This is the eighth bones divination session for wisdom. If you are new to this series of bones divination readings for our global community you can find the other newsletters by going to our website, clicking on the blog button and finding the category; newsletters.

My normal routine is to begin with a meditation and lighting of the impepho to signal to the ancestors that I am ready to throw the bones and listen for the wisdom. I gather in my hands as many of the bones that find their way into the fold and then once the intention is set to do a global bones reading, I throw the bones onto the mat.

Then the ancestors impress upon me a full vision of the overall theme of the reading. A thick elixir flowed into the vision, with very earthy smells of essential oils such as patchouli, frankincense, and cedar. It was a very earthy grounded fragrance. I was told these soothing elixirs of oils were for the purpose of supporting the body. I was then told; our bodies need to be soothed and calmed like a baby who calms with a pacifier. The ancestors are aware that we as a global community just came through a major transformational shift in August and now is the time for self-care.

After the vision, which was more of a feeling than a vision, faded, I knew it was time to see the actual lay out of bones. The bottom of the mat is the theme of the divination session. At the bottom are two small bones that represent pain, and then there is a large gap before we see any of the other bones. This represents a very small discomfort and a signal to rest the body. The gap I am shown is a time for selfcare. A time for focusing on eating well, getting enough sleep, maybe getting an energy healing, a massage, or even an acupuncture treatment.

When I looked at the entire big picture of the bones lay out, there is this sense of a clockwise motion of the bones with the first long bone being at the center of them all. I then looked up to the top of the mat and could see that this bridge/path bone was laying cross ways like the path is blocked instead of a forward movement. The ancestors focused my gaze from the first long bone to the second long bone, both representing the path. Then back up, then back to center, then back to the top one again. So, I asked the ancestors what they were wanting me to see. I tried to examine the other bones but it was like my head and eyes were held in a position to look only at the path bones.

Then I was shown again the center path bone that was surrounded by all the other bones and was told that this month of September can be called “cooking” time. Your path, or the global path, is surrounded by so many spiritual guides and ancestors. The nature bones, bear claw, gifts, strengths, Anaconda bones, are all in like a bone soup, being stirred in a clockwise motion. I was then shown an image of waves hitting a wall then rolling back and hitting the opposite wall and then back again. This gentle rocking motion of waves of energy, like an elixir, soothing, calming, and settling, before beginning a new step into the life you are going to be living now. Then I was shown another image of placing all the ingredients into the ice-cream maker and then hand cranking the handle, churning the ingredients. Then the ancestors /guides said, you know when you are turning the handle, churning, churning, churning and it never seems like anything is ever going to change and then very suddenly there is a shift and the ingredients start to become thicker very rapidly and instantly you have ice-cream?

This is what life is going to be like for some of you. A time where we have been walking this path and nothing ever seems to change and then we begin to feel the shift even if it is a very subtle shift to show us that something is finally happening.

In conclusion of this month’s reading: This month is cooking month, a time of simmering on low heat as we have come through the high boiling points in the past few months, now it is time to just simmer and take care of ourselves, knowing that it is time for us to begin to feel the satisfaction of all the hard work of the past months, years.
Energy tips
The month of September is all about “cooking time”. What I mean by this is taking time to integrate all the changes you have made in your life or are thinking about making in your life.
- During “cooking time/integration time” you will want to slow life down a bit. It is like tapping the brakes to slow the speed at which you are driving yourself.
- Find activities that are more meditative, such as, cooking, baking, quilting, golfing, walking, reading, yoga, etc.
- Do meditation that is soothing and relaxing. I often tell my students; stop digging, when they are meditating to find energy blocks and move them. I will ask them to simply allow themselves to be in a quiet calm flow, using the breath to take in cleansing revitalizing fresh air and breathing out old energies.
- Let go and surrender during times of conflict, drama, and tension. Quickly return to a state of grounded centeredness to maintain a calm state. This morning I simply sat and repeated, calm and clear, calm and clear. I sat with my eyes closed and repeated it, like a mantra, for twenty minutes. Have moments of quiet to create openings for your own spirit to come through.
- You have heard me say often, get out in nature. Nature is in a natural state of balance and sitting in nature will naturally balance you into a state of calm.
- Prioritize your self-care as an important part of your life. Everything else can wait.
- Plan a spa day or get an alternative healing. Remember any healing should be a restorative healing, not a blow you wide open healing. Be intentional about integration.
Our Ancient Ancestors knew the importance of moving with the rhythm and flow of nature. Ask your Ancestors to help you to remember how to do that. Makhos!