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Bones Divination for May 2019

I hope that you all have been following along with the Bones Divination sessions done for February, March and April.  It really tells a story each month as we journey through the year of 2019.  In this reading, I burned the impepho (sage) to signal the ancestors that I was ready to start the reading, and allowed the impepho to clear the air so that I could hear them clearly. 

As I held the bones in my hands above the mat, I heard a “thunk” as one of the bones dropped onto the mat.  I did not allow myself to see the bone that dropped until I had received the vision so I went ahead and threw the remaining bones I held in my hands onto the mat. 

The vision that came flooding into my consciousness from the ancestors was of millions of spiritual guides and ancestors fully awakened moving in formation like soldiers, golden bright soldiers, as I could hear the marching of their footsteps towards me.  They all were holding either staffs or spears in their hands, as they marched in unison throughout the world.  I could tell they were on a mission and this mission was serious.  There were so many of these spiritual soldiers that there could have even been billions, far too many for me to count for sure.  They continued to move through the world, but did not stop there as they also moved through the universe. 

Suddenly they stopped where they were and slammed their spears onto the ground again in unison.  I then heard them saying, “Alright, that’s enough, you are acting like immature children, rebellious teenagers, and everyone needs to behave right now!  Get back into your own bodies, get back into your own back yards, and start maturing in the way you were meant to grow!”

I opened my eyes at the fierceness of this no-nonsense message from the ancestors and looked down to the mat to see the one single white beaded ancestor bone at the bottom of the mat.  Okay then, this is pretty clear that this Bones Divination Reading is clearly going to be about awakening ancestors.  My sight then fell to the small tiny bone touching the upside down shell (the heart bone) as well as the child bone.  In this reading this represents, being childlike, immature, and playing small.  Yet, the nature bone is right there just underneath the heart bone, lifting it up, opening us to our truest spiritual nature. To the right is the bone representing our ascended masters such as Angels, Jesus, Buddha, Shiva, and spiritual guides. They are right there to also assist us in not closing our hearts from our playing small and insignificant.

To the left of the closed heart is the yellow beaded bone that represents the gifts that we bring to the world.  This overall cluster around the heart signifies our insecurities, even the most minor insecurities we give power to.  In truth, as humans, we cannot over power the strength of our spiritual gifts and true spiritual nature.  Our insecurities can only have that much power if our mind allows them to have that much power.  But look at the layout, our spiritual nature, our gifts and the strength of our spiritual guides have so much more power than our insecurities. This can only be achieved by letting go of that belief in the mind and shift it to our belief in our own spirits ability to surpass our smallness. 

The Star Beings bones, the Shaman (Sangoma) bone along with your blood line ancestors are scrambling just above the heart to work with family, community, and global dysfunction as represented by the upside-down turtle bone.  This particular cluster is very active in its utter chaos, but do not allow the chaos in your life this month to distract you.  Stay vigilant in knowing that in the background very high level ancestors and spiritual guides are working their magic. You will benefit greatly by moving forward through the chaos and crises by not giving it power or substance in your thoughts. 

The next cluster of bones shows almost like a battle going on.  The ancestors show me the two long bones that are the path, the bridge and oh my goodness, at the bottom is a red beaded bone, (action) and the top of the two long bones is another red beaded bone, (action).  Then within that same cluster is the child, immaturity bone, pain bone, doubt seed and complication bones trying to fight their way into our lives but do not stand a chance with the two Anaconda bones next to the Shaman bone.  Do not stand a chance!  This is a prime example of a battle between the body and the spirit, or the human ego, battling with spiritual wisdom. 

The ancestors wanted me to make a note of the two female divine energy bones off to the side holding a softness, kindness, caring compassion but not interfering with the strength of the male divine action that is really needed this month to push forward. 

In conclusion:  What is really important for us all to remember for this month of May is that you are maturing, you are growing, and you need to look past the doubts and confusions and keep marching forward.  This month is a fast, fast, fast maturing between the yin and the yang of how you work with yourself and how global humanity works together.  This month of May transformation has the potential to be hard on the body, so adding great selfcare, plus patients and kindness with yourself and others will assist this time to run smoothly.  This is also a time where the spirit world is stepping forward to make their presence known in our lives.  We are not alone and have more spiritual support than we can imagine. 

Energy tips for May

If you could have seen me after throwing this lay out, you would see me jumping up and down with great excitement.  I could hear myself saying, the cavalry is coming, we have spiritual back up!  We have been keeping the faith for so long and now our strengths are being illuminated as we join the ranks of the entire world in making the changes in this great time we live in. 

  1.  Create a quiet place to meditate and work with yourself. 
  2. Journal about the insecurities you are noticing that are still hanging around.  Journal about the spiritual presence you are noticing even in the most subtle ways. 
  3. Write down what ascended masters you prefer to work with; Jesus, Mary, Buddha, Shiva, Archangels, Saints, or personal ascended masters /guides that you like to work with.  Even if you have never thought to talk to spirit guides, you can choose one for now and can always add others later. 
  4. Ground yourself, close your eyes, and allow yourself to release pain, doubts, confusion or insecurities at a new level this month.  Just gather them up and drop them down your grounding. 
  5. Then set your intention to communicate with the spiritual guide that you wrote down in your journal, setting the intention that the communication is for your own highest good and is aligned with your highest purpose. 
  6. Ask this spiritual guide for the wisdom to help you to mature in your own spiritual growth and ask this guide to help you to see and know the next steps to take action to further grow and develop. 
  7. After you have completed this meditation, write notes of intuitive insights to refer back to in your next meditation.
  8. Talk to your body and listen to what your body needs for the month of May to support this enormous spiritual growth this month.

Again, remember, you are not alone in this journey.  This bones reading was intended to be a global message, meaning the entire world is going through this at the same time, which is super exciting. 

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