“Unlocking Your Inner Radiance: 7 Signs Your Light Body is Growing”

Understanding the Light Body

What exactly is a light body? How to begin unlocking Your Inner Radiance by tuning into the 7 signs Your Light Body is Growing. A light body is precisely what it sounds like. Your body is filled with light, but not just any light. Your body is slowly growing and expanding as the radiance of your soul settles into an inner glow. When the earth’s frequency rises and extends into higher states of consciousness, every cell of your body begins to glow with wisdom and knowledge. Similar to a dimmer switch, having the dial turned up to illuminate a room.

Embracing the Concept of a Light Body

When we think of a light body, we often imagine a body filled with light. You might even assume you know what a light body is, but explaining or understanding it can be challenging. Spiritually, we can grasp this concept, but at the human level, our frequency might not always align with that higher knowledge. Trust me, becoming more of a light body is a fantastic journey, but it comes with growing pains. Like the physical aches of growing from a child to an adult, developing a light body involves discomfort. These discomforts are often translated into what you may call ascension symptoms. Read my blog post on Rapid Ascension.

The Why Behind the Light Body

Our body’s ability to take in more light is truly beneficial. Here’s why:

  • More Light Equals More Energy: As more light enters our body, it illuminates and cleanses us from the inside out by releasing stuck and toxic energy.
  • Spiritual Growth: Developing a light body allows your spirit to provide a spiritual perspective on life’s challenges, expanding your problem-solving options. Your ability to ‘see’ and be ‘witness’ to a larger perspective of what is going on in the world allows for internal peace.
  • Enhanced Abilities: Increased light in your body can enhance your spiritual and psychic abilities. In some ways, you become like a supercomputer, accessing your intuition to answer all of life’s questions.
  • Creative Manifestations in an instant. We are not quite there yet, but when your spiritual light fills your cells, your ability to manifest your desires exponentially moves the dial to a rapid pace.

Imagination: The Spiritual Tool

Let’s play with our imagination—a high-level spiritual tool used by your spirit to communicate with you. Imagine your home from the 1970s or 80s, with a special living room reserved for adult guests and rarely used by children. Over time, this room becomes a dumping ground for things no one wants to deal with immediately.

Suddenly, you decide to sell your house and downsize. You turn on the lights in that neglected room, only to find it filled with stuff accumulated over the years. This is similar to our journey of creating a light body. Bringing more light into our bodies illuminates all the hidden clutter—unresolved issues, emotional baggage, and old patterns. As the light comes in, those rooms filled with old clutter must be purged. Participating in meditation, nature walks, healthy eating, playing, and socializing while finishing your day with a good night’s sleep helps you purge. Joining extensive group meditations and healing amplifies the purging process to allow more of your radiance. (Go here to register for the Equinox Acceleration.)

The Purging Process

  • Cleaning Out the Clutter: As more light enters, it shows us what needs to be cleared. This can be uncomfortable, but it’s a necessary part of the journey.
  • Embracing Discomfort: The light may reveal uncomfortable truths and trigger emotional or physical symptoms, but this is a sign of progress.
  • Ongoing Process: Just like exercise, which can make you sore but is ultimately good for you, bringing more light into your body is a continuous process that may not always feel pleasant.
  • Here is another article on Ascension Symptoms.

What a Light Body Is Not

  • Not Extra Special: A light body doesn’t make you superior to others.
  • Not Smarter or Wiser: While a light body may contain higher knowledge, everyone can access this wisdom.
  • Not Elevated Above Others: A light body’s purpose is not to elevate you above others but to illuminate your path.

What a Light Body Is

  1. Increases Cellular Frequency: More light in your cells means more energy and faster recovery.
  2. Purges Toxins: Ascension symptoms like headaches, fatigue, and emotional swings are signs of your body purging old toxins.
  3. Sparks Mitochondria: Boosts energy production and overall vitality.
  4. Fountain of Youth: A light body can make you look and feel younger.
  5. Faster Manifestation: Dreams and desires manifest quicker with a light body.
  6. Bigger Picture Perspective: Enables you to see life from a broader, more spiritual viewpoint.
  7. Authenticity: Makes you more relatable and approachable.

Embracing Your Light Body

As you develop your light body, you’ll find that it enhances your ability to connect with different dimensions, nature, and even mythical creatures. This journey is about uncovering and illuminating your true self, which is already full of light. As your radiant light body expands, you will find it easier to communicate with light beings, guides, and angels.

Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences about light bodies in the comments. Your insights can help others on their journey. Remember, this is an ongoing process, and everyone progresses at their own pace.

If you’re interested in diving deeper, I have a gift for you—the Blue Light of Truth and Purity meditation, designed to help clear your energy field.

Also, don’t miss our upcoming Fall Equinox Acceleration for a massive clearing of stuff.

Let’s embrace this journey, bringing more light into our lives and world. Take care and enjoy becoming your light body.


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