Home / Newsletter Archives / A Spirit Led Life to China! | September 2017

A Spirit Led Life to China! | September 2017

     China, if I can be honest, was probably the last place on the earth that I thought that I would ever visit.  We all have our bucket list of things we want to do in our lives and China probably would not have even been on my bucket list before last year. 

     Meditation is my daily check in with my own soul.  The place where I find that everything is always okay and at peace no matter what type of chaos is happening around me.  My daily check in keeps my head on straight!  This one day, I was grounding myself in my routine meditation when I felt a heightened level of spiritual activity.  Then a beautiful female voice came through with an unwavering assignment for me.  She said, “You are needed in China, when can you be there?”  

    In hearing this crystal-clear request, my eyes opened and I searched the room, looking behind me, wondering who this voice was and ”who is this voice talking to”?  It most certainly was not me, was my first thought!  A conversation was sparked at the spiritual telepathic level and the explanation from spirit came through as this; Spirit:  We need you to go to China because China has the most ancient ancestors on the earth and they are waking up as the veil between worlds is becoming thinner.  These ancient ones are confused as they attempt to speak to humans, wondering why humans do not remember how to talk to the ancestors.  Nancy:  Ummmmm, I am a white woman from America who really knows very little about China or their ancient culture.  I am certain that you have very capable individuals in China who can talk to the ancient ones and communicate their messages.  Spirit:  Yes, but because you are a white woman from America who has no cultural influence you can communicate with a greater neutrality.  Nancy:  Hmmmmmm, I am still not totally convinced at the necessity of me personally making this journey but I will be open to trusting this information. 

     What I have learned through meditations and internet research is that China has a rich cultural history that has influenced many things about the way we live today in America; including, engineering roads, bridges, and buildings to having a written language that goes back thousands of years, Acupuncture for energy meridians in the body, Qi Gong, Confucius, Taoism, and manifesting chi at the human level that can move through matter to dissolving tumors through chanting in a matter of a few minutes. 

    After hearing the words blue planet, blue star, and that there are eight ascended masters who came to the earth to help us understand how to work with our energy I became obsessed to find out more.  I did many internet searches on these topics with very little information to be found.  Then my friend shared with me that we plan to visit the Blue Mountains where the oldest Taoist temple exist with ancient masters who still live there.  There it was again, the word blue. 

     Traveling by following guidance can lead to many adventures.  Spirit usually communicates on a need to know basis.  Placing my feet on the ground in China will bring my next set of instructions.  This requires trust and faith in the spiritual process.  I am intensely curious, as a clairvoyant and a healer: what did the ancient ones know that we do not yet know or remember in our western culture?   This will be a trip of fulfilling a spiritual call to action!  A conversation with the ancient ones about what they see is happening on the earth and to humanity.  Answering the questions of why they are becoming active again, what is their mission, what do they desire, and what do they hope to achieve through our visit to their part of the world? 

     In what ways do you lead a spirit led life?  Where does your heart or gut instincts lead you?  Where does your head and logic lead you?  Is there room for the head and the heart when navigating decisions in our lives?   Read the Energetic Tips section for suggestions on how to follow your own spiritual instincts from one adventure to another!   Then follow our China blog to learn more about our own adventure in this ancient far away land!

Energy Tips

How do you talk to your own spirit?  How do you hear the communication from the spirit world?  How do you have enough trust and faith to take action on spirit led guidance?  There is one answer to all of those questions.  MEDITATION!   You are energetically built to communicate easily and effortlessly with your own spirit, guides, and God.  However, your energy field, just like your car, can become buried under the “dirt and debris” of programming, old memories and outdated emotions.  Meditation provides a daily cleansing process (it is your “spiritual carwash”!) and as you clear layer upon layer those spiritual messages come through more and more clearly.

We do have meditation programs available to begin your own meditation journey.  In these tips each month we make meditation suggestions for you to do at home. 

  1. Create a quiet space for you to feel, hear, see and know those spiritual messages at the slightest level. 
  2. Have a notebook nearby to write down all the little and maybe even important things that you notice.
  3. If you would like to create a sacred environment, then add fresh flowers, a candle, and maybe some light music in the back ground. However music, if too distracting can cause you to miss the slight subtle insights. 
  4. Close your eyes and notice what is happening in your outer environment. Sounds, temperature changes, a breeze, smells, texture from where you are sitting. 
  5. Then shift into noticing what is going on for you on the inside. Greet your body and notice if you are holding pressure or tension.  Then, greet your own spirit and allow your spirit to teach you how it communicates to you.  Some of you will experience communication through visions, some of you through actual words in your mind, and then others of you will have a feeling with a “knowing” imprint.
  6. Imagine an image that you find is very grounding for you. Then imagine that image connected to your body and extends down to the center of the earth, then create a way to anchor your grounding to the earth’s core.
  7. Now set your intention. I set my intention to communicate with my own spirit.  I set my intention to communicate with my guides and angels.  I set my intention to know what my spirit is calling me to do.  You can set your intention for whatever you desire and the energy will reorganize itself to help you achieve your intention. 
  8. Then sit, with time and patience. Determined, yet soft and uncontracted, welcoming, inviting, and in gratitude for the messages that spirit wants to express.
  9. In the beginning you may not get any messages, but I promise you, if you sit every day for 15 minutes, over time with your intentions, your spirit will be able to work with that time of quiet to communicate to you. Even if you do not pick up anything this first or 100th time, be in gratitude. 
  10. After your time, make notes about anything that may have come up for you. Nothing is random, there are messages in everything, including what were you thinking about when the phone rang?
  11. Where is spirit leading you towards your next adventure? Please drop us an email and let us know what you experienced. 

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