The past few months of bones divination sessions required me to be well grounded before starting the session. Knowing this ahead of time, I anchored myself strongly to the center of the earth. I asked that my own spiritual guides and ancestors support me by stabilizing the energy so I could bring through the information of the global reading. Lighting a candle and then also lighting the imphepo, I gathered the bones in my hands for the December lay out. It took a few moments before the energy became charged enough to infuse the bones with messages from spiritual guides on many levels. Once the bones were tossed onto the mat, the vision came right away.

Vison: A large sun appeared filling the room I was in, showing an eclipse. The sun shines golden bright and in the center is the shadow causing a black sphere blocking part of the sun. Yet, the outer sun light was brilliant in golden radiance. Around the outside of the golden circle of radiance was a large blue light. It was warm and as the vision remained, the room began to get hotter, not uncomfortably hot, but noticeably different. The blue light was not cool, but much hotter like the blue flame of a match or candle flame. Then the vision showed thick black vines with thousands of thorns covering the vines. Similar to black berry bushes, that can overtake acreage, if not tended to on a regular basis. As the sun heated up, the black thorn bushes caught fire and began burning, disintegrating layers of pain, dissolving the layers of thorns. As this is burning off, I can hear cheers in the background as this old black thorn riddled energy is being burned off by this enormous fire and it clears rapidly. I then hear this month is very fiery, burning off, burning off, burning off………. transforming the entire year of old residual pain. The month of December is helping us to move to the other side of this pain.

At the bottom of the mat is a small bone indicating pain, and right next to it is an ascended master bone, assisting us to transform the pain. I hear “Johnny on the spot”, meaning if we need spiritual help, it arrives much quicker this month. Then the ancestors illuminate the next area I need to point out and that is the shell, the heart bone. Even though it is in the upside-down position in this reading, it does not indicate a closed heart, but instead it represents going deep within. The bone that is under the shell is a white beaded bone. It is representing our blood line ancestors deep in our heart, pulling us inside, which is very much in alignment with the upcoming Solstice this month. We are going deep to nurture and nourish the seeds that we wish to grow in the upcoming year of 2020.

Right next to the heart shell is the anaconda bone, our true nature bone, pure love turquoise bone, and two white beaded bones, showing this is a very active cluster deep inside of us. The long bone at the bottom is showing the direction of our path going from the heart shell and all of its internal transformation and traveling over the top of the other bones. This is indicating an unstoppable movement of love that is flowing into the bones of chaos, pain, complexity and insignificance. Within that cluster, underneath and around it, are female bones, representing, being gentle with ourselves as we heal this month. There are also two strength and power bones, indicating a growth in inner strength. If you have been following these readings each month you should begin to see the patterns. I continue to hear, driving deep, driving deep.

Then I was taken to the area of the turquoise and white bone (high level star beings), next to the red and white bone (Sangoma, earthly Shaman) and paired with those two beauties, are the two male bones pointing right at them, which are the red beaded bones, representing action and movement. The two knuckled bone with the pearl beads, if you remember, is the grandmother bone. In this reading it represents ancient divine wisdom that will be ours by the end of the month. The brown seed of doubt and confusion is at the top which can cause us to have second thoughts, change our mind, or toss out belief in ourselves, but the long bone indicates this is being moved out.

The final bone that the ancestors wanted to address is the healthy upright position of the turtle bone, meaning community. This month is the month of communal gathering, unifying, to burn off the old ways of moving through the world by tapping into our own internal nature, our own internal shaman for guidance and together as a community burning off the old pain of the past years. So, it does not look like we are spiritually slowing down at all. We are simply becoming much more efficient at transforming and moving forward without looking back. Moving forward in a place of unified hope, filled with love, compassion, and kindness, but also with an outlook that is no nonsense!

Energy tips _
As I mentioned in the newsletter intro, this is a time of gathering in community and families to celebrate the light coming back into the dark days. This will be a time of reconnecting with our own light as well. I asked the ancestors, “what ways can we celebrate the thousands of years of the Solstice tradition?” The answer came to prepare a dish of food in honor of the ancestors. It can be as simple as making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a batch of cookies, or a full meal with all the fixings that go with it.
As you explore what food offerings for the ancestors you would like to prepare allow yourself to tune into your own heritage. Explore old recipes that your ancestors would have remembered. Remain tuned into the gratitude of your ancestors as you write down recipes and purchase ingredients at the store.
As you cook the meal, allow the remembering of the long line of your ancestors, remaining in a state of gratitude and joy that you can cook for them.
When you serve the ancestors, create a plate for them first, before serving yourself, or your family and friends. Light a candle, as you remember, the memories of your ancestors reside in your bones.
One response to “Bones Divination For December 2019”
Thank you, Nancy.