When Will the Chaos End?

When will the chaos end? So many of us ask this question as we navigate the intense, uncertain, and often overwhelming world we live in today. Life’s complexity seems ever-increasing, leaving us scrambling to keep up with the rapid pace of change—and that’s just what’s happening outside. Do you find yourself not trusting the messages of hope? Is this background noise in your mind telling you to get ready because the shoe is about to drop? When sitting around the table with your family, do you still find there are emotionally charged differences of opinion? Or maybe you have a clear, grounded spiritual sense about life, but others around you still hang on to the same disruptive old patterns?

In the September frequency forecast, the focus is on when the chaos will end.

Inside, it’s an entirely different conversation. Anxiety, emotional turmoil, depression, and hopelessness—these feelings are all too common as we struggle to hone our coping skills, trying to function faster and faster.

Just last night, I was lying in bed, ready to drift off. Suddenly, I felt this weight of anxiety come over me like a heavy blanket. It seemed to come from nowhere, like a sneak attack of panic and fear. My mind was racing as I filed through my day to sense a connection that I may be worried about more than usual. I wouldn’t say I liked it at all. It felt like my feelings had been hijacked; I had a great day, and there was no reason for this sudden shift in my peaceful moment.

Yet, the coping mechanisms I had once relied on no longer seem to work. I reminded myself to breathe, ground my energy field, and move my consciousness to my pineal in my 6th chakra. I was having breakthrough anxiety that seemed to have no source. I began to breathe in and breathe out until a calm peace replaced the anxiety. I could drift off to sleep and, the following day made sure I went for a long walk.

Those coping skills patterns you developed, whether you were just three years old, in your teens, or in adulthood, were never meant to help you navigate the complexities of today’s world. They’re from an older frequency, a different generation. Only in the 1960s did peace, love, and happiness emerge. Maybe a few people meditated and did yoga, but by 1994, no one in my circle had meditated. It was time for me to develop new coping as my old coping had worn out its welcome.

Imagine wearing the girdles, stiff dresses, and high heels from decades ago—or a suit everywhere you go. Styles change with every generation, so why do we expect the coping mechanisms we relied on 20, 40, or even 60 years ago to work for us now, in such crazy, rapid times? I believe everyone in humanity, including you, has the strength to change your perspective of chaos.

Chaos is often an indicator that a change will occur in your life. I have grown to expect my gift from spirit after a period of chaos. Knowing that I will enjoy my experiences after the chaos provides me with comfort in the midst of the storm. You are spiritually built for these times. Trust yourself!

Outdated Coping Mechanisms

What types of coping are we talking about? Running away, Silent treatment, or Sleeping to escape. Emotional eating is one of my favorites, but add drugs, alcohol, gambling, or overworking, and eventually, those just wear us out. These old coping mechanisms are dissolving, crumbling, and screaming at you to run, even as you try to override that voice and reach for another option. And then, in frustration, you ask yourself, or maybe even yell inside your head: When will the chaos end? Let me suggest my blog about The Awakening Mind and Stress.

The truth is, the chaos doesn’t end. But what can change is how quickly you let go. I know you might not like hearing that, but the faster you can let go of an issue, the quicker you’ll move to a different frequency.

When you hang on to a problem, you cycle through the same frequency until you resolve it and let it go. But sometimes, the issue isn’t resolvable. That’s when you have to work hard to let it go—through therapy, exercise, or other means. Did you know that regular activity can heal so many things, like anxiety and depression? I read an article recently that highlighted this incredible truth.

Finding Calm in the Chaos

So, when will this chaos finally end? It will end when you learn to respond to everything in the moment, deal with it, solve it, and move on quickly to the next fire.

We often hear about star beings or Jesus returning and imagine that when we raise our frequency, we’ll find ourselves in a utopia. But here’s the thing: you’re in a utopia right now. It’s just that the chaos and visceral emotions we experience often blind us to the beauty around us—we can’t even see the sunflower growing next to us. When I traveled to Ireland, I witnessed (with my clairvoyant eyes) A crystal city of light floating about a mile above the land. This vision was breathtaking. I am trying to say there may come a time when we experience a utopian crystal city, but for now, we have much practice to do and are ready to see it.

But those sunflowers are everywhere. Can you imagine what life could be like if you could see more calm than chaos? Fields of color surround us, majestic mountains tower over us, and the beauty of the trees rooted on our earth mother steady us as we grow.

The Frequency Forecast for September

This is what the Frequency Forecast for September is all about. The chaos isn’t changing, but its head-screaming voice is getting quieter. As you let go of old coping mechanisms and start building a new foundation of coping, dealing with, and handling life’s challenges, you’ll find a new sense of peace.

I’m shown the fall colors here in the Pacific Northwest as a stunning symphony of light—a reminder from spirit to look for the color.

P.S. Psychology Today also has a great article about chaos and the mind.


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