Spirit asked me what I understood about the energy of respect. I sat there wondering if this was a trick question. Not wanting to mentally out clever myself for the answer, I allowed myself to ground and drop deeply into what I might “know” about respect. Even though my head could come up with so many answers, my knowingness seemed to feel stalled, uncertain, and unclear. My felt sense was that respect is knowing that each person, each thing, has inherent value.

Then spirit asked me several enquiring questions. Can you respect our current political powers? Can you respect your cancer? Can you respect your treatment choices? Can you respect “ALL” of your life choices? Can you respect your family members and their choices? Can you respect the homeless? Can you respect those who have hurt or harmed others? This type of questioning went on for about 30 minutes as I felt my grip of understanding respect slipping from my fingers. Spirit wants me to write about this in the newsletter and I could feel a resistance in me that felt locked down and stuck, ugh!

Therefore, I began simply by first by looking up the definition of respect. Most dictionaries define respect as something to be earned. However, my knowingness was telling me that this definition was not what spirit was trying to impress upon us. Then I found a description that aligned more with the feeling I had around respect; deep regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others.

A deep regard, however you might feel if the person deserves it, or not, based on their standing in the community. I then explored a bit more and found that deeply held beliefs are the basis from which one’s respect and regard for another person springs. These beliefs are not necessarily conscious. Some examples include, but are not limited to the ability to:
- Acknowledge each person’s basic dignity as a human being.
- Have empathy for every person’s life situation.
- Listen to and encourage each other’s opinions and input.
- Validate other people’s contributions as having value.

Once, I recovered this knowledge of respect, then spirit repeated the questions to me that had been asked before. I was just not sure that I could fully and deeply, respect those who intentionally hurt, or harm others, either through political influence, personal persuasion, lying, or through action that involves crime. That is where that heavy, solid, wall of resistance was coming up for me.
Now it was time for me to ask spirit to show me, show us, what we need to see about ourselves and the essence of respect. The vision shown to me was of the entire earth. There was a layer of grey fog covering the surface of the earth and this fog was slowly beginning to dissipate. As the fog dissipated a light was radiating from the earth’s crust and began to illuminate several thousand feet high. This surge of light, I am told is the energy, the essence of dignity and respect. This surge of respect radiance builds in mid-September inspiring us to all visit our own definition of respect and its core essence.

True respect, I might suggest, is a missing ingredient in our world and global community. Over the writing of this newsletter, my own spirit gently encourages me to just begin with small steps, and that is with me. Starting with respecting everything about my body and my spirit. Respecting my choices, and every interaction that I have throughout the day. Looking at respect in relationship to my larger community.

This is not a Soap Box sermon, but an encouragement to visit these energies and how they might impact your human energy field. The energetic essence of respect and dignity is building and is set to arrive as a surge in mid-September. I personally, look forward to knowing these energies in a much more intimate way!
Read the Energy Tips segment for ideas on how to work with the energy of respect for yourself!
Energy Tips
This subject really pushed me this month. There is a tightness that seems to come with this topic that squeezes at my heart. Then I realized, lack of respect, is squeezing the life out of humanity. Lack of dignity chokes off the vital connection to our roots, our ancestors, each other. I would love to hear what your own experience with this topic is.
- Find a quiet place to settle yourself and be able to self-reflect at the subtle levels of your being.
- Write down what your own thoughts and soul sense about the energies of respect and dignity.
- Close your eyes, and imagine grounding your entire energy field to the core of the earth. Allow Mother Earth to support you and you deepen your own understanding of the energies of respect and dignity.
- Surrender your intellectual understanding of these two energies and ask your own soul to teach you, show you, to create your own embodied experience.
- Let go, of old outdated concepts regarding respect and dignity taught to you by others so that you can arrive at your own understanding.
- Create a large ball of cosmic respect and dignity, and infuse your energy field and body with this essence. Can you drink in and absorb pure respect for yourself? Continue to let go of old energies until you can fill with your own respect for self. Knowing, this may take days, weeks, months or even years. Be gentle with yourself around this.
- When you are ready, open your eyes, and make notes on what you learned.
- Write; nancyrebecca@intuitivemind.org, and share your experience with me!
2 responses to “A New Surge of Dignity & Respect! | September 2020”
Thank you. This gives me a way to deal with some lower frequency energy, such as, judgment and paranoia which, I feel, are linked onto the concept of respect ( or lack of it). My heart chakra and inner child are ready for this type of shift even though the process of opening really is a Pandora’s Box; I’m sure it will be well worth my efforts.
Hello Amber,
So wonderful to hear from you. Yes, we do still live in this world and the stress is super high. We must keep tapping into to meditations and uplifting people to keep our rudder in the water of life. Sincerely, Nancy