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Endings, New beginnings and Change!

Endings, New beginnings and Change

Intuitive Mind Insights Newsletter for December  2014

I read a Native American teaching once that said; “knowing when to stop, when to be finished is an important step in your healing”. This really spoke to me when I had attended a workshop about medicine wheels. The entire weekend was wonderful, uplifting and the other students and facilitators created such a loving joy filled space to be in. I found myself never wanting to leave and stretch out the last drops of the day. Then I heard that completing the workshop was just as important as beginning it.


How many of us do this in other aspects of our life? Whether it is relationships where you hang on to those sweet moments that brought you the most enjoyment, that are now long gone and yet we do not know when to allow it to shift and change into something new? A job, where it used to bring you such inspiration and excitement that you could not wait to get up and go to work the next morning and yet now, you are tired, burned out, irritated and feel stuck but feel you have no choices. Change can feel impossible and you are too tired to start at a new beginning at anything? When a simple conversation with your boss may easily offer fresh ideas.


My own teacher used to say, the only thing we can really count on is change. Everything around us is always changing and it is our resistance and frustration to change and desire to hang on to things that causes our greatest pain.

In 2013 it seemed to be the year that everyone wanted to forget. It was a rough year for many people and astrologically it was definitely a year of major planetary changes. I found myself saying good riddance and had no problem letting go of the year. However there were highlights of that year, and over the top powerful lessons that were learned. I found myself so looking forward to a fresh start that I did not even want to think about reviewing what hard choices I had to make.

Energetically though, when you allow yourself to review each month and all the events that happened it brings to the surface a type of savoring of those moments in gratitude and appreciation that is satisfying for the body and the soul. Allowing any lingering of feelings, images, or incomplete conversations to resolve in some way and be released.

A freshness rises to the surface, after letting go of the past energy that can hang on your shoulders like an old wet blanket. Replaced with an “I can do anything” cape of brilliance as you begin to dream and vision what you want for the upcoming year. What new beginnings can you start, what changes can you, are you willing to embrace. Then finally allowing yourself to have it all!

Astrologically we have been in an 8 year phase of emotional evolution. As of September 2014 we have shifted into a spiritual evolution that is much lighter and brighter. This will last the next 35 years. How do you want to begin your spiritual evolution?

Life has, in the past, accelerated to a frenzied pace all over the world. We do have the choice to slow it down in our own life. Meditation is the key to creating that stillness inside of you no matter what is going on outside of you.

We even have choices in how we want to see change unfold for us. We can live our lives busy experiencing every wave of action that comes at us, and as we respond or react to events we shift and change inside. I call this the 2 by 4 affect. However, we can also go into meditation and make the shifts inside of ourselves, coming back to a state of peace over and over again. Eventually that stillness flows out to our lives and you begin to experience peace unfold in the events surrounding you.

So again I ask, how do you want to see changes unfold in your spiritual evolution? Either way works, just one way feels out of control, and the other way feels at peace.

Read through to the Energy tips section of our newsletter for tips on how to complete your year and envision your new beginnings as change happens!



Energy tips:


  1. Find a quiet place, make a cup of tea, light a candle, and turn on soothing music.
  2. Pull out a journal, diary and your calendar you used for 2014. Starting in January 2014, review what you did almost a year ago, and make notes of highlights in your journal/diary.   Do this for each and every month, allowing yourself to let go of the past even as you smile or cry.
  3. Take your list of highlights and close your eyes. Thank god, the divine for each and every moment since each moment was part of your creation. Thank the divine for all that you learned.
  4. Now allow yourself to release it all, let go, allow completion, allow yourself to be finished with the year. Remind yourself of your current age, and current date to help you be fully present here in this moment.
  5. Now write a list of dreams, desires, hopes, and even outrageous ideas down in your journal/diary for the upcoming year. Then notice any limiting thoughts like…….that is ridiculous, or are you crazy? And let those go also so they do not interfere with your wish/dream list.
  6. If you are feeling especially creative then create a vision board. You can look at examples online if you have never done one before. Or you can sign up for our “Create your life workshop” in January 3-4, 2015.

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