Most people are really curious about what spirits look like and have questions about them such as: can they really help us or hurt us, and, is it really possible to communicate with “the other side”? The answer is, yes, there really is a spirit world! When I had my out of body experience and then came back into my human body, something broke wide open. In an instant, the spirit world was visible to me at the same time the physical world was. To this day that is still the way I see the world and it has become my normal.
Using a musical score filled with notes is one way to understand the wide range of spirits in the spirit world. You can have low or high notes of sound and all notes in between.
A variety of note sounds are what creates the symphony. The spirit world is exactly the same way. There are spirits who are the highest of the high frequency, color and sound such as God, Goddess, Jesus, Buddha, and Archangels and then there are spirits who are of the lowest of the low in frequency, color and sound such as what some would describe as dark. Spirits are neither good nor bad, they just have different frequencies. When an orchestra plays a symphony, it is not just one note the entire time; it is a combination of notes that create the beauty of the music.
Each person has guides, ancestors and even animal spirits that help them on the other side. When you are born you come into this world with at least one main guide to assist, communicate, love, encourage and support you. Everyone has family/ancestors that help them from the other side. Families with strong cultural traditions can travel like a crowd around you. When not much is known about your family history, there are still ancestors there, but you may not allow them in close because you simply do not know or have a reference for them.

Last year, my 10 year old grandson, asked me why some spirits look just like you and me but other spirits you can barely see? Just the way he asked confirmed to me that he was really seeing them because that is exactly the way it is. Spirits have different frequencies that radiate as color. The stronger color and sound can indicate higher levels of energy and chi. A spirit that is barely able to come into the physical plane as a weaker color and sound, indicating lower levels of energy. I see this last example most if the spirit had a long illness, was depressed for a long time, or they were not very grounded when they were in a physical body. The longer they are on the spiritual side and have had time to rest and recover, the stronger and brighter their spirit becomes they are able to come through easier. That is why you may not feel them around right after they die. They simply need some rest time. It is easiest for our loved ones to come through in our dreams because we are out of our body too, in the dream world/astral plane.

Visits from the higher realms also weave in and out of our daily lives. (Okay, my shredder just turned on by itself while I typed that!) Let me use the example of Angels to express this in a clearer way. Angels move in and out of your environment and life watching, observing, loving, uplifting when they can. They are governed by the law of Free Will. They can not interfere unless you ask them for help. When you are not asking for help they will remain off in the distance. My understanding is, they can not intervene for you on behalf of someone else. You can ask a host of Angels, Jesus, Mary, and God to help your husband, wife, son, daughter, brother or sister however they can not interfere with your loved one unless your loved one asks for help themselves.

What I see happen in the spirit world when you pray, meditate and intend help for your loved one is; a gathering of golden loving healing essence that surrounds them where ever they are. This halo of loving healing energy is available and when they are ready for help, the essence infuses them with healing love. It is the same with Angels and Ascended Masters. I will watch them move close to the person who needs the help so their presence can be felt and once the struggling individual allows permission, the assistance begins instantly. That is why I ask suffering clients, family or friends, have you talked to God about this?
Animal spirits, earth angels, nature beings, elementals, faeries, rock, tree, water and earth spirits are all very real. (Children see them quite easily!) Some of you are simply more in tune with that frequency of color and sound and can sense them; they support us in very real ways. Having a variety of loving spirit helpers on the other side enhances your life like a symphony of sound. All spirits respond brightly to gratitude and love, even those of us in body.
Most people are very frightened of spirits, why wouldn’t we be? It is a mostly feared, unknown and unseen world. My guides once told me, “Remaining naïve to the existence of the spirit world does not serve you very well and leaves you open and vulnerable!” Cultivate spiritual relationships that you DO want, just like you cultivate your human relationships. See the Energetic Health Tips section for ideas on how to do just that!
I talk about people who had severe addictions such as alcohol or drugs will be attracted to humans who also struggle with addictions. Other spirits who worked with addictions this side become helping guides to others here to help them get through their addictions. Either way, they are either in human school or spiritual school and the learning does not end when they cross over to the other side. There is no judgment in the spirit world.
First published: February 2012