The Last Painful Gasp

The last painful gasp can’t come soon enough when the energies seem to be crawling towards an attempt at a lighter, brighter life. I am not an astrologist, but it does not take a planetary genius to know that something has been amiss for the last ten-plus years. In 2009, during an election year, life turned upside down as the economy crashed, leaving me without an income. I was a full-time psychic healer with a large client base, but when people lost their jobs, homes, and cars, they no longer had the money to purchase a Starbucks coffee, much less a psychic reading. I was considered a luxury item, and few people had spare change for luxuries.

In 2008, Pluto moved into the astrology sign of Capricorn, indicating a shift in the world’s power structures. This was a clear sign of things to come as the top-down authorities began to shift into their positions. By the time Obama was elected President in 2009, a shake-up at the top was already being strategized. I did not understand any of this back then, but now, looking back at the life cycle of the Pluto/Capricorn dance, I realize that it suddenly makes more sense.

This is why the period between October 12th and November 19th, 2024, is one of the most significant. The last painful gasp of the Pluto/Capricorn top-down power structure is set to crumble. Like Humpty Dumpty, who fell off the wall, all the KING’s horses and all the KING’s men could not and will not be able to put Humpty together again! The beautiful white-winged Pegasus will ride out of the clouds in some ways, like a phoenix rising out of the ashes as Pluto moves into Aquarius’s arms (11-19-24). Aquarius is all about the people. Aquarius is all about bottom-up authority, as we shout, “POWER TO THE PEOPLE!”

The last painful gasp comes from those at the top who have enjoyed their power ride of authority. Like a balloon losing air, you just might find a few fighting words left in it, but that’s all it will be…words. it will not hold enough power to re-inflate that balloon. But let us not forget all the good that Pluto achieved in the sign of Capricorn. Provided structure to ideas, dreams, visions, and intentions. Helped humanity to fortify a higher level of determination to reach our goals and the higher bar. It reminded us that we have the inner strength to survive anything. Now is the time to carry those Capricorn strengths and add them to the unifying community-minded aspects of the Aquarian age. October 12th through November 19th, 2024, may have you dizzy with its rapid expansion, but the ‘Blue Light Awakening’ 30-day sessions intend to provide the uplifting support you desire. Read my blog on the blue light body activation.

While the last painful gasp of the old is distracting the world with chaotic noise, you do not have to be pulled off course by it all. The Blue Lightwave of Truth rolls in on October 17th with a boost from a full super moon. This elixir of pure consciousness, life-expanding wisdom, and higher-frequency knowledge may seem to peak in mid-October, but it is just getting started. The Blue Light Awakening Event, with a large group of like-minded souls, will support us all as we ride the wave with Pluto into Aquarius on November 19th.

You can plan on not stopping there, as the Winter Solstice adds the icing on the cake of our radical transformational experiences through the end of the year. This may be a great time to purchase a 2025 calendar and put a star on March 2025 to remind yourself not to overbook your schedule because consciousness has much more in store for us then. Do not worry; we will have you covered by another supportive event. As spirit always reminds us to move or be moved. All of our events are created to help you manage your potent transformational shifts.  

This current alignment is a reminder by the Blue Celestial Beings of light that what is hidden will be revealed, the truth will be illuminated, and Justice will be served. No one can crawl underneath their rock anymore, and that includes those of us who do good works. Your strengths and abilities are being called forth to stand on the world stage and shout to all who can hear and see. Step up to your microphone and shout to the world, “THIS IS WHO I AM!” It is time for us all to own our gifts and talents as new global consciousness leaders.

In addition to the pure states of consciousness, you can expect more excellent communication with Celestial star beings (yes, you can do it too), Integration of luminescent blue plasma energy, and DNA activating light codes. You can read more by Laara, What the heck are light codes?

This is the time we have been waiting for, and I most certainly do not plan to sleep through it. Join me as we start this very exciting, light-sparkling party. We have always been stronger together.


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