Sitting in my Makhozini which means place of the ancestors, or ancestral house, I light the impepho and set the intention asking to know divine messages through the bones for the month of July. My intention is to see, hear and know what is in store for us as a global community as well as any personal tips we can do to assist us this month.

I cup both hands and scoop up as many bones as I can handle, knowing that just the right bones will end up on the mat. I can feel the energy activate in my arms and hands as the ancestors and spirit guides begin to work with the lay out before it is thrown. As I move to toss the bones onto the mat, my finger catches the mat, creating a hump as the bones scatter to their appropriate places for the reading. Ugh, is usually my first response when I catch the mat with my hand, but then I remember what my Sangoma Baba taught me; Even a hump in the mat is part of the divine message.

Then the vision came; You are running in a marathon that is a 26.2-miles long. You have trained long and hard. You know the limits of your body and through all of life’s trials and tribulations you know how to pace yourself. Yet, the last few miles, with crowds of runners all around you, it begins to seem daunting. Your muscles have spent their last drops of energy and you just do not think you can go any further. Suddenly, the vision shows all of these spiritual beings coming in from the future, moving to the finish line, cheering you, coaxing you to pull up the last bit of strength, yelling; “Come on, you can make it, you can do it, just keep going……!”

The feeling of the last few miles is one of great pressure on top of and around the head area as more of your own spirit is moving down into your body to help you to cross the finish line. I then hear the ancestors say, this is your time to embody your own inner guru, your own inner shaman, your own inner wisdom. As the spirits and ancestors move in from the future there is a huge surge of energy moving us forward. The vision stops at this point, which is my indicator to now look at the bones lay out.

At the bottom of the mat, black crystal (fear) next to the little bone, insecurities, and the small bone representing complexity and literally touching those three bones is the Shaman (Sangoma) bone, coupled with the power/strength bone. The next image of the bones that the ancestors illuminate is the female bone on the bottom side of the hump, and then the red beaded bone that represents male/yang/action is tipping over the hump getting us to the other side. The big surge, the big push!

Once on the other side of the hump is a cluster of bones, 2 are red beaded, 2 are white beaded, and the bear claw is there too. Remember the bear claw represents very powerful medicine, spiritual healing medicine rising to the surface, being pushed up by high level ancestors and blood line ancestors. The red bones are high levels of action. The path bone is laying left to right, almost in a blocking type fashion, blocking forward movement. I am told that in mid-July this might feel like a stall or stuck-ness, but it is more in alignment with a slowing down time so that more healing can be taken in and integrated into our lives. I am told we do not want to push this faster; we want to slow down and drink as much bear medicine as possible here.

Near the end of the bear claw shows an opening to enter the other bridge/path that moves us around the slowing, leading us straight to the heart (shell). In this reading the heart (shell) is in a closed position, upside down. To the left of the heart (shell) is the doubt and confusion seed, but as you can see in the image, the ancestor bone, ancient wisdom bone and star beings are creating a block so that the doubt cannot get to the heart. To the right of the heart (shell) is an incredible lay out; Nature, blue/green beads, 2 anaconda bones, and above that the strength /power bones. This area is actively weaving, not like a jackhammer breaking apart, but a transformation that is weaving its way into our heart. There is a female energy that showed up in last month’s reading as well as this month.

The message from this last cluster of bones around the closed heart is bringing power and hope to the heart. The message from the spiritual realm to us is; “you can do it, you can do it, just keep going, you are almost there”, and the female bone is gentle encouragement. It is like a friend’s arms that you fall into, right after your cross the finish line.

Conclusion: July will be a month of what might appear like setbacks. Do not get caught up in discouragement, knowing that spirit is truly in the background helping us every step of the way. Remember to consciously keep your heart open even when you want to close it.
Energy tips
This month’s energy tips are also about getting out in nature, but this month the ancestors are encouraging you to get out in nature with groups. This can be with your family or organizing a picnic with friends. The weather should be perfect for such an outing. Be very intentional to invite your spirit guides to help you to make the shifts that are important for this month while enjoying nature, food and friends. As you are in nature with a group, remember this group gathering is symbolic of gathering of groups of ancestors.
As you engage with each person in the group, allow yourself to know that your ancestors are also socializing with their ancestors. How different is your interactions with each person as you include their ancestors, welcome their ancestors? The Ancestors love is to be included in gatherings. You may even create a plate of food as an offering for all the ancestors in attendance.
The ancestors are waking up as we are waking up. They love to be acknowledged and love to love you back.