This newsletter is not written from a political or pandemic perspective. It does not take a psychic to say that there is a grass roots movement happening in the world right now. I do have my own opinions and beliefs at a human level, but I know well enough to keep them to myself. Not because I am concerned about kick back, but because I know that a week from now, my views will change…again!

You see, this is just how it is with energy. I can have a client come in, and they know without a doubt what they want to work on, what the issue is in their point of view and are certain they know who is at the core of the pain caused. Yet, once their human energy field shifts into balance, suddenly what was the issue, is no longer the issue; it has changed, because their energy field and therefore their perspective has changed.

There is a rapid transformational metamorphosis that is happening. A chrysalis of internal shift into liquid to be reformed into the butterfly. This change is happening so rapidly that we can not hang our hat on anything. You best serve yourself by simply letting go, over and over again! Oh, and breathe, do not forget to breathe, because all the air has been sucked out of the room of the old way of being and we need to open a new window to freshen the air and alter the perspective.

This time in our universal evolution has been predicted long before you were even born. All the Ancient cultures talk about this time on earth. The Mayans even created a calendar that predicted details up to this moment and then…it just went blank. When it came time for 2012, the Mayans no longer wrote about this time because it was considered the time of no time. There was no prophecy for this time, because time would accelerate so rapidly, that we would begin to create our future with our thoughts and as you can see, we have many divergent thoughts that are in conflict with each other. We in the middle of an enormous pot of cosmic soup and it is up to us what we put into it.

Gathering the Goodness, were the words I heard when I asked spirit what I should write about in this newsletter. We have been living in times where the energy needed to be broken open. What had been hidden, the ugliness of our society had been hidden as well as opening to our own ugliness to break open what has been buried deep in our history. I do believe that what is under all of that is our innate goodness. Now it is time to reach deep inside of ourselves to remember that good, caring, kindness of our soul’s nature and share it first with yourself and then with others.

We have moved from our dream state of what we desire our future to look like and are now manifesting through action what we are capable of being and moving forward. As the cycle of our planetary movement completes its 26,000 rotation, we are entering the golden ages. According to ancient history, entering the golden ages is prophesized to happen in 2025. Although it is hard to imagine another 5 years of what we are experiencing now, we can imagine a world of goodness to create the golden bridge that will lead us forward to peace. A new kind and caring peace.

Let’s not skip over this historical moment of healing, as it is just too important to play at being happy. It is time for true happiness that includes everyone. Join us in gathering the goodness inside of us all to be seen, experienced and expressed!
Energetic Tips –
We all cope in different ways. Some of you go right to the bottom of the barrel when something bad happens- thinking we are doomed and we are not going to make it out alive. Others cope by numbing out, putting our head under the blankets and asking our families to let us know when it is safe to come out. Then there are those of us who are stating how great this spiritual change is and the Angels and Star beings are waking us up! Most of us vacillate between pessimism and optimism. Having a particular bad day last week, my spirit was all over me to get my act together! Reminding me why we are here and this is not the time to quit before we cross the finish line! Each moment you are creating the next moment. Goodness, creates goodness. Hate creates hate. Each moment you choose which energy you will lead with.
- Create a space to meditate. If you are struggling to quiet down then you might choose to go for a walk or do some body stretches first.
- Gather a journal to write down what the next 5 years might look like for you.
- Write down what goodness means to you. You have goodness in you. It might be buried under a lot of pain but it is there.
- Close your eyes and set your intention to connect with your own inner goodness.
- Imagine your own spirit infusing your body and human energy field, then pass through the floor to the core of the earth and anchor your own soul’s light there. Feel your deep connection, remember your deep connection to nature and mother earth.
- Allow yourself to go year by year of your life and ask your spirit to show you times where you chose goodness. Let any painful memories release down your grounding and stay with the frequency of goodness.
- You may need to divide this meditation into several as you review the times in your life where you experienced goodness.
- Continue to release the pain down your grounding and remain with the goodness frequency.
- After the healing meditation, write a list of goodness that you can gather and place into action.
- Give yourself a time frame in which you will put your goodness into action.
- Each moment, intend to radiate goodness, even if you have to set a boundary or speak up for yourself, your underlying goodness will come through.
- We are stronger together than we are apart.