Fear is defined as an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous. In our society, we are bombarded with negative images on a daily basis. We see them on TV, the web, and even experience them in our own communities. What we see or experience can bring up a sense of fear in us. The question is, what are tangible fears and what are irrational fears that we use to protect ourselves?

Tangible fears can be things like having a gun pointed at your face, of course you would be afraid for your life. It can also be things like having a rattle snake come slithering up to you or being in a building that is shaking during an earthquake. Again, you would be afraid of some harm coming to you. Fears that are not so tangible or might seem irrational are, if I get a change careers, my family won’t love me anymore, or fear of failure, or fear of the unknown, or even fear of change.

Fears that are not tangible or irrational keep you frozen in place. They trick you into not moving forward. You cannot even think clearly around the issue because you can only see and feel the fear.

One of my own biggest irrational fears was around driving somewhere new by myself. It did not make any sense, but it sent me into a panic. I did not feel safe. I remember feeling like this from the first time I started driving on my own as a teenager. It really was not a problem until I had children of my own. This fear kept me from doing new and fun things with them. The fear kept me locked in place. I did not even think about it, it just was the way it was. The fear really had no foundation. Yet, I believed that if I went out by myself, I would get lost and something bad would happen to me. As time passed, I just continued to feed that belief in a very unconscious way.

When I was able to look at the fear around this pattern of behavior, I could see it for what it was. When I started meditating and looking at the situation from a neutral perspective, taking the emotion out of it, I could see how irrational the fear was. Once I could see it separate from myself, I could gather the strength to start to dismantle it, pulling back all the layers of the fear until they were no longer there. Over time, I gained confidence in my ability to use my mediation tools to remove unwanted fear I held in my body. Now when I drive around in an unfamiliar place, I think what could be the worst thing that can happen to me…I get lost! It is quite freeing not to have the fear rise to the surface. I went from being closed down to being open and expansive.

Sometimes staying stuck in fear is more comfortable than moving out of it. Think about a fear you might have that you wish you did not. Imagine for a moment what it would be like to not have that fear anymore. Do you feel lighter? Stronger? More like yourself? Can you see what life would be like without the fear?

Taking a look at the fear from a neutral perspective helps you see it without the emotions that come up. I know this sounds easier than it is, but with a little work you can release any fear that is keeping you frozen in place.
Energy Tips
Use this month’s energy tips to take a look at one of your fears from a neutral perspective.
- Find a quiet place to sit and meditate.
- Close your eyes and follow your breath. Relaxing with each inhale and exhale.
- Imagine yourself grounding to the center of the earth. Let your spirit assist you in choosing what type of grounding is just right for you for this meditation.
- Now ask your spirit to show you one place where you hold fear in your body. An easy way to do this is to imagine throwing paint on yourself. Wherever the paint sticks is where the fear is.
- Once you can see the fear put it out in front of you. Imagine it outside of your body like you are looking at it on a TV screen. You are now the observer of that fear. This will assist you in staying in that neutral place and not moving into the emotion behind it.
- Ask the fear questions from the place of the observer. What is your source? What am I learning from you? Notice anything that comes up for you around this fear.
- Once you have your questions answered, create a grounding cord from the fear, shower it with gold and intend that it be released 100%. Stating the date that you are doing the meditation on helps bring the energy fully into the present moment. If releasing the entire ball of fear is too much for you, you can take one aspect of the fear and release just that one piece that you are ready to let go of.
- Next, imagine a ball of your own energy above your head, allow it to flow down into your body, filling the space where the fear was.
- Once that space is filled with your own light, open your eyes and journal about what you learned.
You can repeat this meditation any time you need to release fear from your energy field whether it is rational fear from a traumatic event or fear that does not have a tangible foundation.