Shedding Lies: Embrace the Pure Light of Truth

Join me on this journey of shedding lies and embracing the pure light of truth during this month of the August Frequency Forecast. The focus on this topic is just how many layers of lies we hold within us. The pure light of truth is coming in waves. The first small wave peaked on July 23rd, followed by several more blue light waves in August, October, and early 2025. The benefit of the Pure Light of Truth coming in waves will assist humanity in integrating truth comfortably. These waves bring to mind an image of a seismograph, capturing the seismic shifts we’re experiencing. With the Earth, Sun, Sirius, and Orion aligning for the Lion’s Gate on August 8th, the energy is certainly palpable.

It was only nine months ago that we had our third surge of blue light infuse the 3 mesas located on the land of the Hopi people. Humanity and nature have been able to integrate the enormous blue frequency shift that happened at that time. The Celestial Blue Beings of light express this timing to align with the next phase of expanding consciousness. The beautiful Sirian Star People wish to emphasize the world’s alignment to shed the lies and embrace the truth, which is ripe with readiness.

My spiritual intel (Wisdom and Guidance) tells me that August has the potential to be quite “hellish” for some. Why hellish? Because the beautiful analytical minds we’ve worked so hard to build must crumble. This presents great challenges for those who rely on roadmaps marked by post-it notes, highlighter pens, and GPS voice guidance to navigate their lives. In August, many lies are breaking down to make room for pure truth, leaving you unsure of what to believe and who to trust.

Accept my FREE GIFT of my voice guiding you through shedding layers of lies so you can fully embrace the pure light of truth for yourself.

Why Intuition is Crucial

This is why intuition is absolutely crucial right now. You must listen to your higher self, the God of your heart, your guardian angels, and your ascended masters. You might be standing on a mountainous pile of lies and not even know it. Your intuition is your ticket to knowing your truth. Are you still asking if intuition is real or not? We have long surpassed that debate as that train has left the station. Far too many of you are awakening to your intuitive sensitivities to continue to deny it. This is the time to listen deeply to the clarity of your soul. Join the many others just like you who are exploring their own intuitive style. Join the waiting list to develop your intuition when registration for Psychic Mastery 1 opens again.

The Many Faces of Lies

Lies can be categorized in various ways based on their nature, intention, and impact. Here are some common categories:

  1. White Lies: Small, harmless lies often told to avoid hurting someone’s feelings.
  2. Blatant Lies: Outright falsehoods that are often easy to disprove.
  3. Exaggeration: Overstating or embellishing the truth.
  4. Deception by Omission: Leaving out important details to mislead someone.
  5. Fabrication: Completely inventing a story with no basis in truth.
  6. Compulsive Lies: Habitual lying without a clear motive.
  7. Pathological Lies: Persistent, often elaborate lies told over a long period.
  8. Manipulative Lies: Lies told to manipulate or control someone for personal gain.
  9. Protective Lies: Lies told to protect oneself or someone else from harm.
  10. Altruistic Lies: Lies told to benefit someone else, often at the liar’s own expense.
  11. Self-Deception: Lying to oneself, convincing oneself of a false reality.
  12. Perjury: Lying under oath in a legal setting.

My Spiritual Guides Explain Lies

Lies are like linoleum floor coverings in an old house. Over the years, layers of brightly patterned linoleum cover the original worn-down surface. Then those lies become old and worn, just so you can place another layer over it. You may choose another color or another pattern and dress up the lie, but it’s still a lie. Eventually, these layers need to be peeled back to reveal the truth.

To simplify, let’s focus on:

  1. Intentional Lies
  2. Unintentional Lies
  3. Embellished, Exaggerated Lies
  4. White Lies
  5. Dictatorship, Autocrat, Authoritarian Lies

Intentional lies are well thought out for the purpose of manipulation and misdirection. Unintentional lies are unconscious, often simply repeating what you are told without checking it out first. Embellished-exaggerated lies can be used to add color to enhance a great story or force someone into quicker action than what is truly needed. White lies are often used for the purpose of not wanting to hurt someone’s feelings. Authoritarian lies are used to manipulate large populations of people into action (often negative action) to enhance an individual’s authority.

Why does being lied to hurt so much? Read this article in Psychology Today.

The Confusion of Lies

The energy of lying is solely for causing mental confusion. Sorting out whether something is a lie or truth adds a complexity that makes the arrival of an outcome harder than it needs to be. Imagine being handed a jewelry box of tangled necklaces (metaphoric for lies). You spend time untangling the mental mess of lies and rarely get to the bottom of it all. Intuitive senses can become on high alert, but if the truth is not revealed, the energy becomes stuck. Lies are empty; they have no soul or substance. The pressure of a lie builds until you either admit it’s true and let it into your aura or dispel it. The Sirian Star People are asking us to become quicker at discerning truth over the falsehood of lies. The Blue Light Frequency of truth is assisting us to gain much greater clarity.

