January is the time to start this new year of 2012 fresh with letting go of the old and coming fully into the present with where you really want to focus your energy for the rest of the year. Last January, we experienced a landslide that hit our house at 1:30 in the morning. It took us about 8 months to finally let go of the trauma associated with almost being buried alive, finding a new place to live within 24hrs, and the awareness that we would never be able to live in our home again. A year later that is all we could remember, the year of the landslide.

We decided to literally pull out our Calendar and review each and every month. Yes, it was a hard year, but what we realized by reviewing month to month that we had many other wonderful experiences too! We presented at a conference in Las Vegas, traveled with 12 awesome people to South Africa, had a crazy fun time teaching all of our classes and then spending 4 days in retreat with 30 students in Canada. However in the midst of all of that we created a new website that we are very proud of.
So when I thought of this January Newsletter, the topic that begged to be written about was manifesting your desires. There is so much information out there and so many techniques and classes, however how does it actually work? As a clairvoyant my interest is in observing human energy fields. When someone has a desire and several years later they are still talking about the same desire, my curiosity becomes peaked and I watch their energy field to see what the block is. Then there are those who simply think about something they want and with in days that thing, person, or item appears right in front of them. Again, my curiosity is peaked and I watch their energy field to see what makes them so good at manifesting.
Many of you have heard of “The Secret”, which is a movie and book produced by Rhonda Byrne. I highly recommend them both. The main point about the material is that this information has been around for thousands of years. We also love Vision Boards and Manifestation Wheels and we create them for our business and personal life. However, with all the best tools of the trade, what truly is the secret? What truly makes a difference in having what you desire match what you manifest?
With those questions in mind combined with my intense curiosity began the journey of observing human energy fields to pin down the answers. What I clairvoyantly witnessed in those people who easily manifested their desires was a very grounded energy field. In their grounded state, I could see the light of their spirit in every one of their chakras (energy centers).

Then I observed those who had many desires however they were unable to manifest or when they did manifest it came out differently than what they wanted. What I saw in their energy field was little to no grounding. Their spirit floated either above their head or just in the higher energy centers. Wow, this really got me thinking about why grounding made such a big difference?
What I know is that your desires, dreams, wishes, and prayers begin in the 7th energy center just above your head. This dream then moves down into the 6th chakra, which is the visual clarity center, to help you visualize an image for your dream. Moving down further into the 5th chakra adds the structure of communication and messages to further add structure to your dream. Then further to the heart that adds that hearts love to the dream that announces that desire to the universe. It is chakra number 3 in the solar plexus that adds the energy needed to create the dream, the 2nd chakra adds the creativity to formulate your dream in an expanded state. Then finally chakra 1 which is located low in the pelvis, is instrumental in actually manifesting your dream right into a physical reality taking it out of the dream state.
Meditation is the key to unlocking and unblocking your chakras to flow, expand and illuminate your life and all of your desires. As you meditate you spiritualize your body allowing more of your spirit to move down into all of your chakras. That is when you start to see the magic return to your life. So go out in nature, sit and ground yourself near a beautiful tree, take a journal and write down your desires. Then imagine those desires making their way down into your entire energy field so that you can manifest those them. Then the only thing you have left to do is allow yourself to have it!
Happy manifesting this month! We would love to hear your stories.
First published: January 2012