Hearing that another planet went into retrograde, led me to wonder about all the other planets in retrograde. Well, it was everyone asking me about those planets in retrograde, that led me to do my homework. I am not an astrologer, I am a clairvoyant psychic that can see your energy field, see where the imbalances are and what you can shift to get back into balance. For some reason because I am psychic, people assume, I guess, that I must also follow the stars and the planets.

Actually, how these energetic awareness’s seem to happen for me is quite the opposite. You see, I have done at least 15,000 full hour readings in my career. Doing that many readings, I begin to see patterns in the clients and groups of clients that come in to see me. If I see clairvoyantly the same pattern, same complaints or questions, the same shifts and changes, then I begin to look for the greater source at play that might include astrology. I just google; What the heck is going on in the stars?
Another way that I pick up on changes is with my sense of knowing. I just know that everything in the world is calm, or everything is chaotic, or I find myself saying, “Whoa, something big is coming!” but I do not know what. This summer just happened to be one of those, “WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!” moments. These were not little shifts like someone is in a bad mood, but big huge shifts that I could tell were coming from far outside my own energy field.

Towards the end of July, I heard a loud spiritual voice say, prepare for mid-September! I not only heard this voice but felt the impact like a large bell went off and the vibrations were reverberating through my body. By nature, I do not go willingly into anything including spiritual messages, therefore this one was repeated for me several times just to make sure I got the point! What am I supposed to do with this information I asked? Then I was told to prepare our students to be well grounded for mid-September. Visit the Energetic Health Tips section following this writing for grounding tips.
Planets in Retrograde sounds so mysterious and ominous at the same time. Being a spiritually practical person, I will attempt to explain this in a practical, why does this matter to me, terms. I will list the planet, then when it went into retrograde and when it stations direct, which means it came out of retrograde.
Planet Retrograde Stations Direct
Mercury 7.16.18 8.19.18
Mars 6.27.18 8.27.18
Jupiter 3.9.18 7.10.18
Saturn 4.18.18 9.6.18
Uranus 8.7.18 1.7.19
Neptune 6.19.18 11.25.18
Pluto 4.22.18 10.1.18
Now that is a lot of planets in retrograde at almost the same time and five of the planets were in retrograde all at the same time in mid-July. Then throw in the largest, longest lunar eclipse in 130 years on July 27th and well, you can see why it was a “Whoa, Whoa, Whoa!” moment in time for us!

Retrograde is when one planet passes another, and it appears as if the planet has stopped or is moving backwards. It is like being a passenger in a car that passes another car. The car next to you can seem to stop or be driving backwards but it actually is not. Energetically or magnetically this passing of planets can cause a shift in our field. Again, the effect is similar to when you are walking and pass another person on the street. We can feel that other person’s energy for a nano second and we might have a thought or a feeling that comes into our awareness. So, let us talk about each planet a little to see what type of “VIBES” a planet gives off as it passes us, or when we (earth) pass them.
Mercury: Rules everything to do with communication. When it goes into retrograde it resets our current communication and inspires new forms of communication when it stations direct. Mercury is close to earth therefore it goes into retrograde a lot.

Mars: Rules passion, action, and assertion. Basically, movement on all levels. When Mars goes retrograde, we re-evaluate our passions, how we spend our time, and where we want to assert our energy. When Mars stations direct, we have new found passion, and leave behind what we no longer want to extend energy to. This enhances our boldness to take real action!
Jupiter: Rules expansion, freedom, travel, foreign affairs, abundance and luck. When Jupiter goes into retrograde we can feel pulled in, suppressed, limited, nothing seems to go right. Inspiring an internal process of what truly matters to you in life and making those changes to get back in synch feeling expansive, free, adventurous travel, and in the flow with abundant luck!

Saturn: Rules karma, discipline, justice, like an old Sage. When Saturn is in retrograde our authority issues get triggered, we want to fight the system whether family or government, and we can tend to bite off more than we can chew when making commitments. When Saturn stations direct on September 6th, 2018 we come out ready to start building unity in a harmonious way.
Uranus: Rules the unexpected and unpredictable. There are no limits to new outside the box creating when this planet is influencing us. When Uranus is in retrograde you may find yourself behaving in ways that are opposite to your normal nature. From shy to outgoing, from outgoing to hiding away. When Uranus stations direct on January 7, 2019, you may find yourself with a new-found way to moving through the world that was not there before.

Neptune: Rules love, beauty, passion, and mystery. Neptune loves to enhance higher states of consciousness and awakening. When Neptune is in retrograde we pull deep inside to focus on our inner love, beauty, passions, and mysteries. When Neptune stations direct on November 25, 2018 we come out ready to manifest into our reality what we have been dreaming for ourselves.
Pluto: RULES TRANSFORMATION! Pluto loves to push you to change and let go of what no longer serves you. When Pluto is in retrograde we are pushed deep inside of ourselves to see our shadow self, the good, the bad and the uglier! This is a fantastic time to purge out our old wounds. The only way to sail through this one is to abandon your control issues and LET GO! When Pluto stations direct October 1st, get ready to catapult into a higher transcendent state!

This is all of it in the smallest nutshell I could manage. Overall, these are truly exciting times we are living in and when you can live in these times with a greater sense of awareness, a larger picture unfolds, and life’s mysteries become more intriguing.

Energetic Health tips
As I mentioned in the newsletter, there has been a power house of planetary influences we have experienced this summer. Ask any of our clients and students and they will clearly say that the ability to ground during these great times of change is the golden ticket! I do not know why we are being asked to ground extra strong in mid-September. I have never heard anyone say, I am too grounded! For the sake of just in case, here is a little refresher.
- Create a quiet space to meditate. Include something to write down any insights you might have.
- Set your intention to ground yourself stronger than you ever have before. Experience a depth of grounding to support the current and ongoing changes you are going through whether you are conscious of them or not.
- Allow yourself to imagine the most beautiful, strong, rooted, vital, wise tree you have ever seen, known, or imagined.
- Become that tree in your imagination.
- Let go of control and just go with it. Let your wildest imagination carry you to your greatest out of the box potential to stretch your roots deep and wide.
- Feel into the beauty of who you are in every cell of your body. Allow each cell of your body to come alive as your grounding gains in depth, knowing you are loved, supported, and stable.
- Draw upon the rich, nourishing earth energy to fill your body, then like a surge of strength allow that earth energy to flow back down to the core of the earth carrying with it all the old energy that does not serve you in these new times we are living in
- Ground, rinse, repeat, ground, rinse, repeat, ground, rinse, repeat. Continue to repeat this until you feel settled.
- Do not over do it. High achieving will not serve you in energy work. Balance will serve your bodies ability to have time to pause and integrate.
- Open your eyes, look around your room, remind yourself of today’s date and journal your experience.