Exploring Galactic Consciousness

Recently, my mother and I and a few friends attended a conference that led us to ‘Exploring Galactic Consciousness.’ Anything Galactic (otherworldly) has been far outside my frequency wheelhouse of interests until these past few years. Can you relate to wanting to keep your interest at home in the practical realms of day-to-day living? As a registered nurse, my interests and curiosity have led me to explore health and wellness through the lens of the human energy field. I made it my life’s work over the past 30 years to use the gift of my ability to see inside your body like an MRI and identify the blocked frequencies that may be causing health issues. At first, it began as physical illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, broken bones, neurological disorders, and other physical ailments. I realized that all types of stressors lead to depression, anxiety, and fear-caused panic disorders. This would become my life’s work.

But one tiny problem created one big obstacle: Our medical system just could not get on the same page with me. So many doors were closed to this type of energetic health. These concepts of healing through meditation were foreign to our Western medical system. I believe in a systems team approach to health where both systems benefit health and wellness.

As a medical clairvoyant psychic healer, I had thousands of case studies in my files that showed how profound health issues could experience a frequency shift within minutes of intentional application. Not everyone in the medical system is against a consciousness-expanded view of frequency health. I have many students who are Medical Doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, Teachers, and Occupational and physical therapists who are still inside the system, making a difference in how we view healthy systems.

Exploring Galactic Consciousness came to me in a back door sort of way. It was shortly after cancer came knocking on my door. A global pandemic hit in March of 2020, and breast cancer revealed itself to me by May of that same year. Surgery, Chemotherapy, and Radiation treatments were spread out over nine months. I was in search of educating myself on a topic that was so new to me that it would help distract me from swirling thoughts of cancer.

I came across a television series known as ‘Ancient Aliens’, and to my surprise, I found the show to have 20 seasons of episodes. I wasn’t into aliens, but I was into megalithic structures and ancient history, and I was curious about different cultural beliefs. However, what hit me the most was the fact that there is a show that an entire generation has grown up on, and I was totally out of that loop. Each episode stretched any limits around how I traditionally thought and found the expert speakers intriguing. My consciousness was expanding rapidly while at the same time, I reserved any opinions on the topics.

Exploring Galactic Consciousness should not have been a stretch for me because, in 2017, I was visited by Blue Star Beings of Light. These celestial luminescent 10-foot-tall beings moved through our 3-D world quickly, expressing a desire to support humanity during a great time of change on Earth. But for some reason, I drew the line with alien-type beings from other galaxies. Can you relate to what I am describing? I found that if we talk about angels, that is more acceptable, but if instead the angels were galactic star beings, we might not be able to embrace them.

Where are we now?

We have experienced blue beams of light, blue orbs, and blue waves of photonic plasma filled with blue light codes. We are experiencing waves of pure truth, dissolving layers of lies, revealing what truths have been hidden, including ancient history. Pam Gregory speaks of this time over the next six months as the most potent astrological alignments she has experienced. The blue Sirians asked me to record a guided meditation to bring in truth that will dissolve the lies we hold in our energy field—link here to access the FREE Blue Light of Truth Guided Meditation.

July kicked off blue light waves of truth, with another blue wave on August 10th, and now The Equinox Acceleration will enhance your readiness for the October surge. How? When a large group comes together in a guided meditation and shifts out the old frequencies to make room for healthier frequencies, you will feel light in your mind and heart. Authenticity is when you can live your truth, and this Equinox is all about truth while releasing limiting beliefs, behaviors, and stuck energies. If participating in a Group Reading and Healing is new for you, let me be the first to welcome you and share that you are in for a real expansive healing treat. Go here to learn more and save your spot.

Experiencing the Portal

On a recent visit to Utah, I experienced an incredibly large portal of energy. Time warped slowed down, sped up, and skipped segments of experiences. My fully charged iPhone watch and cell phone drained and then recharged themselves right before my eyes. A drive that should have taken 25 minutes found me and my friends arriving in 10 minutes. At times, the earth would glow blue, and at one point, I felt myself levitate about 1/2 inch off the ground.

