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What Color is my Aura?

What color is my aura? Was the question I was asked while shopping at my local grocery store! That is the most common question that most people want to ask of me when they know that I am a clairvoyant psychic and can “see” energy fields. Seeing colors around someone’s body does really tell a lot about them but only for that moment in time.

Standard Aura Colors

You see, aura colors can change rapidly depending on our thoughts and feelings. We know that our thoughts and feelings can change from minute to minute. Well, our auric colors can too however. there are baseline colors that will pretty much remain the same and stable. So identifying a color that defines you can be a little more complex than you imagine.

There are different layers of the auric field, not just one, so it depends on which layer of the aura you are looking at that will determine what the true color is in any given moment. A majority of people can NOT SEE the human aura with their human eyes because the aura is a higher energy frequency. Just like sound can be heard with the human ear in a certain range, but too high or too low and the sound moves out of the range that the human ear can hear. Dogs can hear sounds that we can not hear but we do not describe them as mystical magical creatures. Dogs simply have a wider range of sounds they can hear. People are the same in that some humans are simply built to see, hear, feel and know a wider range of frequencies than the average individual. Times are changing though and what the “average” human was not able to do before suddenly is finding themselves with additional abilities. My theory is, the vibration on the earth is expanding and just the fact that our feet stand on the earth means we too are expanding as we adjust to harmonize our frequency with the earth. Meaning, our natural intuitive abilities will continue to rise to the surface as mainstream abilities in the very near future.

Aura Colors, Kirlian photography

Each chakra has an accompanying aura that extends out as pure light and expands around the human body. So when asking what color is your aura it can be just one of the layers that is dominant that radiates brighter than the others. When an individual comes in for an aura reading, I share what I see as the dominant color and then look at all the other colors extending from the 7 main chakras. Having a full picture of all the colors and how they are interacting with each other in your human energy field provides me with the greatest perspective. All colors compliment each other in their own unique ways. Here is a list of colors and general meanings. You can have a thousand shades of the same color green. The frequency of that green can shift slightly and the meaning of that green can change just because the frequency changed. So if the meaning here listed does not match what your sense of the meaning is, then please go with your own insights. Your wisdom will always override and should override anyone else’s wisdom for you.

One of the easiest ways to tell what your main color of your aura is by looking at your clothes closet. You will tend to wear colors that reflect the color of your aura. Often when an individual comes in for an Aura Reading there will be a main aura color that matches their outfit. Then the person will exclaim, I just had to wear this color today! Many people wear black but this does not mean your aura is black. However, if you tend to dress in a very Gothic style that in itself is reflective of deeper darker energies in the aura. One color is not more spiritual than the other. All colors serve a divine purpose.

Your own spirit chooses the color of your aura. If you are suffering through a heavy depressive period your spirit may choose the color frequency of red or orange to help clear the old energy from the past. A deep dark blue may be seen with very old chronic depression to work as a solvent to drive to the deeper places in your energy field to help you to heal. Your own spirit has your best interest at heart. Your spirit assist you to be in a constant state of balance and harmony, therefore will divinely select the best cosmic color to meet your needs in any given moment.

The Camera picked up a purple magenta.
Expand the image and you can see faces above my head.

Each color, as I mentioned before, has a range from very light almost white to very dark, almost black. So lets take the color blue for example. It can be such a light blue that it appears white or such a dark blue the it appears almost black. A light white pink will influence your energy field very differently than a dark fuschia pink. You can have several colors in your aura and it solely depends on what your spirit is helping you to heal or enhance depending on your mood or intention. I often tell my students, if someone said something that really pissed you off right now, then all the colors of your aura would highly likely turn bright red. It might just be a flash in the pan red, very quickly surges and then when the anger calms, new colors emerge.

So, how can you tell what the color of your aura is? I teach my students to close their eyes and imagine and image of a rose. Then intend to place your energy essence into that rose and observe the color change to one or several colors. Whatever color the rose is, indicates the color or colors of your aura at this moment in time. If you can not “see” a color with your eyes closed, then use your knowingness to “know” what the color is. You can use this metaphysical technique with anyone. Create and image of a rose, intend that the essence of the person go into a rose and the color it is or changes to is the color of their aura. Yep, it can be that simple. However, getting the meaning of a particular color for yourself or others will take a little more intuitive insight. You must ask your higher self, your own spirit, what does the color mean? Then allow your intuitive senses to provide you with at least a one word description. Or, you can simply take a look at the general cosmic color chart to see what is listed there.

Red:       Anger, love, passion, creativity, hate, empathy, strength, playfulness, earth energy, and Kundalini Energy.

Orange:  Cleansing, determined, confident, protective, curious, stubborn, childlike playful, and deeply transformation indicating impending change and growth.

Yellow:   Power, Strength, confidence, joy, warmth, nurturing, competitive or overly mentally analyzing.

Green:    New Changes, growth, healing, unconditional love, envy, exploring, and earth energy.

Blue:      Deep Healing, nurturing, change, certainty, confidence, cooling after an angry phase, emotional, detached, isolated, lonely, dissolves illusion and enhances truth.  

Purple:   Humorous, laughter, spiritual, creative, transformation, spontaneous, independent, can feel special, selfish, and ego issues.

Pink:      Nurturing, Creative, gentle, kind, unconditional love,  bonding balance or imbalance with mother.

White:   Purity, peace, comfort, can be protectiveness, and fear.  White can also be a buffer to not get hurt.  

Turquoise:   Ancient Wisdom.  Feminine Divine Energy

Teal:       Clearing out other people’s energy, programming, and opinions.  

Brown:    Earth energy, old memories, conservative, contemplative, judgmental.

Black:     Healing, spiritual, meditative, comfort with being alone.  Most of the time I see black it is  old stuck energy in the field, Criticism, control and limitations over the vibrancy of that layer.  It also can indicate old abuse and depression.  

Gold:   Neutral, healing, Christ force, spiritual.

Crystal Clear:   High vibration, healing, high spiritual influence.  If it is clear glass then that can represent perfectionism and façade.

Silver: Supreme Being Energy, neutral, observing, quiet, listening, and receptive.  

Everything has energy and has an aura. Most recently I did an aura reading on the COVID19 virus. You can read more about that in the previous blog post. I will include the link here for your convenience.

Corona Virus and the colors of its energy.
Kirlian Photography showing the energy coming off of a wrench!

How does knowing the color of your own aura help you? Well, the color can give you an idea of how you are doing and what you are working on. Greens tend to indicate a variety of levels of healing, growth and change. Reds tend to indicate vitality, clearing, no nonsense, life force or anger. Often those two colors will be seen together. A flash of red fires up the aura and then the green will come through to sooth the human energy field after the red surged through like a grass fire. Learning to read aura’s is a skill that anyone can develop.

Check out our Psychic Mastery 1 Program that inludes lessons on how to read your own aura.

Learning to read aura’s is a lot of fun. When you begin to tune in and know the colors of everything around you then life in general just became a bit brighter. We certainly can use a little more light in our lives right now!

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