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March Frequency Forecast

This March Frequency Forecast is going to allow us to peak behind the curtain to begin to get a sense of where the March Frequency is taking us.  We really started turning this corner or at least thinking about it way back in September 2022.  Can you even remember where you were and what you were doing back in September of 2022?  When revisiting my own calendar, I remember it strongly and it was not fun at all.  In some ways it was like I had a platter piled 5 feet high with delicious cakes to be delivered but to get there required that I climb a steep vertical path going almost straight up while pushing a huge boulder up the hill at the same time.  Now here we are in March, unfolding into the Aquarian Ages promising greater freedoms and lighter loads.

Shifting into the Aquarian led Astrology

This time, 6 months ago found me with so much abundant potential coming towards me in the distance but I just could not get there to grab ahold of it all. Remember during that time, we had something like 8 planets in retrograde.  This retrograde period is where it appears as if a planet as stopped or is moving backwards which makes any attempts to accomplish anything appear impossible.  Yep, this was September 2022.  A tray piled high with cakes, but you can’t get to it.  This was enormously frustrating yet resilience building as spirit continued to ask, just how badly do you want this new way of being?  Can you remember where you were last September?

This March Frequency Forecast is the exact opposite.  So lets imagine that same platter filled with delicious cakes piled 5 feet high and you are moving forward to deliver them.  Yet this time, the path, the journey is similar to a moving sidewalk, speeding along while you attempt to keep your balanced and not fall with the cakes landing all around you.  This can be equally frustrating yet also resilience building as your spirit is attempting to encourage your onward, knowing you can run a marathon while holding this tray of cakes.  At this 3D human level, we are not that convinced that we can.  Many of you have already made some life changes in preparation for this time of March, wanting what the divine is selling and yet now that you have those changes you are wondering why you wanted them in the first place. Maybe we should call this ‘transformational amnesia’.

“In March our Entire Planet will go through a massive astrological, galactic, celestial shift that will completely recalibrate human consciousness.”

– Pam Gregory, Astrologer

Are you a build the plane on the way down type of person or build the plane ahead of time type of person? When you are the type of person that leaps before you look, you can have a higher state of trust and faith that you will be provided everything that you need to build that plane when the time comes. Yet, this type of leaping over and over again can cause your human body to feel frightened, anxious and doubtful. Building the plane long before you need it so you can check the safety log several times, take a few test flights, and recheck everything again before you even start the propeller might feel safer, but you just may miss the frequency opportunity ripe for the journey. This can cause you to struggle a bit more and wonder why it is not as easy as you thought it would be because you missed your timing. Over planning, crossing every T and dotting every i can lead you into a state of never moving out of your own way.  Your body feels safe which is great, but you never change and can remind stuck in your comfort zone. This March Frequency Forecast is encouraging us to quicken out ability to make fast decisions and put changes into place so we can move forward in a more seamless way.

Spirit reminds us that if you think you can’t or your think you can, both answers are correct because you are creating your future with every single thought that you have.  You are completely in the moment and what you think is what you are.  You are rapidly building your future with your current thoughts; in fact, we all are.  This is called Unified Consciousness and the larger we can gather with our vision for the world ahead the easier it is to manifest it through our creative energies. Again, this March Frequency Forecast is also asking us to be just a bit more conscientious about our thoughts because those thoughts become reality very quickly.

The other major event that happened for me was when I attended the Phenomicon Conference with my mother in Vernal Utah.  I had never in my life explored this world before and was curious as to what the current knowledge was around UAP’s (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena).  My curiosity peaked when I began to be visited by Blue Celestial Star Beings in 2017.  I have since learned that this area has the most sightings of UAP’s in the world on a consistent basis, and I actually caught an image on camera.  Why do I bring this up in relationship to the March Frequency Forecast?  Because again, 6 months ago this phenomena was still considered out there and now here we are in 2023 and the government is taking it so seriously that the reality of other planetary life existence is no longer a joke. Never in my life did I think I would ever see a UFO/UAP, or speak to high level military who have witnessed these multiple times. This is what the March frequency is placing in front of us, reminding us we no longer have time to ponder these truths for years on end.

