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Ancient Ireland


Ancient Ireland

November 2014 Newsletter

Ireland a land of the ancient Celtic mystery, magic and lore. A culture built on the art of oral traditions through storytelling, songs and music. Celtic people who consider trees to be the wise ones. Where ancestors include nature, nature spirits as well as faeries and giants.

In September I flew to meet a lovely group of people and begin my first visit. The first thing that struck me was just how grounded everything felt. I soon learned that southern Ireland has over 2,000 stone circles. Very few are available to the public because they are on private land. However you can feel the presence of the stones very strongly.

Since answering the call to go to Ireland the number 3 kept coming up everywhere. Now I was standing in nature looking at all of the trees planted in three’s. Each group of trees I looked at were placed their years ago with a purpose.   Celtic culture reveres the trees as being the wisest, as well as each one, each type has a personality and purpose.


Druid means Oak Knowledge and the Druids where the educated caste of the Celtic Culture, the most advanced of all intellectual classes among the peoples of ancient Europe. They were the doctors, lawyers, teachers and priest. They tended to prefer to live in nature amongst groves of trees and had the belief that all the teachings were to be passed down through oral tradition. Therefore not all Celtic people were Druids and not all Druids were Shamans. However Druids were sought out for their ancient knowledge and wisdom by those in high power.

Stone circles were placed on high earth energy points to harness the energy. Each stone circle had a different intent and purpose for the region. What those intentions were has since been long lost in history but the energy can still be felt in them to this day. We visited two distinctly different stone circles.

The Kenmare stone circle I found to be very healing and uplifting. In fact, I was sitting on the tour bus, riding along watching the beautiful countryside when suddenly I found myself sitting straight up as the energy began to build rapidly higher and higher. I asked those around me if they could feel it. One felt weak, another dizzy, another spacey and another nothing at all. So I went back to my personal experience as I tried to find a rational explanation for what I was feeling.

Several miles later, we came to the town of Kenmare where we made the short walk to the Kenmare Stone circle on the outskirts of town. We held hands in a circle around the center stone and grounded ourselves in the midst of its powerful energy. We felt our burdens in life release and our spirits lighten. My love affair with stones began on this day.


We visited another stone circle 4 days later called Lois Grange Stone Circle in county Limerick. This stone circle had a very different feel to it. I began to feel heavy, sadness and grief came up as we drove towards it. When we crested the hill we saw an enormous stone circle. In fact, it is the largest in Ireland according to the writings. There was a deep sadness here. So deep that some in our group could not enter the circle. They did not know why. Two of us heard the cries of women and children. Others in our group felt open hearted, love and uplifted. So each of us experienced each circle very differently.


Protector trees are planted around sacred areas. To this day you can find ribbons hanging from the branches of the protector tree as well as notes and other offerings. Trees are also considered the keepers of ancient Knowledge. The Yew tree was especially known for this. The silver birch is sought after for its mystical qualities for a Shamans work and the wood of the rowan tree is traditionally used for divination tools and objects such as runes and wands. Rowan branches are the prime choice for divining rods, and druids also crafted rowan wood into staffs. The druids maintained the rowan as a sacred container for protective energy. You can research the meanings of trees by doing a search online. Each astrological sign has a sacred tree associated with it.

By far I am no expert on Celtic Druid knowledge. However, I could not deny the essence and energies that profoundly touched me by walking this ancient land. The country has the oldest megalithic stones on the earth concentrated in one area. New grange stone tomb is older than the Pyramids and Stonehenge.   Coming home to our country after being in Ireland allowed me to feel the gentleness of our land, however, I will never look at a stone in the same way again.

Yes, there were Faery Forts everywhere that are considered sacred areas and the Irish are very careful to respect these areas and not disturb them. I also witnessed very large giants who are also known in Irish folklore however will save that story for another time.

In the energy tips, I encourage you to practice a meditation connecting with the Kenmare Stone circle of healing. Then vision your own trip there with us again in September of 2015 or another time in the future.




November, Energy tips


This month might I suggest you make an attempt at remote connections to the Kenmare Stone Circle in county cork Ireland. To encourage a richer experience you may put on music of Celtic origin such as Enya in the back ground and light a candle.

  1. Quiet your mind, and sit or lay in a comfortable place.
  2. Imagine your own protector tree next to you with deep roots, large branches and lush foliage. Imagine your own colorful ribbons and offerings hanging off of the multiple branches. Feel the wisdom and protection of this tree all around you.
  3. Now imagine you are standing on the outside of the Kenmore stones. There is are 15 stones in the outer circle and one large flat “Cap Stone” in the center. You can also refer to the picture(s) in this newsletter to help you create the image.
  4. Remember, intention to connect with the stones in an open hearted uplifting way is really all you need to connect with the energy there.
  5. Now, greet the stone circle, the protector tree and the ancestor guardians of the circle and thank them for allowing you to visit.
  6. When you feel the time is right for you, walk around the outside of the circle counterclockwise 3 times in your mind’s eye to release your burdens.
  7. Then turn and walk around the outside of the circle 3 times clockwise to uplift you, again using your minds eye.
  8. Then enter to the center of the circle and lay on top of the center stone asking it to heal some aspect of your life, relationship, or health. Remain here for as long as you are guided to.
  9. Once you feel it is time to leave, walk out backwards, facing the stones and thanking them for all that they have offered you today.
  10. Once outside the circle of stones, thank the protector tree and return to the room you are in. Remind yourself of your age and the current date. Thank you own protector tree. Open your eyes and make notes about your experience.
  11. We invite you to write us with the experience you had.

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