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What Is Rapid Ascension?

Rapid Ascension is when our current state of growth results in rapid fire change. A rise to an important position or higher level in status. Jesus ascended into heaven is a term we are familiar with, or she ascended to stardom. Ascension means to rise up and in when it is referring to our current state of shifting dimensions it can mean rising several levels in our path to creating a lighter body. Read my blog post on Body Time and Spiritual Time. It just may be time for your spirit to evolve but your body time might not be ready yet. This is what causes Ascension symptoms.

Remember twenty years ago just how mysterious it sounded when we heard that we are ascending to the 5th Dimension? Or that we are rising from the 3rd dimensional realm to the 5th dimensional realm? It sounded so fantastical and incredible that when imagined it felt like we would be so high up there that nothing would ever bother us. Often I imagined a Utopian type world where everything was perfect. Little did we know that actually we are bringing heaven to earth or the 5th dimensional consciousness down to our 3rd dimensional level. Which is proving to be much more difficult than we imagined it would be.

This is where the battle of dimensions has us whipping around in turmoil. Hell no… we won’t go, just about sums up this transition of light into the darkness. More like a lighthouse that can radiate several miles out to sea to show the ships that there is a land point ahead to avoid. Your own spirit is that lighthouse, shining a light in the darkness so that you can avoid the pitfalls around you. But just like a light house, when you are seeing that light from the distance it does not appear to be that intense. However, imagine walking towards the light and as you get closer it is harder and harder to see each step in front of you because the brightness is far too intense. As you step backwards away from the light, you begin to feel better because your light is not so overwhelming.

This metaphor is exactly what it is like in the human body. Your higher self is incredibly blinding its pure form outside of the body. As your spirit light ‘descends’ into your body, you have layers of energy, skin, muscles, bones, nerves, brain, organs, blood, lymph, hair, toe nails, that filter the light but also radiates all the colors of who you are outwardly. So in actuality, your spirit is descending further and further down into your physical body, as your physical body ‘ascends’ into a light body. So I hate to break it to you but in my opinion, none of us are going anywhere. We are all still going to continue to live in this 3rd dimensional world and clean up all of our messes. Each time we clean up the past, a little bit more light from the 5th dimensional realm ‘descends’ into the 3rd dimension and the 3rd dimension ascends into a higher frequency.

We want all the feel good stuff but not those intense ascension symptoms.
Its not like you can just say, hey, I just brought a bunch of light in about 2 weeks ago, and as my body was trying to ascend in vibration it just about killed me. Yup those stomach cramps, headaches and insomnia, oh and lets not forget those 2 huge panic attacks thrown in for good measure. So I’m good for awhile, I am just doing to sit here and I will let you know when I am ready again. Go visit someone else who really needs those shifts right now. The more stuck energy you have stored in your body the harsher the shifts can feel because new fresh energy is moving through hard stuck memories.

Remember when I said we ‘get to’ (as a priviledge) live here in this 3rd dimensional realm and clean up the wrongs, the corruption, abuse, violence, addiction, war, and our ancestors handpicking the land they wanted?
Even Russia deciding that they want the land of Ukraine? We are still doing it. Then move closer to home, the person you flipped off in the car next to you, the fights you are having with co-workers, loved ones, and yourself? All the feelings of control, jealousy, rage, and critical, judgemental thoughts must be cleaned up within ourselves. Every single time, you heal one little thing within yourself, that block moves out and your spirit light moves in. On earth every single time someone somewhere resolves an injustice, a crime, a hurt or harm, that energy block leaves and more spiritual light descends down onto the 3rd dimensional earth while the earth ascends into a light body. So you see, we do not stand a chance of getting out of this without a bit of struggle and we certainly are really not able to do it in our time because, everywhere in the world, somewhere something is being resolved, and boom another spiritual shift happens.

When you are viewing it from that perspective then EVERYTHING CHANGES, DOESN’T IT? Rather than saying, ugh I am having ascension symptoms again, you can say, wow, something, somewhere just got resolved and I now have a little bit more light because of it. My body is attempting to tell me that this integration is a bit rough, can you support me more? Remember the movie the Christmas miracle where every time a bell rings and angel gets its wings? Now when things get a wee bit uncomfortable and then shift, you can say to the world, thank you for resolving one more issue. Rather than placing a hand up and saying, I have had enough right now and I would like to wait until the next round of shifts, remember you, in my opinion in some ways are saying, lets hold off on resolving things for awhile.

