Ancient history, from many different ancient cultures, describes our current times, prophetically, as the time between times, no time, the golden ages, the great awakening, and the enlightenment era. A time of a “choice-point” for humanities continued evolution. Most of us do not need to read ancient history to know that nothing we are going through right now is normal or familiar in our collective memory. This long, exceptionally long, prolonged period of month by month pressure, is bound to produce something good right?

I could spend days talking about what I see and what I know will help to turn all of this around. However, convincing 7.8 Billion people on the planet to stop what they are doing and join together to meditate on world loving peace to unify consciousness is not something that I could probably pull off at this point on the timeline.

When I had my out of body experience, the strong resounding voice that came through to me said; “we need you…Nancy, to help people remember they are a spirit and bring intuitive psychic development out of the closet and normalize it”. Yes, you can be normal and see spirits. Yes, you can be normal and communicate telepathically. Yes, you can be normal, and believe you are a star being. Here in 2020, I do believe, we as a society, have moved the dial on what we now believe as normal; just in time to be pressed to expand our consciousness even greater.
Recently, I heard that familiar spiritual voice say to me; “Nancy, we need you to hold a strong focus to the future.” Your job is to keep shifting your focus back to hope, back to love, back to faith, back to belief in our societal strength, back to goodness and potential of the human heart, and back to knowing our spirit is unbreakable! I pointed to my head, which now is bald, to remind spirit that I was going through chemotherapy, and isn’t there someone else who can pick up that mantle? Spirit just laughed and reminded me that in the spirit world my cancer and treatment are like a blip on the screen of life and that being in service to a greater good was good for my health! I just rolled my eyes, like a rebellious teenager to a parent. However, I knew the real message was teaching me that if I get caught in stress, drama, or even bigger…fear, then my job as assigned was to go back to naming all of my strengths and focus forward! Even I could see that exercise was good for my health!

How do we open our heart during heart closing times? It can be tough to choose to open your heart when faced with everything we have experienced this year. I just know that when your heart chakra is closed, your entire energy field shuts down and you can be more prone to low denser feelings; the longer you stay there the more you draw “like lower vibrational energy” to you and what you are creating in your reality. Spirit responded in its symbolic way of teaching; “What ingredient do you want to add to the soup you will be eating in the future? Pausing to contemplate what ingredient you are adding to your soup of life can assist you to shift your heart back to open. Do you want to add the ingredient of hate, rage, resentment, or divisive thoughts or do you wish to add the ingredients of kindness, patience, unity, clarity and honesty? So each day, in my thought responses, I catch myself, wondering what ingredients are being added to the soup of life that I will be eating in my future.

Visit the Energy Tips for ideas to help you open your heart during these heart closing times. As well as scroll down to the announcements segment to know what activities we have upcoming in our schedule that may support you to raise your vibe and keep your heart open.
Energy Health Tips
The world is so unpredictable right now and in some ways our choices are limited and in other ways we have untapped choices ripe and ready for discovery. Here are a few suggestions that may help you to shift the heart closing experiences.
- You must make the choice to open your heart anyway! The heart chakra is located in your chest area and like the shudder on a camera, the more open it is, the more light comes into the lens illuminating the image in front of you. Choose to imagine it open.
- Nature has an elixir of energy that naturally opens your heart, therefore spending time in nature is a great place to begin. Nature’s essence is very feminine, very receptive, and very accepting what is. Taking time to sit in this very receptive state will assist you to discover the choices you have inside of you.
- Exercise blows off the buildup of tension; this is essential right now. There are so many free classes online right now. Choose to exercise, even if you do not feel like it, knowing that it will relieve tension and open your heart.
- Write a list of what your innate nature is. Such as kindness, generosity, caring, or maybe even humor and light heartedness. Remember what you core spiritual nature is and bring those parts of you back to life!
- Write a list of what your defense/protective mechanisms are. What percentage of the day are you in that state of protection and defensiveness? What changes can you choose to make that can lower that percentage? If your choices are limited right now, what ways of responding can you choose differently that can lower that percentage?
- Choosing differently can take months to master, so be kind and patient with yourself first and always.
- Remember, you are not alone and if you feel alone, make the choice to reach out and connect with others.
- What choice I have found that works best for me is remembering to be grateful for the little things in life and to be in service to others. We are in this together in this river of life. We can choose to remember that!