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Your Divine Purpose!

Remember, you are a bright spark of the Holy Divine! The Divine Source knows you and never forgets who you are! Why are you here?

What is my purpose here on earth? This is the most frequently asked question that clients ask when they have a session with me. When I was very new at this work, it was a question that quite frankly, intimidated me. How could I possibly know that answer? I am not God. I felt a huge responsibility to be discerning in what came through from spirit, as this was a very important question. It is not a question to take lightly at all!

Knowing your path and purpose!

In my 25 years, the answers that come from spirit have a wide range of answers. The client’s spirit might be very general with them, or specific depending on how the client asks the question. Remember that a large portion of your spirit resides outside of your body and it is called the higher self. If I ask your spirit what your life path and purpose here is on earth and the answer comes from a higher dimensional aspect of yourself then the answer is pretty much the same no matter who is asking the question.

Our main purpose in life is to anchor your spirit light deep into the earth to assist the earth to heal and transform into a higher vibration, for the good of everyone. How you behave as a human does not alter this answer. Everyone here in a human body is here for the purpose of anchoring the light deep into the earth. Therefore, just by being born, you are fulfilling your path.

Confusion Energy can Cloud your clarity.

Each dimension of your higher self, provides other levels of purpose. Yet the answer usually comes in the form of spreading love everywhere you go. Teaching others by example about kindness, or boundaries, or communication. Maybe your path is general such as learning about abuses of energy, greed, or hiding your light. Whatever you are here to learn at the human level, your spirit will help your create those experiences so you can learn those lessons and grow from them.

I have worked with indigenous cultures from different countries, and a common theme that I notice with them is their ability to express gratitude for all of their lessons, even the painful ones. For example, you might be involved in a car accident and then would immediately, thank God the creator for the experience and all that you will learn from it.

Here in the Western culture we tend to work with the energy of blame when something harmful or hurtful happens to us. It always has to be someone else’s fault! We can witness this very clearly right now as we experience the COVID19 Global Pandemic. We are spending so much time trying to find who is at fault, rather than turning within, to learn what lessons the is virus bringing to our life.

We also can be prone to allowing others to influence what they think our life path and purpose should be. Parents are notorious about programming their children to what they think their child should do. I so wanted both of my children to have a higher level education. They both completed an associate degree, yet found careers that do not require a college degree and they are happy.

My son asked me why I never presented trade school as an option for him since he is so hands on and loves to be outside. I was guilty of streamlining only the choices I wanted to see him make. However the flip side of the coin is, my children were not quite sure about their mother becoming a full time psychic healer. So they can send energy to influence the choices I make as well.

High Heart / Thymus Area

There is an area in your energy field, where your life path and purpose information is stored. It is located between your 4th and 5th chakra. So if you place your hand on your heart area and the other hand on your throat area, the space between, is the location. Touch your breast bone (sternum) and follow it up to the top where there is a curved area called the sternal notch. It is protected by the upper breast bone and your shoulder blades in the back. Here, is a golden orb/ball of light about the size of a golf ball.

This area is also the area of the Thymus Gland which assist your bodies immune system. It is also known as the seat of the soul. When the Seat of the Soul and your golden orb of purpose infuse together it enhances spiritual growth and transformation. Healing this area and opening the Thymus chakra opens your ability to compassion and ability to forgive. Your soul works through this area to deepen its ability to manifest your dreams into the material world.

This intensely beautiful ball of light is encoded with your life purpose. If there is other peoples energy on it, then it will appear dim, dusty, crusted, or thick with mucous type energy. These outside energies can block you from feeling connected to your path and purpose. Causing you to wander aimlessly through life confused about what you should be doing. You can also see people standing around your purpose area. These can be people who are close to you trying to influence you in a direction more in alignment with their ideas. It is important to keep this area crystal clear. Even your own doubt, criticism, and insecurities can cloud you from knowing your purpose.

Spiritual Energy cords from others can be plugged into your path purpose area. They may wish they had a path like yours, be jealous, envious, or admire you and want to plug in to understand how you did it so they can do it too! So your task is to clear the cloudy mucus energy, move out other peoples energy and look for cords, like extension cords and gently unplug them and send them back to the sender.

Your Life Path and Purpose

Listen to the video I recorded to guide you through how to heal this area and clear it for yourself. Then set your intention to know your purpose by merging with the golden orb, specifically coded by your own spirit for you to follow. You always have free will and can communicate with your higher self to renegotiate your purpose. Your human energy field is such a dynamic system. Allow yourself to learn about your own system, so you too can live your best life!

24 responses to “Your Divine Purpose!”

  1. Thank you Nancy. Beautiful meditation and explanation. My challenge is many times, I am not sure of the thoughts I am receiving, several times I received the message ” be love, share love and receive love, and share your knowledge and wisdom and keep on connecting with Mother Gaia”. This seams to be the theme lately. Much love and gratitude and hugs.

