Everything is energy, everything has an energetic frequency and an energetic signature. As psychics and healers we grow to be attuned to knowing what frequency is the dominant frequency vibrating in your aura. If that dominant frequency is fear, violence, shame, guilt, grief, and old trauma, then we know as healers to send healing energy to those lower frequencies to clear them. We know as healers, your ultimate health and wellbeing depend on healing those denser, lower frequencies that ultimately can cause you to be sick.

In my 7th Chakra blog written in April, I pointed out, that when you hold your problem in your hands and your chin is down to your chest, you are focusing on lower frequencies to help you resolve your problems. When you tilt your chin up, you naturally have access to higher spiritual frequencies to find solutions and hope around the issues that burden you. Yes, it can be that simple! Click here to read the article. https://www.intuitivemind.org/2020/04/7th-chakra-crown-of-light/
For 35 years, as a nurse, I have been fascinated by the health of the human body. I have directed my curious and focused attention and passion toward the health of the human energy field since my out of body experience. In that time I have grown, through experience, to know without doubt that what we hold in our own energy field can literally cause illness. All of us carry old memories, experiences, past lives, ancestral traumas, and other people’s energy in our personal energy field. Especially, in our western culture, we humans organize, categorize, outline, and attach to our memories. Self Help books, classes, therapist, teachers, nature and many other things provide us opportunities to “let go” of the past experiences and live more in the present moment. We have benefitted from creating a culture of self-help.

Now, we have a global pandemic and the frequencies waves from around the world are battering our aura from every direction and from what we are hearing and seeing, the fatigue of it all is wearing us thin. Those denser frequencies of fear, grief and anger, have slower, longer waves, potent with energy. It can feel, to some, like a battering ram. Other frequencies can feel like a jack hammer. Both of these types of frequencies do serve a purpose at times in our life when old ways of thinking and being need to be broken wide open. What do we do though, when we have broken open yet are still being slammed with energy? Enough already!!!
At the time of this writing, there are protesters, wanting to open the country again to business. The anger is palpable. I could feel the wave of anger coming 2 weeks before it actually hit our area here in Washington. I told my students, this large wall of anger sounds like a trains’ whistle off in the distance and you can hear it getting closer. We need anger, the energy of red to break down old systems of belief, fear, guilt, corruption, and greed. However, we have been taught that we can not be angry just for the sake of healing ourselves, we MUST find someone to be angry at before we can express our anger. In the energy world that is just not true. Anger or red energy is a frequency, like a powerful elixir that can easily dissolve frustration. Meditate on the red energy, imagine that it is a red liquid and infuse it through you entire body to dissolve old dense energy. Red energy is a gift that we have not been taught to use correctly. Or in other words, did not come with an instruction manual!

As a clairvoyant, when I look with my spiritual eyes on the road ahead of me, I find that it is empty. When I asked spirit why, the answer that came was, “your focus is more on crises, drama, and trauma than dreaming a new world.” Then my spirit asked me, “What type of world do you want to live in?” I imagined turning my focus forward and found that it was not that easy with all the back ground frequencies surrounding me. We here at Intuitive Mind realized quickly that we can not afford to linger on negativity. We can not afford to even explore all the conspiracy theories flooding the Facebook pages. We can not even afford to dislike our political leaders because, dislike is a frequency. Everything is a frequency and in each moment you and I get to choose what frequency we will share with our world and what we will create in our lives.
The frequency of love is a beautiful vibration. What I am finding right now is that when sending out the frequency of love into the frequency of hate, the result looks something like throwing water on a grease fire. If you do not know what that looks like, I am sure you can search for images on the internet. Basically, it can look like a bomb going off and the raging fire can spread faster! I spiritually played using my imagination to see a dish filled with hate. When I added love it exploded and glass when flying everywhere. When infusing the dish of hate with kindness, the hate softened. I then infused with a caring frequency and again the hate softened. Almost as if the hatred frequency was less defensive with the energy of kind caring. I was curious about why the hatred frequency responded so violently with the love frequency. Spirit shared that many children, adults, and communities have been hurt by others who reported to love them. Therefore, love had the potential to spark more hate.

The love vibe can have incredible benefits in many ways and love can and will heal us in the long run. Knowing the care and kindness can soften an opening to love was helpful information. We can all maintain the frequency of kindness and caring by doing small kind acts for each other. Even if you are feeling a very hateful frequency in your own energy field right now, you can choose to do something kind for someone else and it can assist you to shift your own inner hatred. Hatred is a category of old fear and when someone is feeling hatred, they are feeling very afraid like a cornered wild cat!
Dreaming our future starts with just one of us, then another and another until all of us join our dreams together as we vision our future. If you dream for world peace, then adjust your thoughts, emotions and aura frequency to peace. If you’re dreaming abundance, then choose to adjust your frequency to abundance. This is the same for joy, happiness, laughter, etc. Each moment you have a choice to focus and refocus again and again, on the frequency you are putting out into the world. What frequency are you infusing your forward dreaming dreams? We all are tired, worn out, and just done with the way things have been. This is the time to hit the RESET button on what is possible in our future, raise our vibration to a higher frequency and send those dreams of all the beautiful possibilities out into the world from there!
Energetic Tips
Dreaming your Dreams begins in Your Crown Chakra. The dream here comes from the highest frequency and views your dream as perfect with the greatest potentials. Adding the frequency of your other chakras until you can fully manifest your dream can be the real challenge. So here is a little exercise you can do to harmonize the frequency of all of your chakras to align with your dream.
- Create a quiet place to sit with yourself and journal your dream.
- Write down a dream that you hold in your 7th chakra, your spiritual chakra. Start with what you might consider a small dream. This will help you to experience your manifestation and build confidence towards bigger dreams in the future.
- Ground your energy field to the center of the earth, to stabilize your energy field and enhance your focus.
- Close your eyes and allow yourself to experience the frequency of your dream. Ask your spirit to enhance the vibe so you can really feel into it.
- Now imagine, calling your dream to meet you in your 6th chakra. Feel the frequency of your 6th and release stuck or blocked energy down your grounding cord until the frequency of seeing your dream and your dream harmonize together.
- Repeat this with the 5th chakra, adding the frequency of your communication chakra to your dream.
- Repeat again, with your 4th chakra, feeling into the passion here and adding the passion frequency to your dream.
- Move now to your 3rd chakra, and infuse your dream with your divine power, until they share a harmonious frequency.
- Now to your 2nd Chakra, infusing your dream with powerful emotions and creativity until it too is in harmony with your dream. Each time “let go” of blocking energy, and release down your grounding.
- The MANIFESTING chakra, your 1st chakra, is instrumental in turning your dream into a physical manifestation. Turning it into REALITY. Again, the two frequencies here do not need to be the same, but in harmony with each other.
- After you have harmonized all 7 chakras together in alignment with your dream, then talk with our higher self to gain wisdom on how long it will take before you actually witness the manifestation of your dream. Hours, days, weeks, months, or years?
- Write it all down in your journal, so you can go back and read through it again, to reinforce the energy of bringing your dream into reality.
This process is chock full of healing. Make sure for the next few days you drink plenty of hydrating fluids, so your body can release the toxins of the old energy you let go of. Each time you go through these steps you will find it easier and easier to keep all of your chakras in harmony together. Have fun dreaming your dreams.