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The Frequency Forecast for 2022

We can expect to experience an expansion of the Healing Frequency flowing throughout the world for the entire 2022 year. This year is being described by the spirit realm as “The Year of the Healer”. The past 7 years have been a build up of high energy frequencies that have been breaking down many dimensions of structures that no longer serve the greater good of humanity. What had been hidden would be revealed, found the underbelly of corruption, greed, violence, hatred, manipulation, racism, crimes against humanity and sexual exploitation. The past 2 years intensified the supersonic rapid-fire changes by adding a global pandemic to the mix. Year of the Healer, Energy Forecast Series 2022.

Multidimensional Frequency’s are flooding the Earth with high level Quantum light in the month of January 2022

I can only speak for myself, at the utter shock and surprise at just how broken our world system felt as I look back at it all. The higher frequencies turned on the light of truth, as the rats in the basement scurried for cover. Riding the waves of shock in some ways has desensitized, demoralized us as we deconstructed mass broken energetic systems. As a society we have to sky down to return to simplicity of life just to be able to cope and remember what is truly manageable and what is not. Intuitively we are guided inward to learn to trust our inner instincts, as we find our outer world not very trustworthy right now. These are all 3D ways of dealing and coping, which requires a 5D spiritual perspective to be turned on to high!

Our own illusions that we hold inside of us were illuminated as well. My own rose-colored glasses that I used as a survival mechanism shattered, as my eyes revealed the good the bad and the ugly of myself and those around me.
However, the light of your soul, your own spirit, is always reaching for opportunities to heal. Judging and criticizing our inner “stuff” or others inner “stuff”, only slows down the ability to heal it. This 2022 year will press us to move forward finding healing solutions rather than focusing on problems. We are being asked by spirit to identify what frequency we wish to radiate from our own core soul, our own aura and chakras. Just today, spirit told me, that loving my situation, or the global situation is not a requirement to healing it. What this means to me is, I do not have to be pleased with what is occurring to wish for new healing to take place.

Soul Seeds is our non-profit organization to share meditation, intuitive and healing techniques to all communities of need. Most recently some of the young adult unhoused youth expressed their discomfort at knowing we could “see” their aura. Why? Because if we could see their aura, we might also be able to see the bad and ugly things they are not so proud of too. In my almost 30 years of clairvoyantly “reading” the human energy fields of others, spirit always takes the opportunity to illuminate each persons light without criticism or judgement. Being critical or judgmental of self and others is a human condition, not a spiritual condition. This 2022 year will challenge each of us to accept each other right where we are, knowing each moment is an opportunity to heal. Again, liking, or loving what you or someone else has done is not a pre-requisite to healing. For more information about Soul Seeds.

Have you thought about Justice as a Frequency?

There are 3 major frequencies imprinting our own energy fields this year.

  1. Beauty
  2. Healing
  3. Justice

Beauty is a frequency that can also be known as a color, a sound, and a feeling. The spiritual world reminds us that the earth we live in is a planet of incredible beauty. With all the news we have been a part of the past several years, it can be a challenge to see all the beauty around us through the cloudy haze of it all. Beauty radiates through everything including you, your relationships, and the community you live in. Your aura can be so filled with fear, depression and anxiety it can cloud your aura which in turn clouds your vision, blocking your ability to even remember there is beauty. Spirit reminds us we have a choice to “see and experience” beauty or not. This first part of the year will flood us with the frequency of beauty helping us to remember beauty is here to stay.

Healing has its own frequency, color, sound and feeling as well.
The frequencies in the past few years were intended to breakdown the old, outdated energies, so we could have the breakthroughs needed to move forward and create a more unified focus to uplift everyone. More specifically, each of us has healing energy channels that flow through our body. Healers are needed more now than ever before to assist others in letting go more easily.

Justice was quite the surprise for me when I heard the message come through. I never thought of Justice being an energy, a frequency, with a color, sound and feeling. However, EVERYTHING is a frequency and we are being asked by spirit to start to conceptualize what frequency we are putting out into the world. Justice regardless of who believes they are right or wrong, will do the healing for us. Yet, spirit reminds us that even places in our own energy field will be undergoing a healing of injustices. Spirit calls us to align with the consciousness of doing the right thing and treating each next moment as an opportunity to make healing choices again and again.

January – March

Pure photonic quantum cosmic light is flooding the earth at this time to enhance and spark beauty. The energy structures of the world have undergone a major deconstruction over the past several years, leaving open spaces to receive higher frequency light. Your own human energy field, of layered aura’s and chakras have been dismantling old patterns, beliefs, social structures, completed past life lessons, and ancestral healings for the past few years. This light is pouring into our earths atmosphere at the same time the light of your own soul is able to move deeper into your human structure and personality.
This entire year is going to awaken the healing channels of every single person on the earth. However those seasoned healers who have taken a break from healing, will experience the deep inner soul call again. Those healers, who were burned out, will experience a rejuvenation, and new healers will be sparked to awaken the inner healer within them.

April – July

Healers will be needed strongly during this time. The world is undergoing a deep transformational cleansing and restructuring. The frequency of Justice will be a part of the worlds main diet as the rule of laws are reviewed, changed, or created to more align with our new societies directions. Some states still have old lynching laws still on the books as just one example of what will be changing. The powers that be will begin to be held accountable and new laws will be placed to make sure it will not be abused so easily in the future. The frequency of Justice begins to infuse the earth during this time as well.

