Since the Coronavirus made its grand appearance in our lives, the main message I have been hearing from spirit is “Be Yourself”! Each moment that another surprising event happened, I again would hear, “Be Yourself”. As I explored this more deeply, I was being asked to be my own authority, make my own decisions and keep my own council.
Then this shifted to my spirit asking me over and over again, “Who are You”? This went on for a few more weeks. I wondered, who am I, what are my qualities, and what are my unique skills? I thought that I knew myself well after 25 years of deep spiritual exploration. As a full time Psychic Healer, my clients are a mirror, a reflection of myself, and I have been gifted golden nuggets from each person along the way.

So when my spirit presented me with the challenge to really BE MYSELF, regardless of what others think, it felt like a mountainous request. I was born in 1959, on the cusp between a pretty rigid rule following society and the 1960’s free love and follow no rules society! One single song, led us into the “Age of Aquarius” and as an Aquarian, I am destined to create new paths to our future.

Wikipedia defines Authenticity – a concept in psychology (in particular existential psychiatry) as well as existentialist philosophy and aesthetics. In existentialism, authenticity is the degree to which an individual’s actions are congruent with their beliefs and desires, despite external pressures; the conscious self is seen as coming to terms with being in a material world and with encountering external forces, pressures, and influences which are very different from, and other than, itself.
“Don’t merely know thyself – be thyself.”
When I read the definition, I realized that in my 25 years of soul searching, I did know myself, yet I was not being fully myself out in the world. I was a clairvoyant, who could see energy fields in the privacy of my client sessions or in student classes, but out in the world, I remained protective and guarded. Not too far into the distant past, there remains a great deal of judgement towards those who have intuitive and or psychic healing abilities. In fact, it was just not safe to be out of the closet. Now, we are all being asked to be authentic, know ourselves and be ourselves.
I then asked spirit for ways to reveal our deepest aspects and spirit shared that the first place to start is by remembering who we were as children. What was our natural play? Did we play in large groups or did we prefer to play by ourselves? Were we natural leaders, or did we prefer to hang out in the back ground? When I explored this question for myself, I remembered that I liked being in groups and I liked, at times, to be alone in nature. I loved playing teacher and would set cardboard boxes upside down on the floor and create desks in the back sun room. I would then go around the neighborhood and gather all the kids and let them know that class was about to start. This memory of my play time was at the age of 6 years old.

My other memories came in the form of singing. The Partridge Family was a popular show on television, so again, I would gather other kids together and we would be the partridge family that sang together. I cut long strips up my brand new jeans to create the fringe affect so popular at the time. Yet, when it came to do any of these things in a larger public eye, I was shy, reserved, and wanted to be invisible. I realized as I did this little exercise that my spirit gave me, not much had changed. At 61 years old now, I love to teach, and if comfortable enough with my inner circle, might sing, dance and laugh. Yet still, to be comfortable in my own skin in a larger public setting, my shy, reserved, invisibility took center stage.

This is what we are being asked to do at this point in our spiritual awakening and evolution. Be Authentic, not just by knowing ourselves, but BEING ourselves, no matter what the external pressures are outside of us. We most certainly have a lot of external pressures to conform to many beliefs, theories, and conspiracies. We are finding that those who do not know themselves very well, tend to follow others who do seem to know themselves well. We are being asked to live in the moment, know our own truth, and check in with our own spiritual authority to be our guiding light.
Born between Strict rules, and challenging authority can cause us great confusion. Knowing your own spirit, having a clear connection to your higher self, and being in alignment with the great source of knowledge and wisdom, has the potential of being your best guidance. Young people do not seem to have those same inner challenges and are strongly driven to express their most authentic self. At times it seems bold and in your face authenticity that challenges those of us born of generations that remember the rules of engagement of the past. Yet, it is the younger generations who are here to show us how it is done!
We are currently living in the “Authenticity ERA”!
What new steps will you make to be
Your most authentic self?
Energetic Health Tips
Create a quiet place to contemplate and meditate. Gather a journal, something to write with. Make a cuppa something, light a candle and if you wish put on meditative music.
- Allow yourself to settle, by grounding your spirit, through your body and strongly connect yourself to the center of the earth.
- Set your intention, to meditate on the word authentic, and clear what energies block you from being your most authentic self.
- Notice what comes up for you, around what blocks you and intend to release those blocks of energy right down your grounding or surrender those blocks to the divine source. Basically, you are moving that old energy out of your human energy field.
- Remind yourself of the current date and age.
- Then ask your spirit to help you to remember, when you played as a child, what were the natural states of play that you were drawn to. Write them down in your journal.
- Ask you spirit to show you ways that you are when in the privacy of your own home or family that you may hide from the public eye, or shy away from when in community settings. Write them down in your journal.
- Notice what images, or feelings come up for you and release the heavier ones down your grounding. Allow the lighter uplifting ones to breathe fresh inspiration into you.
- Write down ways that you can be more authentic in public, or in front of others.
- Choose one authentic way about yourself, that you will express this week. Allow time in between each authentic expression to work with the energy that might come up for you before jumping into another level of authenticity.
- Remember, hiding yourself from others is a coping mechanism. Releasing this way of protecting yourself may take time, so be gentle and caring in your approach.
- Release other dense energies down your grounding, thank your spirit for illuminating your true self.
- Remember this is an exciting time for all of us as we step into just being who we are. I look forward to hearing what you chose to do and how it made you feel afterwards!