  2. Nancy, your explanation of life’s path/purpose explained to me (from a refreshed perspective) the value of grounding myself. The perception that our universal purpose is to be/bring a healing light to the earth is so expansive, inclusive, and inviting that it enrolls me to ground myself not just for me. I now can feel that grounding myself is to be in service to the world. Most Excellent viewpoint.

    I have had clients ask me life purpose questions throughout me coaching career. There were conversations, questions, exercises. Had I been armed with your concept of just being here to heal the earth with the light of our spirits, well, that would have been soooo helpful. However, I know I/they were not ready for that point of view.

    I especially acknowledge you for your ability to bring woo woo down to earth. You are an amazingly gifted healer. And I know you have heard this from me before.

    • Thank you from the heart…Brenda! As humans, my view is we place so much pressure to perform, and not enough on simply being okay with who we are. In this great time of change we are being challenged to know ourselves and be ourselves through the art of discovery and that my friend, I know, you have helped many many people with over the years. You are awesome! Nancy

  3. Thank you so much for talking about the golden orb life’s purpose connection. I learned about the “high heart” in Healing Touch but never understood much about it. Does the golden orb have it’s own layer in our energy field or is it part of the fifth layer? The reason I ask is because I learned that the fifth layer contains a lot of information about our life’s purpose. I did the meditation and truly appreciate how you often include the imagination to visualize with intention. As a visual artist it isn’t that difficult for me to do, and actually helps me focus in meditation instead of getting antsy.

    • Yes, the 5th layer we were taught is out blueprint, so it does make sense that they would be connected. I am told by my own spirit, that the golden orb of our purpose has infinity layers of depth to it. We are fulfilling our purpose on so many levels and most we are not even conscious of. It is a beautiful light and I look forward to you creating some visual artistry of your own with your soul. Nancy

  4. Absolutely informative and enlightening. A wealth of information. Thank you and God’s blessings.

    • Thank you Martha. I felt the blessing touch my heart! Nancy PS: I love blessings!

  5. Thanks Nancy. Such a timely topic!
    Appreciate the guidance.

  6. Thank you so much for giving us instructions on how to heal ourselves. I’m definitely one of those people who looks to others to help me define my purpose,

    • Thank you Martha! I think we all do to some level. However, at this time on earth during our great time of change, we are being asked to individuate on a much clearer level. It is never too late to define your own purpose! Nancy

  7. Your voice is so soothing and comforting and your guidance is so helpful. Thank you for doing these blogs and videos.

    • Thank you Judi. I have spent years cultivating the inner wisdom, yet expressing it outwardly has seemed to be a greater challenge. Thank you for sharing with me that what I express has meaning for you. Sincerely, Nancy

  8. Thank you for your teaching, guiding, and examples of living your life with purpose. I really enjoy your guided meditations, lov and light.

    • Thank you Sandra. I so enjoy that you took the time to write. It inspires me to just keep going! Sincerely, Nancy

  9. Nancy, your messages are so clear to me. You speak at a rate that I can follow and absorb. Thank you, thank you. I will continue to watch your videos.

    • Thank you Donna! I am glad to hear that you are having soul touching experiences with my sharing. Sincerely, Nancy

  10. Hi.. I enjoyed you video on purpose and pathway of soul. I have been doing lots of spiritual work for 40 years now.. always working on raising energy. It has been quite the lonely life in past .. not doing much now. I’m always wanting more clarity in my purpose .. nothing so general as we all have specific gifts.
    Can you talk about soul mates and twin rays and how you know who they are for sure. Also do we encounter them in all lifetimes?
    Also how to deal with a partner who is not advancing spiritually but wants to remain in old energy.

    • Thank you Arcane for your comment and question. Funny thing is, I had scheduled to write about relationships and spirit wanted me to move some of my topics around in a different order so you must have felt it. I will be writing about this subject, but probably not for another month. Stay tuned in each week on the other subjects spirit wanted to talke about. Impressive that you have been a seeker for 40+ years. An elder in our midst, thank you! Nancy

  11. This topic/video really resonated with me and underscored that who/what we are is beautiful. I too search for external validation/explanation vs accepting and/or trusting what is, is perfectly what I need at this moment to spiritually advance.

    • Thank you for taking the time to comment Terri. Your spirit does lead you to what it wants you to hear. Cultivating a strong relationship with your higher soul self definitely has great benefits! Sincerely, Nancy Rebecca

  12. Nancy, thank you for sharing Information about the thymus and golden orb. You email was I my junk mail that I just saw today. I am so glad I opened it. The meditation was amazing. I have been working to start up my business as a Reiki practitioner. When I did the meditation, I heard, healer. Over the past year, I had heard being a healer was part of my life purpose. My spiritually and closeness to God have grown in leaps and bounds! I am embracing it now. I am grateful for your video and Reconnecting with you.

    • Thank you Diane. We so need all the healers in the world to step to the front and welcome anyone in need of healing now. Thank you for joining us. In gratitude, Nancy

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