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Your Dynamic Human Aura!

The human aura is like a membrane of energy. In this membrane are microscopic sensors that take in a millions bits of information every second of every moment of your daily experiences. Even then, I am probably under estimating just how dynamic the aura is.

I so wish that I could draw just how I see the human aura unfortunately drawing is not one of my strengths. Therefore, I will ask you to imagine, as I describe it. This membrane of pure moving energy, is like and oval or egg shape and it does surround the human body. Yet, more than that, this egg of energy is one continuous plasma of energy that is connected to all the energetic threads of your physical body as well.

Illustration of human head with energy beams

Your physical body is also an energy field, just slower and denser appearing as matter. Your aura is also matter, just lighter, more transparent, and not easily seen by the human eyes. Yet in 25 years, I have witnessed the awakening of thousands of individuals and for some of them, the awakening of their spiritual sight is a part of their spiritual gifts. Those who are intuitive and psychic, are more in tune with the information coming in through the aura.

Your auric membrane is highly active with receptors that are continuously receiving waves of information from your external world. Once the information touches your aura, this information is determined to be either uplifting or toxic to you. Your aura is your first line of defense and can filter out the toxins before they reach the human body. It can also filter, negative energy, other peoples energy, energy attacks, viruses, and bacteria.

Your Dynamic Aura!

When your aura is healthy, it is thick like the placenta that protects a baby in the womb. When I pull on a healthy aura, like a balloon, it snaps back into place with great resilience. A healthy aura has the ability to seek and destroy all energies that are not healthy for you through this energy flow of movement, flushing old memories, debris, and others energies, right down your grounding. Ways to cultivate a healthy aura, is eating healthy foods, staying well hydrated (electricity conducts better through water), exercise (helps the aura to clear energy) and meditation. Meditation moves earth and cosmic energy through your aura. The clearer your auric membrane, the more “in tune” you are naturally with information coming into your consciousness.

It is not magical, it is mechanical. Kind of basic math. You clean off the receptors, they work better! We clean and upgrade our computers and cars more than we upgrade and clean our aura. When someone tells me they are not intuitive, that is just not possible. Intuition is the ability to sense beyond our physical senses. If you can cleanse your auric field enough of old outdated debris, you too will begin picking up intuitive hits that come through the membrane of your aura. It is pure science and science is expanding everyday in its ability to verify this truth. Bruce Lipton shares in this video, how we navigate our life through energy waves.

Everything in your aura is your reality! My own teacher, Mary Ellen Flora,(https://maryellenflora.com/ ), taught me this lesson and I have passed it on to my own students. If your aura is as big as your house, then everyone in your house is standing inside of your aura. You can know, see, hear, and feel on some subtle levels, that other person’s thoughts, feelings, angst, joys, depression, anxieties, plans, and dreams. If that person’s energy is stronger than your own, it can over power your own system and you can be oblivious to how you are feeling personally.

Mall Head, is also a term I use often. When I go to the mall shopping, there can be thousands of strangers there moving in and out of my own aura if my aura is the size of Texas. By the time I get home, my head is so full, then there is the fatigue, and probably a few more items purchased that I had never planned to purchase. This is because if your aura is that large you can pick up on all kinds of other energies, and programming.

Your aura can also be super small and either shrink wrapped tight around your body or pulled deep inside your body. This shrinking tight aura can cause you to feels as if you can’t breath, your anxiety can be high and have a lot of fear because your aura can not adequately receive information from your outer environment. When an individual has learned to cope and survive by making themselves small and invisible, the aura is sucked inside the body. This can create body aches and pains because you do not have your aura as a barrier to filter toxins so all particle waves around you just hit the skin and body.

A healthy auric field is about 1 -2 feet away from the body. Right now, stop reading this post for a moment and raise your arms straight out on either side of your body. Wiggle your fingers and your finder tips are about where a healthy aura will be. If it feels as if your aura is 100 feet away, then you can pull it in closer to you. If your aura feels tight or inside of your body, then imagine fluffing it out like you would fluff a parachute.

Your aura is like a computer system and your spirit is the mother board. Your spirit sends out waves of energy to your external environment and the outer environment sends waves of energy in for your spirit to decipher and upload to your consciousness. Your aura is one of the coolest inventions created by the highest of the highest states of consciousness. Learn to love that aura of yours, make healthy choices, and think right thoughts because those thoughts go out as energy waves.

An unhealthy aura can be seen as cloudy, thin like wet tissue paper, it can have torn areas as well as holes. When the aura is thin like this viruses and bacteria can easily infuse into the aura and through to the body. Your immune system can be very low and you can be at risk of getting sick easier. The beauty about the human aura is that it can be easily boosted to become resilient again. Finding an energy healer, such as Healing Touch or Reiki can help clear your energy field experiencing pretty immediate results. To maintain the improvement in the health of your aura then you will want to exercise, eat right, think right, sleep well and be hydrated.

Physically if your aura is frail, your body can feel fatigue, aches, pains, headaches, stomach pains, and sore skin. When walking with an out of balance aura, you can experience tripping, falling, bumping your head, body and can even feel dizzy.

Emotionally if your aura is frail, you can feel fearful, anxiety, cry often, vulnerable, overly sensitive to others emotions and easily absorb others emotions.

Mentally if your aura is frail, you can get headaches, your aura can contract, stubborn, it can have mental heaviness, depression, your aura can be super tight around the head from limited thinking.

Everything in your life is reflected in your aura. Heal the aura and it will heal you.

4 responses to “Your Dynamic Human Aura!”

  1. Nancy, thank you for these videos. This supports my
    learning, growing in self awareness and self care.
    Your healing gifts are flowing. ?Judy

    • Thank you Judy for taking the time to post. Knowing you find these videos and blogs of great value, adds a real person to my imagined audience. Helps create a “real” feel to the teachings. Nancy

  2. I have learned so much more going back through these lessons. They make more sense each time. Wondering why my legs had no energy and feet were cold as I tuned into myself every year from birth, I can tell when the aura pulled up. It makes sense why my children would be so accident prone after a first fall as their aura was off balance and why elderly fall easily after an initial fall or fracture. I really appreciate this information and hope health services come to awareness asap.

    • Thank you for writing Kathryn. Yes, often we trip and fall when our aura is not covering our feet. Have fun playing with the shape of your aura and learning to manage it. Nancy

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