March is showing us just how far we have come over these past 6 months and now the throttle is being pulled back into full G Force, catapulting us into a rapid acceleration of spiritual growth.  Yet, this is the crazy part from my perspective.  It feels as if nothing is happening because these new energies that are coming in are so gentle, kind, caring, and soft (subtle).  Yet for many of you, there are large shifts in your family, relationships, work situations and personal growth opportunities.  Spirit is fierce in its reminding us that these are all opportunities for growth, encouraging us not to linger too long on what you are having to let go of.  This Aquarian Mind of mine wants to know and understand how a frequency so gentle can be such a transformational force. Can you relate to this?

Listen to yourself and follow what excites you.  Make those decisions, take those risks, be willing to do things differently than you have before.  Start with taking a different way to work, fixing your hair differently, read a book instead of Netflix, or try a new brand of tea.  Even these small little things can have big results in March.  Recently, instead of my normal route for my daily walks, I got in my car and drove to a wooded path area.  Again, these small changes can shift your energy field into a small expanded state.  All these small changes can add up to greater states of awakening.  Be adventurous and phone a friend you have not seen for awhile and invite them for coffee or lunch. 

Great happiness that expands into a greater sense of freedom is coming your way with the planetary shifts.  Your crown chakra is getting activated which activates all the other chakras while debris blows away in the wind filled ethers.   I wrote about laughter, humor and amusement being 7th chakra (crown chakra) abilities.  Yes, laughter starts in the spiritual chakra.  Laughter can make everything feel better and is a great healing energy.  You may not have any idea what your life is going to be like, but having a great attitude helps keep your manifesting vibe up.  Simply say to yourself and others, I am not sure what my future holds for me but I know its going to be good.  Read my blog post here. 

Up until March 7th, it will feel like we are living in a fog.  It just so happens that we have a full moon on that date because when tapping into the frequency I can sense that around the 8th of March clarity begins to return to our decision making abilities. 

March 19th, (Sunday) is our Spring Equinox event unless you live in the Southern Hemisphere, then you will go through it as the Fall Equinox.  Remember Equinox means Equal/Balanced and harmonious.  This may sound like a lovely time to look forward too and it is but as this planetary time shifts our world into balance, what is off balance in your life becomes illuminated.  This Equinox Guided group meditation and healing will be just what the divine ordered.  Coming together as a group supports your own healing in a much bigger way.  Because this particular Equinox Event is such a massive astrological event promising epic shifts, I have added a special Bonus Bundle of Mini Readings and an additional group gathering.  Follow this link to read and register. 

March 20th, is the actual Equinox all over the world so the group reading on the 19th will settle you into a place to experience balance in a (hopefully) gentle way.  You will continue to integrate this Equinox over the next several months. 

March 23rd is when the Astrological sign of Capricorn has been aligned with Pluto will pass the baton over to Aquarius and Pluto.  Capricorn is all about Top Down authority, authoritarianism …rules, regulations, structure, by the book…. but fantastic about placing the outline for others to follow.  We are already seeing those in authority start to act even crazier, even ‘Putin’ implying he will no longer follow the nuclear agreement can rattle those authoritarian cages.   We will see more of this as a last gasp movement. Read this article in the Yoga Journal for important astrological dates in 2023.

Freedom, new thought, new scientific discoveries, Quantum Leaps in Consciousness, and power to the people are the vibrational frequencies that come with the Aquarius/Pluto relationship from March onward.  However this taste of freedom will need to linger in our consciousness because in between we will move in and out of Aquarius until it remains there from 2024 to 2044.  We just might officially be into the Age of Aquarius. 

When the moon is in the Seventh House

And Jupiter aligns with Mars.

Then peace will guide the planets,

And love will steer the stars. 

Take Action and Join the Spring Equinox by registering right away. Click here to Read and register.

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