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Bones Divination for April 2019

This is our third month of calling upon the ancestors to assist us individually and globally with wisdom and insights using Bones Divination as the tool to communicate through.  In February the bones lay out revealed hidden fears and shadow material that can no longer be ignored.  In March the message was showing how we are picking up those threads of darkness within us and moving them out as well as integrating them. Now we begin our April reading, which is a continuation of our growth as we journey through 2019. 

The April Bones Divination Session:

April, begins very differently as the vision before me shows a large column of golden light coming down from the heavens, driving that bright light down through the layers of the earth to anchor in deeply to the center of the earth.  Once anchored, this light explosively expands, initiating a quick transformational awakening across the world.  In the February and March bones readings, the anaconda bones do not show up in the lay outs.  Here in April is the first time we see the anaconda bones.  I have 54 bones in my personal bones divination set.  Once I light the Impepho (African sage), I gather as many of the bones between my two hands as I can. Only the bones that are gathered in my hands are to be part of the reading.   Therefore, having the anaconda bones make it into this reading at all is extremely significant.  Prepare to awaken to a brand new level of consciousness and awareness. 

Now if you remember from February and March, the bottom bones are like the title of the book, the theme of the reading to be addressed spiritually.  There is one bone of pain, flanked by two bones representing complexity, or making things more complicated than they need to be because of old pain attachments.  Those three bones almost lay next to the shell, which represents the heart and this shows the heart is closed because of this pain. However, the beauty of what is being shown comes next as we see the bridge bone is laying over the top of the closed heart, pain, and complexity.   This is a really good sign, meaning, that in the past, when your heart was hurting, it may have caused you to come full stop, contract into a fetal position and allow it to stop forward movement in your life.  In this lay out, this is no longer true.  In spite of the pain and complexity hurting your heart, you and the world community will still keep moving forward and not allow this pain to stop your forward movement.  This is huge as you move through the tight spots in life to get to the more expansive places in life. 

The next cluster of bones that are smack dab in the middle of the mat are super exciting.  The power, resilience and strength bone is right there in the middle.  Can you say powerful?  Yet there is smaller bones representing, pain, complexity, insecurity in the form of playing small in your life, and the big fear black crystal nearby.  This power bone is unshakeable this month as the nature bone, gifts bone and the beautiful anaconda bone are working in the background moving us all towards the next part of our path. Supporting us to move even further along.  Trail blazing is the word that comes up here, leaving the pain, complexity and fear behind.  The ancestors (white beads) are extremely active, taking advantage of this hugely transformative month to assist each of you to make the changes you dream of. 

Now, I want to make a side trip here to point out the large brown seed showing where doubt and confusion is trying to come in to the scene to shut us down again. Now look what is laying right up against the brown seed of doubt.  Anaconda is at it again, transforming us by tapping into the deep aspects of earths wisdom, including our physical health and strength as well.    https://pow33.com/wp/anaconda-speaks-through-silence/

Anaconda says;

“I am power in repose. I am force and majesty. I have a presence that does not need to be broadcast aloud. My silence speaks my power.”

This reading has two placements of the Anaconda’s quiet transformative power weaving through it.  April is our time of great change and this lay out indicates a birthing of our gifts into the light.  Even more significant is Anaconda’s ability to take the energy we have put into our doubts and transforms it back into usable energy to power us to move forward bringing with it greater clarity. 

This movement does not stop there though, as we come to the next long bone, the path/bridge bone, right at the beginning point of this bone is the red beaded bone which represents action in this reading.  This gives us the boost we need to climb through any rocky places in life helping us to balance ourselves while we move further through the month to the next phase of this reading.  Ahead of us, waiting patiently, is the shaman bone, the star being bone, as well as our blood line DNA maternal and paternal ancestors working more seamlessly together to help us achieve the ultimate, which is ancient spiritual wisdom. 

In conclusion:  This month of April is a very exciting month of spiritual growth and expansiveness.  Now this may sound exciting and hopeful but sometimes when we make an enormous spiritual leap like this there can be some physical kick back.  You might catch a cold or the flu, twist an ankle, have a fender bender, or have relationship conflicts as your physical body catches up with your spiritual changes.  When there are fast moving changes in a short period of time, you want to make sure you eat well, sleep well, exercise and meditate to facilitate your body so it can integrate easily and effortlessly.

Energy tips.

Wow, this month will be a month of great shifts on the planet therefore we highly recommend that you schedule in time to meditate often and tend to self-care.  You can go with the flow, and be carried this way and that way as the waves of change crash into each other, or you can set your intention about the direction you would like to go.  We recommend the latter, therefore this is the focus of this months tips. 

  1.  Create a quiet place to sit with yourself. 
  2. Journal – If you knew that it was possible to let go, shed the old and embrace a new quiet inner strength in a short period of time then what would you let go of and what would you embrace?  Make the list as detailed as you can. 
  3. Now close your eyes, turn within and ground strongly to the center of the earth.  Remember Anaconda’s main gift is to influence those earthly strengths such as the body and what you want to manifest. 
  4. Spend 1-2 minutes or more using the energy shown in this reading to release easily all that you want to shed in your life. 
  5. Then spend 1-2 minutes or more, infusing what you desire to manifest with the beautiful ancestral and ascended master energies to include anaconda’s influences, so that your manifestations can take form in the physical world. 
  6. Talk to your body and ask your body what type of self-care needs will assist it to integrate your spiritual changes.  Some ideas may be hydration, baths, walks, writing, painting, talking to a therapist, or visiting the medical doctor for issues you have been ignoring.  Supporting your body will always take your spiritual growth to new levels. 
  7. Write in your journal a commitment to meditate more often and write down your goals around this. 

Know that this month you are not alone, there are hundreds of thousands, if not more, people who are moving and transforming right along with you.  You can find peace in that truth. 

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