Spirit reminds me that this sounds wonderful if it is your team that is winning and the other team being held accountable. However, we all are going to be held accountable for all the ways we have not aligned with what is the right thing to do in life. Yet, this new justice frequency will also show us new ways we can stand in alignment with Justice and more easily feel inspired to do the right thing for humanity.
This time frame between April and July can feel hard for most people physically, but ultimately, we can expect to experience greater outcomes for our expanding consciousness and truth for the future. The news could hammer us, as it has for the past several years with new moment to moment breaking news. The earth and weather just might shake rattle and roll.

August – October

Deep Soul Diving will highly activate your chakras during this time. This in turn will activate and spiritualize the cells of your body. Which is a super good thing, but as your physical cells stretch in a greater expanded state you just might experience the heights of colorful 5 D vision through your 3 D eyes, or the moans and groans of growing pains.
This 3 month period of time has the potential to be a beautiful time for those who have been active for the past several years in cultivating the soil of their inner energy field for the purpose of spiritual development. However, for those just beginning the journey of awakening, there may be some harsher energy moments that will challenge and inspire you to remember the light of your soul has never left you. Each month will be calling all healers in the world to rise, because the world will benefit most this year as humanity is ripe and ready.

November – December

An elixir of sacredness will fall upon the earth inspiring a holiness upon humanity. Kindness and caring frequencies will fuel the hardest of hearts providing a softer landing place to build relationships that have broken down and communities of suffering. Healing hearts have been awakening all year, but this time period we can experience choices driving each of us to want to share in a healing outcome rather than a damaging outcome. Healing Teachers will be asked to speak in greater ways to larger communities sharing the wisdom of wholeness with the world.
Regardless of whether you are feeling the high highs or the low lows while undergoing your own expansive awakening towards a higher consciousness, the symptoms are often the same. Below is a list of what you may experience to have a deeper understanding and share this understanding with others.

Click here to register for The Year of the Healer Series

What might you experience that your spirit is being activated?

  1. Elation – A great happiness and exhilaration for life.
  2. Hope – A newfound hopefulness for your future, the future of your family and the world.
  3. Creativity – A strong urge to do something creative. This can be cooking a new recipe, rearranging the rooms in your house, taking up a new art project, deciding to learn a musical instrument, sing, start a journal to write poems, or join an acting group for a new play.
  4. Joy – an inner light minded, lighthearted expression, that is not dependent on outside events.
  5. Curiosity – A strong desire to explore new thought, new ways of being.
  6. Imagination – Peaked colorful imagination that expands beyond limiting ways of thinking.
  7. Spiritual Perspective – A new ability to see the bigger picture of possibilities.
  8. Dreams – Your dreams, in full color will become more activated during this time.

What might you experience when your human body and emotions are triggered?

  1. Headaches – Your 6th chakra is located in your head. When this chakra is expanding it can bump up against limiting thought patterns, beliefs, criticisms and judgments. This can look like black bands breaking around the head, or black rubbery layers of energy peeling away.
  2. Anxiety & Panic – are fear symptoms of energy held deep at the core of your energy field. Outside social fear batters against your outer aura, but inside you can feel calm. Anxiety and panic come from deep inside, and work their way out triggering uncomfortable feelings as they are releasing the old fear.
  3. Nausea – This can become triggered when your 3rd chakra is attempting to open to greater expansiveness while bumping up against limits to your power, boundaries and self-esteem.
  4. Low blood sugar – This can happen when your energy frequency is rising and your body is trained to keep your vibe low. This can trigger the root chakra, survival chakra to spasm, signaling the adrenals that you are not safe and need to run away. Cortisol levels rise to provide a quick energy to run, using up your sugar stores for fast energy. In turn you eat more.
  5. Fatigue – This is tied to Low blood sugars from high cortisol levels and then you experience the crash of energy afterwards. Related to your physical body attempting to integrate new ways of being in direct contrast to how you are living.
  6. Insomnia – When your spiritual frequency vibration moves more into your body, it can activate your nervous system, to include your pineal gland. It can feel as if you have had 10 cups of coffee. This can be an incredibly spiritually active time with loads of visions, prophecy, and wisdom. However, it can be sensory overload for the body.
    How to balance and harmonize all the active changes happening on so many levels? The answer is the same for everything.

How to balance and harmonize all the active changes happening on so many levels? The answer is the same for everything.

  1. Eat natural sugars. White Sugar causes higher inflammation in the body slowing your body’s ability to integrate the quicker energies. Get your sugars naturally through your fruits and vegetables.
  2. Hydration – Your physical body and its electrical nervous system functions in a peak way when well hydrated. Being hydrated allows high level spiritual knowledge to come through, while dissolving old energy toxins.
  3. Exercise – Warms up your Tan Tien located in your 2nd chakra. This in turn builds up energy stores in your body providing your body the energy it needs to integrate spiritual frequencies. It also warms the body up to speed up the detoxing of old energy. Its major gift is helping to ground you more so you can stabilize the new higher frequency surges of your spirit.
  4. Healthy diet – Kind of goes without saying, but foods have frequencies. Food is medicine, so choose a variety of high frequency foods to support your body.
  5. Mediation – Quieting the body, mind, emotions helps your spirit to align deeply with inner peace. Find a meditation practice that best suits your personality style.
  6. Sleep – Your physical body needs sleep, so the liver can kick into high gear and detox. Your spirit needs a break from the human day to day denser experiences. Plan you sleep cycles.

Although the thought of experiencing a brighter light for humanity sounds like a brilliant idea, the truth is your physical body is detoxing the old physical, emotional, mental energies stuck to every cell of your body. Your body, mind, emotions and soul all need the support of the consciousness that surrounds and resides within you. We are stronger together than we are apart. Let us be creative in our endeavors to create a better world for everyone to live in.

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