What is Rapid Ascension? Rapid ascension means our entire universe is shifting into wholeness, balance and harmony as quickly as it can each time the universe makes a shift but sometimes, that healing state does not come very quickly. Because as more quantum light illuminates the earth, descends into the earth, the more the earth and all things shift as the 3rd dimension is ascending. And right now, there is a lot of shifting going on very rapidly. A thousand years ago, you might have made some type of ascension shift once in a lifetime. (I am just making up an example.) There are so many ending and beginning cycles of time aligning all at the same time, that you might be lucky if you only experience 7 healing ascension episodes a day. Once in a lifetime and now 7 times a day. But really does this information really help you? Especially if you have some really harsh suffering in your life? Because for those of you who have experienced deep suffering, those ascension symptoms can be a real crises. And You really have to take baby steps in your self talk.

Spiritual bypassing will not work here. You can not just slap on a happy face and then collapse when you close the door. Like rapid waves that you are trying to hold breath, then breath in between each new wave, but the waves are coming so quickly now, you never seem to be able to get a breath before the next wave hits you. In this situation, self care is enormously important. But sometimes you have healed your old hurts so well, and yet you forget that you can handle the waves again, to rise up, ascend your physical body into a light body, so that others can feel the support of your light. You just might be surprised with how strong and resilient you have become. Plus with the higher frequencies available to you, there are more problem sovling options to choose from.

We are also in a state of rapid ascension with the catalyst of light codes flooding into our earth atmosphere from the stars. When these ascension inspiring light codes infuse the earth, our own Ancient DNA codes are activated rapidly. Inspiring a greater awakening within our human nature. But what is awakening? Your spirit? Your emotions, your body, or your mind? The 3rd dimension is awakening as it ascends into a light body as the 5th dimensional world descends into the 3rd dimension. These light codes are not selective. They do not say, oh you are ready and but your friend is not. These light codes can activate old dormant DNA, to help each individual to heal and resolve issues.


You could have someone in your life, who is the least likely, stick in the mud, hateful skeptic make fun of your spiritual ideas. They just might be prejudice and suddenly experience the light switch from their own soul get flipped and very rapidly that individual is providing you wisdom. When spirit shared this truth with me, I was perplexed at what that might look like. But it turned out to look just how crazy as it sounded. One day my friend was ridculing me (jokingly with an edge of meanness) about how I skip participating in life just to meditate all day. We went to India together and he bitched and complained the entire time. Three years later, he became this calm, wise, kind man who traveled to have more spiritual experiences. I have witnessed this on 3 occasions. What if someone does not do spiritual work, nor meditate and suddenly awakens? It simply means it was his time, their time to meet their spiritual side. Here is a story on NPR about a white supremist nationalist, changed his views.

Your own Auric energy field plays an enormous role in buffering, filtering, and screening the light codes coming in. Your awakening can become measured in a way that is softer, easier to integrate, causing less ascension symptoms. Spirit showed me an image of standing out in a field and suddenly there is a hail storm battering us about, but an umbrella or an awning to stand under can buffer the pelting ice so that it is easier to stand within the surge of hail or in this metaphoric translation, stand in the changes without feeling too bombarded too quickly. Your entire energy system is highly intelligent and built for this time you are living in. Your energy field, and your spirit can help you every step of the way to make things easier. You simply need to ask for the assistance during meditation and prayer.

Often my students will have this huge aha moment where they say, oh, I finally get it, to get the answer to my question, I only have to ask the question. To get a healing from the divine I only need to ask for a healing ……. To help resolve issues, You only need to start where you can, when you can and your spirit will not only show you what needs to be resolved but will help provide the tools for you to do it.

2 responses to “What Is Rapid Ascension?”

  1. Very optimistic…which we certainly need today as one minute it is snowing and foggy in our frequency and the next minute we are laughing and sunny. Thanks. Your work helps ground me at this complex time. XOAnnie

    • Thank you Ann, so glad you are enjoying the information. Nancy

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