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Bones Divination For June 2019

The June bones reading begins the same way the others have by lighting the sage and setting my intention to listen to what the ancestors and guides have to say about the month of June 2019.  I then gather up the bones into my hands, as I close my eyes, I can hear, thunk, thunk, as two bones fall out of my hands onto the mat.  I do not look to see what bones they are, and move to throw the rest of the bones on the mat.  The vision comes. 

Vision:  The ancestors are saying….. The darkness and the pain that was in the root chakra and emotional chakra of our global community in February, are releasing and getting brighter………..a real groundedness is beginning to take root in a deeper way.   Spiritual beings with their strength, still holding staffs, are moving forward.   A shift change is happening in June where we are stepping forward into the maturity….into power, at a grass roots level. Those who have been in power are shifting back into the line of the grass roots movement or shifting out altogether, and falling away.  This is a big signal to get into alignment with a global unity consciousness or get out of the way. 

Then with this enormous shift in power, there is a feeling that flows through the room that I am sitting in, bringing in a smooth, soft, silky vibration, similar to what it feels like to me when I have visited Hawaii.  It is like the fragrance of flowers and the soft petals touching my skin.  The ancestors and spirit guides go further to share that there will be some surprises as we as a community make the shift. A lot of hope, maturity and ancient wisdom, will be coming more fully to the surface.

I then look down onto the mat with curiosity and see which bones had dropped from my grip.  It is one pain bone and one complexity bone, located right at the bottom of the mat indicating the theme of the reading.  However, in this situation the message is indicating that pain and complexity are losing their grip, losing their ability to hang on.  This is very different than the readings in the other months where pain, fear and complexity are weaved throughout. 

Then on the mat there is a large gap of space where there is quiet, as if the pain and complexity cannot seem to stir a reaction.  Again, this is also a very good sign, pain gets triggered, yet does not start an avalanche of emotions or contraction.  There is a deep sense of inner silence, not necessarily a deep sense of peace and joy, but what the ancestors describe as a non-reaction to chaos and crises helping us each to learn new ways of responding to life. 

The next cluster of bones is centered around the upside down turtle, representing dysfunction either family, community or global.  Surrounding the dysfunction is the love stone, child bone, action bone, gifts bone and strength/power bone.  This cluster on the mat is “highly active” like a pot of water that has reached a rolling boil.  The guides here are showing this gathering of bones around the upside down turtle is like the community circling around the dysfunction to lift it up and right itself again.  Like turning a turtle that is stuck on its back with legs flailing, back up onto its feet, so it can function again, and move forward in life.  There is a lot of energy of hope and faith radiating from this grouping of bones. 

Then when I did not think this reading could get any more active my vision falls to the next large cluster at the center of the entire bones lay out.  Here we see the ancestor bones, shaman bone, star being bone, female/male bones, and more power and strength.  This gathering of bones appears a bit unsettled as everything is so spiritually busy in the back ground, like the energy of an earthquake shaking items off the walls.  Then I can also hear the sounds of a female coming through, calming the agitation, like a woman with a soothing voice that is calming an upset baby.  I hear, shhhhhh, shhhhhh, shhhhh, everything is going to be okay. 

Then as I move up the mat, there is a small thin line of a gap and then boom, two anaconda bones again, almost on the same line.  This is where the unsettled chaotic spiritual business becomes a bit more organized, enabling the transformational energy (anaconda) to pick up this now organized force and use it for good. Getting us back to a place of expressing our truest nature and to opening to the heart of the world.  The female energy is beginning to come back in to this reading for the first time this year, where in the past it remained respectfully in the back ground.  This addition of soft energy is very soothing to the world that may have felt like a jack hammering for months. We are calmed by this gentle, kind, caring energy that tells us, everything is going to be okay. 

Energy Tips

This month’s tips will be brief.  This month the ancestors are asking all of us to get outside, take our shoes off, sit on the ground, and allow nature to balance us.  Nature is constantly creating, birthing, dying and creating again.  Nature is naturally in balance.    Nature will help you to shift your energy back into balance, therefore get out in amongst the trees to shift yourself and commune with the spirit world there.  Repeat your nature adventures often this month and nature will in turn help you to integrate all the spiritual and physical changes. 

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