Can these be the experiences we can expect to find as we explore galactic consciousness? What do you think? Have you ever experienced anything like what I mentioned? Are you beginning to experience anything like this now? I would love to read your experiences in the comment sections. If I ever had experiences like this in the past, I certainly do not remember them. I believe we can expect to notice much more, especially over the next few months.

Highlights from Vernal, Utah

The conference featured casts from popular shows like Skinwalker RanchAncient AliensExpedition Bigfoot, and Blind Frog Ranch. My mother and three compassionate, psychic, and intuitive friends accompanied me. We experienced UFO sightings, light orbs in the forest, light glowing from the ground, and many time-warp-like phenomena. Usually, my grounding feels pretty solid, but in this area of ‘high strangeness,’ I never felt the ground beneath my feet. What I did experience was light coming from below and light coming from above. During my stay, I encountered several “glitchy” moments. My computer was pixelated, lights flickered, and the entire environment felt like it was shifting between dimensions.

The Question of Galactic Beings

I asked the blue beings of light, “What do beings from other galaxies have to do with our lives right now?” Their response was intriguing: “They have always been there; it’s just that now we are beginning to have the consciousness to experience them.” The PhenomiCon Conference introduced speaker after speaker with high-level knowledge and the ability to communicate that knowledge to an audience unfamiliar with the topics. Each speaker stated that it is time for TRUTH. Humanity must be allowed to know the truth and determine their own beliefs and responses. I smiled, knowing that the galactic blue beings of light had been emphasizing the blue light of truth would be touching everyone. It was clear at the conference that truth was being spoken.

The Science of High Frequencies

As a nurse, I understand the importance of integrating high frequencies into the body. When your cells expand with light, they must purge toxins. This process can make you feel either better or worse, depending on how much purging is required. Feeling ‘Stuck’ can be one of those symptoms to indicate your cells need to purge out the old toxins. Raising your energy levels assist you to get ‘unstuck’. What are ways you can raise your energy levels? Meditation is always at the top of my to do list, but it is not the only thing that can help you boost your energy. Going out in nature, exercise, hanging out with good friends, playing games and trying something new (outside your comfort zone) are other things that can help you to get ‘unstuck’. Here is a great article about frequencies in the natural world.

Manifesting with High Galactic Frequencies

The blue beings of light taught me a new way of manifesting. Instead of trying to create from a 3D space, they suggested starting with the desired outcome in a higher dimensional frequency and then bringing it back to the present. According to the message from the Blue Beings of Light this reverse engineering technique allows you to crystallize thoughts into matter. This galactic information explains manifestation in the way we have always done it as attempting to create our lives from the frequency of where we are now in the world. New frequencies are available to us, allowing us to shift our thinking into higher frequencies. Imagining our desired income and bringing it back to this dimensional (3D) plane. I imagine it would be like a computer ‘ZIP’ file that normally would be too large to save. Placing large files into a zip file allows this shift to be easily saved by your computer. Read my blog on “Your Life Can Change in a Moment”.

A Story from Warren 🌿

My friend Warren, a medicine man, shared a profound story. In a recurring dream, he struggled to open a door. The holy ones eventually told him, “You were never meant to open the door; the door has always been meant to open you.” This story perfectly encapsulates the theme of today’s forecast.

Guided Meditation: Reverse Engineering Technique 🧘‍♀️

Let’s dive into a guided meditation to practice this technique:

  1. Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
  2. Ground yourself by imagining a tree, waterfall, or any natural element.
  3. Set your intention and think of the outcome you desire from a future even that has not happened yet.
  4. Shift into the frequency where this outcome exists.
  5. Stay in that moment until everything becomes clear.
  6. Bring the light of that outcome back to your current reality.
  7. Expand your cells with this newfound light.

Feel free to repeat this exercise as often as needed, but always ensure your body can integrate the shifts.

Upcoming Events 🌟

On September 22nd, I’ll be conducting a psychic reading during the fall equinox. Additionally, we have several free resources available, including a blue light meditation of truth and a nine-page intuitive style quiz. Check the links in the description for more details.

Thank you for joining me in this fascinating journey of consciousness and high frequencies. We are truly in exciting times, and I look forward to sharing more with you in future videos.

Take care, everyone!

Feel free to leave your comments and experiences below. I can’t wait to hear from you! 💬


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