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Belief in Psychic Phenomenon | October 2018

I have been seeing people professionally, as a spiritual consultant for twenty years.  Yvonne and I made the spiritual commitment to both leave our nursing jobs at the hospital and dedicate our lives full time to teaching others about the importance of a healthy energy field. 

Here we are now in the year 2018 and the professional world is beginning to stand up and take notice of the work we do.  Even the medical and mental health professions are noticing that their clients, patients and friends are having private sessions, taking courses with us and they are seeing a difference for the better. 

Medical and mental clinics and hospitals are asking to have a greater presence of meditation teachings as a standard service and practice.  We are receiving referrals from therapists. They are sending their clients to see us for spiritual readings so that their talk therapy can go to another level of healing.  We are also seeing a much higher number of clients with depression, anxiety, and Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome come in for sessions because living with these chronic emotional issues have become unbearable. 

Our client base overall is seeing a higher level of professionals. We see, doctors, nurses, psychiatrist, psychologist, mental health therapist, judges, clergy, teachers, CEO’s of large companies,  nuns, physical therapists, personal trainers, real estate agents, university professors, farmers, bail bonds people, police officers, mothers and children.  So, you can imagine my surprise when I read a study done on the type of person who goes to see a psychic spiritual consultant and it showed they are low income, uneducated, fundamental, religious fanatics, all of which can not think for themselves.  

Who is doing these studies?  Well first of all, nobody is really doing any studies.  Most of the articles continued to refer to one study that was done in 2002, other references were to studies done in England in the 1980’s and 1990’s.  When I had my out of body experience in 1994, very few people knew of anyone who meditated and even fewer who actually went to see a tarot card reader, palm reader, psychic reader or for Reiki healing treatments.  Now we are here in 2018 and the world is a very different place.  The words aura and chakra are actually now in the dictionary because the words have become so mainstream.  The study done in 2002 showed that 51% of people believe in the paranormal and 49% do not.  I can not imagine what the study would show now but if I were to venture a guess it would be much higher in belief of the paranormal now. 

What I realized in a huge aha moment was that the majority of the world believes in paranormal phenomena and yet as individuals we still behave as if we are in the minority, not the majority!  We still whisper to each other about what goes bump in the night, or intuitive impressions we get at work, or knowing that something is wrong but cannot prove it so we go on to tell ourselves that our knowing is crazy. 

Three in Four Americans believe in the Paranormal


Science has not caught up with what we as individuals know is truth.  We might not be able to explain why we feel different or uplifted when we visit a healer or spiritual consultant, but we know that we are forever changed by our experience.  We can not pinpoint why we feel better, calmer and more hope filled after we meditate, but we do and we are inspired to meditate more.  The scientific studies are very old and outdated and are created by those who clearly do not understand enough about the paranormal to create a solid foundation that provides real perspective and shows the possibility that being a healer or spiritual consultant are valid practices.

The Science of Psychics


In all honesty when I talk with groups of people and we can drop into that really deep place of a serious conversation, most people have had at least one paranormal experience in their life that they can not explain.  Most people have paranormal experiences but may not know they are having them or they have buried it deeply by compartmentalizing the experience somewhere in their mind.  However, when I begin talking about different paranormal experiences those experiential memories start to open up again.  One man who said he never had an experience was surprised when I shared that his spirit reminded him of the time when his dead father’s spirit was standing over his bed when he was a child.  Suddenly, he remembered that experience he had buried many years ago and everything shifted as he awakened to the truth that the spirit world does exist. 

Why we believe in ESP, Ghost and Psychic Phenomena?


Our work is the most rewarding and the most challenging all at the same time.  We are working against mental closed doors that hunger to be opened, people just do not know it yet.  When that mental door does opens for people and the beauty of their soul can now add a brightness to their lives, everything changes for ever more.  We are living in a great time of change.  You do not need to believe in the paranormal to recognize this truth.  Adding a little spark of the divine adds such flavors to life that no ones wants to turn back.  We invite you to read the articles, explore more, and let go of the limitations of your own minds to open to possibilities.  What do you have to lose?

Energetic Health Tips

We are all spiritually changing whether our head is in the sand or our head is raised high and our eyes are wide open.  Everyone and everything is waking up to include the earth, trees, waters, and animals.  Waking up means you can see the world with not just your human eyes but with your spiritual eyes as well.  Here is a meditation to begin the journey of letting go of all the ways you limit yourself in all aspects of life. 

  1. Prepare a quiet place to sit with yourself it can be in your home or somewhere in nature. 
  2. You may want to have a tablet or journal nearby to write some notes afterwards to help you remember what came up for you. When you write, your spirit has the opportunity to come through and bring you deeper wisdom.
  3. Close your eyes and greet your body and greet your spirit. Allow yourself to pause with each greeting to allow your body and spirit to greet you back in their own unique ways. 
  4. Allow your spirit to settle as close to your body as you can. You may only be able to notice your spirit floating above your head.  However, if you can feel your spirit move into your body, allow it to flow deeper into your arms and legs too!
  5. Ask your spirit to show you an image that represents solid grounding and use that image and your imagination to ground to the center of the earth and then anchor that image to the earth.
  6. Set your intention to drop down your grounding old outdated physical aliments that no longer serve you as you remind yourself of todays date and your current age.
  7. Set the timer for one full minute and imagine you are releasing it all down your grounding.
  8. Set your intention to drop down your grounding old outdated emotions that no longer serve you as you remind yourself of todays date and your current age.
  9. Set the timer for one full minute and imagine you are releasing it all down your grounding.
  10. Set your intention to drop down your grounding old outdated mental worries/anxieties that no longer serve you as you remind yourself of todays date and your current age.
  11. Set the timer for one full minute and imagine you are releasing it all down your grounding.
  12. Set your intention to drop down your grounding old outdated spiritual beliefs that no longer serve you as you remind yourself of todays date and your current age.
  13. Set the timer for one full minute and imagine you are releasing it all down your grounding.
  14. Now set your intention to release all limiting beliefs and thought patterns that no longer serve you on your highest path and purpose.
  15. Set the timer for one full minute and imagine you are releasing it all down your grounding.

You can do this meditation anytime to release what no longer serves you on your path to moving forward in your life.  It does not mean you must believe in the paranormal, it just means that you release all the old programming that no longer serves you so you can be the best version of yourself that you desire to be. 

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