boys wore blue and girls wore pink. Boys could grow up and be anything they wanted and girls could be a secretary, nurse, or teacher. This might be a slight exaggeration but you get my point. This is a very old way of thinking and believing. The consciousness around what is masculine and what is feminine is changing as we shift from the 3rd dimension to the 5th dimension. New awareness is coming to the surface as we begin to break down old patterns and belief systems. What we once believed, no longer applies to the world we live in today.

While I was researching this topic I came across a list of feminine and masculine characteristics. The feminine characteristics were things like loving, kind, tender, receptive, and patient. While the masculine qualities are things like strong, ambitious, aggressive, dominant, and independent. I thought to myself wow…what complete opposites! Could you imagine being a female and only using the feminine characteristics listed? Or being a male and only using the masculine characteristics? We as humans create imbalance by putting judgement, expectation and criticism on these traits. As a female we might think, men are so aggressive or men might think women are weak. Putting these thoughts out there locks the energy of the gender characteristics in place and holds people into a certain way of being that is acceptable.

In reality each one of us have both male and female energies in our bodies. We each use them in different ways and at different levels. It is human nature to put labels on things. As humans we say what the energies are and are not. What would it be like to look at all the characteristics we describe each gender with from a neutral perspective. Neither masculine nor feminine. When we view these energies as Divine energies from a neutral perspective we can see how using them in harmony and balance can change our perspective and allow each of us the freedom to act in concert with what is happening in the present moment without boundary or preconception of how we “should” act according to what kind of body we happen to be in this lifetime. The energies themselves can teach you what they are and what they are not. Not only with how we see things in our outer world but how we see things within ourselves.

During a recent meditation I allowed myself to feel each of the energies for what they are. What does loving feel like? What does being aggressive feel like? How do I use these energies in the female body that I am in? Can I be aggressive and loving at the same time? What came up for me in meditation was that both energies are needed and both are beneficial. One cannot exist without the other. It was shown to me like this; the softer gentler characteristics (what are labeled as feminine) are like the seed and the more direct action oriented characteristics (what are labeled as masculine) are the sparks that ignite the seed and brings about growth. Yes, every characteristic can be out of balance and appear negative but bringing balance to each energy allows them to complement each other. Once the energies are in balance they can then be what they are meant to be, allowing the seeds that need to be planted be planted and igniting what needs to be ignited.

When you are looking at male and female characteristics in the future look through your neutral eyes. Ask, what am I seeing here? Do I have judgement around this? Look at whether what you are seeing is in balance. Bringing our belief systems up to date with the level of consciousness in the world today will allow all of us to exist in harmony and balance and allow us to “play” with all energy characteristics freely, drawing from the full “palette” of options available to create our lives in a more abundant and limitless way!

Energy Tips
Use this month’s energy tips to take a look at some of the characteristics of male and female energy.
- Find a quiet place to sit and meditate.
- Close your eyes and follow your breath. Relaxing with each inhale and exhale.
- Imagine yourself grounding to the center of the earth. Let your spirit assist you in choosing what type of grounding is just right for you for this meditation. You might use the roots of a tree or laser beam. Once your grounding has reached the center of the earth, anchor it firmly to the core of the earth.
- Choose one of the words that represent a characteristic of male or female energy for you. Maybe there is a particular word you have a lot of judgement around or one that you feel you would like to use more often in your life.
- Once you have the word you would like to learn about put it out in front of you. Visualizing, seeing the written word.
- The first thing you want to do is bring a big ball of golden energy and shower it down on the word in front of you while reminding this word of today’s date (bringing the energy of it into present time). This will allow the energy to be uplifted to its highest state and release past conceptions about it.
- Once you feel you are ready ask the word to teach you about itself. You are learning about it from a neutral perspective directly from the source. If you have any thoughts come up around this word let them just float by or drop them down your grounding.
- You can then ask questions around what you want to know that did not already come up. Like, how much of this energy do I use on a daily basis? Do I need to use more or less? You can ask it how it helps you or what are you learning from it?
- Once you have all your questions answered set the intention that any of this energy you have inside yourself come 100% into balance releasing anything that is old and outdated that is no longer needed. Then shower the word with gold again and thank your spirit and the energy for teaching you and allowing you to come into balance. You can then either put the word in a rose and set the intention for the rose to explode releasing it or drop it down your grounding cord.
- You can now open your eyes and journal about what you have learned.
You can use this meditation over and over taking each characteristic of male and female energy and learning about them from a neutral perspective. Bringing them into balance and harmony for your highest good and the highest good of the universe.