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How to choose a Spiritual Teacher? | December 2015

Before my out of body experience, I would not have even considered this question.  Assuming that most people only look for a spiritual teacher if they want to become a priest, nun, minister, monk or reverend.  This then would mean that you are giving sermons on the mount, pulpit, or like Mother Teresa comforting the poor, ill and hungry.  As you can tell, my previous experience was very limiting in my ability to think on a larger scale.  Maybe this is why my spirit had to use the tactic of propelling me………out of my body while I was still consciously awake so that my attention could not be diverted.

Then finding a spiritual teacher was not a mission to develop as a seeker, but to literally from my stand point, to save my life!  Someone, anyone, any person regardless of religious beliefs who could make the out of body experiences stop.  I literally did not care, did not have time to even doubt, just make it all stop and get my life back to “normal” as soon as you can.

After a year at the c-d-m.org clairvoyant program, my search for a teacher changed again.  I was much more grounded (still had a ways to go) had some skills under my belt to ask questions and receive answers from my higher self and feel just full of enough confidence to think that I had a choice as to who my teacher would be.  Even at times felt confident ( a nice way of saying cocky or full of myself enough) to think the teacher I had was not good enough and I needed a better teacher.

Even one year after taking a break from the Clairvoyant school, knowing it was time to find a new teacher, my spirit showed me an image of who that was to be.  NO WAY IN HELL!  I said to my spirit, you definitely have that all wrong, she is mean, angry, impatient, and did I say mean?   Well, I listened and followed through and she turned out to be one of the best, most challenging, direct teachers that I had ever had.  She called me on my bullshit, and yet, she did it with love and humor, and even if I did not like it at times, I found myself growing in ways I otherwise would not have.

Then at some point, as I grew in my relationships with my own higher self and my guides and Angels, I became my own teacher as I listened to guidance and followed it as well as listened when my own spirit suggested that I may be taking the easy way out of life!

I then went through Sangoma (medicine shaman) training in South Africa in 2014 and that is when the entire world of Ancestors opened to me.  This teaching and understanding will have to be in another blog.  However today this is what they told me in relationship to knowing the spiritual teacher you are to work with.

My ancestral descendants on my maternal side is the Cherokee Vinita tribe who walked the trail of tears to Oklahoma.  They explained it like this;  When your student chooses you as their teacher, their ancestors have been searching for just the right teacher for them.  Their ancestors know them and their particular needs at the deepest levels.  The ancestors have pre-negotiated the terms, as they know me and my needs of learning at the deepest levels.  The student’s ancestors enter into relationship with your ancestors and at the spiritual level begin negotiation on what will be taught and experienced.  The student’s ancestors know well ahead of time that you are the best teacher for them.  They know that you as their teacher will love them into their fullest self.

In some cases this negotiation between the two sets of ancestors has gone on for years in preparation for this time.  This is why some students just know without a doubt upon first meeting their teacher to be.  Then the student must “let go” and “trust” that at this point both ancestral lines have reached an agreement and now the student teacher relationship can move forward.  My ancestors went on to say it is similar to an arranged marriage and dowry that has been traded for the services.

Upon hearing this, I looked back at all of my own relationships with my own teachers and wondered just how long my ancestors had been organizing many of those.  Had I really understood how much careful love and planning had gone on behind the scenes I may not have been so resistant to some of the lessons.

So how to choose a teacher?  You will know in your heart, even if the lessons are not all kind and gentle.  Then trust the process like you have never trusted anything and be a willing student!  Makhose!

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