In getting ready and preparing for this Bones Divination, I could feel an intensity and contraction all around me. I lit the impepho to clear the air, to signal the start of the session and as call out to the ancestors to assist in bringing through clear messages for us as a global community. I gathered the bones and threw them onto mat.

The vision that began to come through left me feeling a bit disturbed and unsettled at first until I watched the entire vision to its completion; The Ancestors start the vision by showing me the earth opening up, a rumbling like a big earthquake, coming from deep inside the earth splitting the earth down the middle. The split did not split the earth all the way apart, meaning it does not fall in half. The earth just opens up and this deep abscess comes to the surface that erupts into a black sticky energy of fear that seems to bathe everyone on the surface.

This black fear, pools around our feet, but up above I can see the spirit guides and ancestors as a brilliant light shining down and illuminating the earth and the old painful eruption. The message was; we can focus on the black pool of fear around our feet or we can keep our eyes focused on our own light, and divine light of hope knowing that we have help. This message is about making the choice, choosing between the fear and the light. We can focus on our sadness, pain, depression, anxiety, inabilities and insecurities or we can focus on our light that enhances faith and hope.

I live in Tacoma, Washington which is earthquake territory. The newscasters are always talking about the big one that is due to hit our area after 400 years of being dormant, so you can imagine when I saw the vision, where my first fearful thoughts took me. Of course, we do not want to be Pollyanna-ish and ignore intuitive hits about preparing for potential natural disasters but in this reading, it felt more symbolic.

After the vision, I opened my eyes and looked down at the lay out on the mat. The fear bone again. We have not seen this bone representing the main theme of the reading since the February session. Gulp! Another big shift this month that will require surrounding ourselves with good vibes and good people. To the upper left are three child bones and two of those are touching the nature bone. This cluster of child bones, means a lot of old childhood fears will be rising to the surface. Getting out in nature, grounding deep into Gaia, mother earth, will help us move through those fears. Remember that the nature bone can mean getting to our true nature or getting out in nature; the message in this lay out of the bones is getting out into the balanced healing environment of nature. Sleeping under the stars, swimming in rivers, lakes, or the ocean of saltwater, will be our healing.

To the upper right of the nature bone, is the upside-down turtle bone again. Remember, in a regular individual bones reading it would indicate a family issue but in this reading this segment represents our global community: shrinking and remaining small and insignificant in the midst of so many changes in the world will not serve us well. There are more clusters of bones scattered around representing chaos that can be a catalyst for change and in this reading there are many catalysts for change.

The heart shell is upright which indicates an open heart and if you look closely at the image of the shell you can see the red beaded bone underneath fortifying the heart with strength and the power of love. Then to the left of the shell is the brown seed of doubt and confusion. As you start across the bridge of change, that again, turns back into a journey with strength and support as the strength bone lays at the other end of the path. As you move down off of the left long bone, right there is the anaconda bone which is major transformation. The far-right long bone, if you take that direction, has the turquoise /white beaded bone (star beings) and blood line ancestors to assist you along your journey. When walking this bridge, you also end up on the other side with an anaconda bone waiting for you which is also transformation.

Now this is the significant part of this entire reading and I am not even sure that I can explain it very well. Now, go back and look at the entire bones lay out. One long bone off to the left is the more difficult path, with some struggle, some hardship, over emphasizing the black pools of fear around your feet. Then, look at the second long bone to the right, where you walk the path of inviting and allowing the spirit guides to walk with you and assist you along the way. Regardless of which path you might choose, you will really end up in the same place. This is aligned with what the ancestors shared with me that this is a month of making choices.

Regardless of which of the two paths you choose to take, this month ends on a good note. The string of bones across the top of the page show the anaconda (transformation) bone, touching the bear claw (major healing medicine), as well as the red beaded bone of action/movement, with your ancestors walking beside you (white beaded bones), from a place of pure love (turquoise).
Conclusion: I am not sure what the astrology is. , but it feels like overall there will be some big planetary changes that will trickle down and spark big changes and shake ups on the earth. So, going into this month knowing this, you can practice in your mind, all the scenarios that come up that can create chaos and crises and choose love and spiritual support over fear, again and again and again. However, if you find yourself just losing your emotional stuff all over the place and you become filled with fear, doubt and confusion about life, you can find peace in knowing, at the end of the month you will still be in the same great place no matter which path you chose; both paths terminate in a better place than where you were at, from a vibrational viewpoint, than where you were at the beginning of the month.
Energy tips
The energy tips that I recommend this month are again to get out in nature. Plan a camping trip where you sleep under the stars or rent a cabin in the redwoods. Getting out in nature will almost guarantee a smooth sailing through this month of shake up. Do not forget, we really need this shake up and we really need for that huge black ball of fear buried in the earth from a history of trauma, to rise to the surface and be cleared. You will also want to be well grounded and if you are new to knowing what grounding is, I am including a link here.
The biggest tip of all this month is to remember that each moment is a choice point. Choose the dark path or the light path, with both leading you to the same place. The heavier dark path might be more of a burden to carry but it will lighten about the third week in August. Let me be clear though, choosing the light path does not mean it will be without drama, it just means that you will be able to see more clearly what is playing out around you as the spiritual guides walk with you, helping you to continue to make the best choices for yourself.