The Energetic Impact of Lies

Intuitively, you know the truth and the lie. Rise above to tune into your intuitive guidance, filled with your spiritual soul’s light. Big lies, like family lies, are like tornadoes, causing chaos until you accept them as truth, even when you must compromise the real truth to keep the peace. We can tell ourselves a good lie that we adopt as truth to make us feel better, like believing your loved one is doing okay when actually they have a problem, such as with drugs or alcohol.

The Power of Truth

Truth is made up of quantum light codes aligning with the universal cosmic truth. These light codes bring enormous light to everything they touch. When truth is spoken, you feel uplifted.

Did you know that your aura (energy field) does not know how to lie? Your auric field is incapable of lying, and it only knows how to show truth. Your auric field illuminates the pure light of truth as a radiance of brilliant colors. When you are holding a lie inside of you, it shows up as a cloudy energy.

You may feel as if you are 100% certain that you are feeling great and doing fine, but your auric field knows only the truth and will appear distorted, twisted, and sometimes collapsed. Over the next several months of blue truth waves, you can expect your auric light to become brighter as the layers of lies dissolve. The results will be enhanced with crystal clear clarity around all your questions and decisions to be made. Can you imagine all the time you will save having instant, clear answers?

In the movie The Matrix, a choice is given: choose the red pill of truth and accept it no matter what the truth reveals, or choose the blue pill to remain oblivious and within your comfort zone. As the Blue Frequency of universal truth infuses all consciousness, we all, on some level, are choosing the blue pill of truth.

Embracing Time and Space

During this August Frequency Forecast, time and space appear as warped perceptions. Time, at a quantum level, is like a slingshot—pulling back and moving forward rapidly. The blue light beings explain that the purpose of gathering the past and slinging it into the future is for the purpose of rapidly healing humanity and the world. Tying up old, outdated, historical loose ends. In August, don’t be surprised to witness time jumping. Recently, a friend arrived at work 15–30 minutes early despite her morning routine remaining exactly the same. Unnerved and startled, she mentally repeated her steps in an attempt to bring clarity to the confusion. This is what spirit means about this August potentially being a bit ‘hellish’ for our minds.

Space provides a multidimensional perspective on everything, driving greater compassion. The Blue Sirian Star Beings showed me an image of a 12-sided prism of rainbow colors. As truth becomes clearer, it shows us each situation or event from a broader point of view. This, in turn, gives you a deeper feeling of compassion when you can see someone’s choices from a higher reality. The purity of truth is ready to activate all truths.


You are entering a new level of expansive consciousness, which requires you to be able to identify the truth with rapid-fire precision. You no longer have time to linger over if something is a lie or not. Your intuitive knowing is growing in accuracy at the speed of light. You can rest in knowing you’ve got this. Take charge of clearing the layers of lies you hold within you. Those lies such as you are not capable, you will never heal, you are not qualified to make those decisions. Your spirit knows you are brilliant, capable, smart, and more than qualified to be in charge of all of your decisions.

Accept my FREE GIFT of a guided meditation on the Sanctuary of Truth. Join our growing community as we allow the layers of lies to crumble once and for all.


5 responses to “Shedding Lies: Embrace the Pure Light of Truth”

  1. Julie Finkelstein Avatar
    Julie Finkelstein

    Thank you, loved your first meditation on you tube.

  2. Andrea Höhn Avatar
    Andrea Höhn

    Hi Nancy, not sure where we are meant to leave the comments about our experience with your truth meditations. To keep a long story short. I’ve let plenty in my life, more than I was aware of – omitting, embellishing, trying to manifest things, states of being, lying to myself… to protect myself. Never, as much as I can remember, to cause harm to another. My first reaction was, that I was quite pathological 🙂 and here I was thinking, I was mostly a truthful, honest, outright person LOL Maybe the biggest lie of all :)Not to mention, since we are all pure energy, or light… and this world is but an illusion, we are all lying all our waking hours to keep this dream alive (safe for the ones already awoken from the dream 🙂 I’ve ‘lied’ so much in my life, I probably wouldn’t know the truth when it hit me in the face. No wonder I am such difficulty finding it – the ‘truth’. Doesn’t matter what I think, or believe, it could all be lies…forever and ever… a definition of hell…sigh…And then I remember, I am a manifestation of God, and the bible tells us, God never lies… and then there was the video about narcissists… another story 🙂

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      Thank you for your post about lies. Lying is a coping mechanism and somewhere a long the way you might have felt safer for some reason. Continue to meditate and dissolve the lies and fill with pure truth. Over time, this pattern will dissolve completely.

  3. Lori Kehoe Avatar
    Lori Kehoe

    My first truth meditation today. Been getting interrupted for the past week every time I sit for the meditation. Boundry issues? Who me?
    I know this is going to be very powerful for me. What came through is eliminating lies told as a child, specifically limitations of a female child, and lies I tell myself.

    A friend shared your interview with Pam G. and now I’m hooked on Nancy Rebecca. Your message feels so right. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    I’m having trouble navigating the Intuitive Mind website. Where are your Thursday videos?

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      Thank you for your kind words. I am so glad to know you are enjoying the material. You can find my Thursday live events on my YouTube Channel. Nancy Rebecca.

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