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The (2023) Year of the Akasha

The year of the Akasha is Frequency Forecast for 2023? There is so much coming through for this 2023 year, I will create several blogs to cover it all. I was prepared to ask the question about 2023 by getting myself into a meditative energy flow, relaxing my mind, and setting my intention to be open to whatever information came in from my guides. My weekly live talks really flushed out the fact that attendance to these talks almost doubled when I forecasted the frequencies we could expect to experience over the next month or year. Tuning into the days, weeks and months ahead had been something I have done for years. It began as intuitive play to see if I could really sense when the energies were going to shift. When my intuitive play illuminated just how accurate the energies would be on any given day, I began to make life decisions based on the information. A couple of years ago, my higher wise self-asked me to extend this to my community. I was reluctant to share as I did not wish to influence someone else by a system that truly can not be proven. I learned that most people are simply curious about what can be expected on the path ahead, but that did not mean they would change their life according to what I shared. This is how the frequency forecast was born.

The Akashic Records. Your personal room might look like this.

Now, when it comes to tuning into the frequencies of the energy field for the end of the year, I know that something big is on the horizon. I know because I have two years of frequency forecast under my belt to know when something was very different than the norm. As October, November and December reveals its frequency gifts, I know we are all building up to a main event. Quantum Plant Alchemist, Astrologer and YouTube creator, Davyd Farrell said in his interview with Pamela Gregory, Astrologer, “Something very big is coming down the road very quickly!” His statement summarized everything I am feeling about 2023 yet finding more descriptive words is proving to be my challenge. So I will jump right into it. Take from it what speaks to your own intuitive instincts and leave the rest.

When I had finished preparing to ask the question about 2023, it did not take long before the clairvoyant images began to come through as one enormously large white (LED type) light blinding everything else in the image. Can you imagine looking directly at the sun without sunglasses while attempting to decipher what is happening on the earth at the same time? Curious, I asked my spirit what is behind the light only to be told it was more light. What is to the right or left of the light and again told, more light. So then I asked, what is below the light, what is happening on the earth spirit responded, before I share this with you, we must begin in the field of the Akasha. This information is a real head shaker so I will do my best to lay it out to the best of my ability.

You might be wondering what is the Akasha Field? ‘Akasha’ is a Sanskrit word that means of “primary substance”. This primary substance is what I would describe as a frequency of light in the form of photonic plasma. Similar to a petri dish in scientific studies that holds a gelatin type substance that can accelerate growth of cells. The Akasha is a pure form of creative energy imprinted by dreams, desires, wishes, and intentions to create your life the way you want it or not want it depending on where you place your focused observation. The Akasha field has always been available to us and for those who know how to work with the energy can use it to manifest their dreams here on earth. As you and I rise in our vibrational frequency we are closer to the Akasha field that is of another dimension. Yet, the Akasha dimensional field just might be closer to earth. Within the dimension of the akasha are the Akashic Records which is an enormous university type campus, large enough to store all the records (data) of what has happened, is happening, or is yet to happen. Read about the Akashic Records here.

When exploring the frequency of the bright light of the 2023 year. It is spirits way of saying we will experience the field of Akasha and the Akashic Records not previously available to the average person before. To be honest, I am not sure what this will look like in the months to come. I also am not sure how it will translate into human understanding. I only know, what has been hidden will be revealed and what will be revealed is revealed in its own time and space. I first visited the Akashic records when I about 36 years old. I have not observed the entire campus but would imagine it is beyond comprehension. What I know to be true is there is a great hall, there are ancient wise beings who greet everyone at the door and direct you towards the destination you seek. There are many rooms where great things are happening and most of the time no one there even notices me when I go exploring.

I will list here only the rooms that I know about and have witnessed for myself with my spiritual clairvoyance into the unseen world. Again, I am assuming there are many more areas that are beyond my need to know as I have witnessed different light beings that appear to be from different galaxies who roam the hallways. Most people are unaware of the term Akashic Records, Astral bodies, and the Akasha Field. In the past, considered to be advanced spiritual knowledge only know to Ancient Societies, there must be a reason to open this knowledge to everyone.

Personal Rooms – You each have your own room, that holds the records of everything you have ever done in the past, recording all that you are doing now and have records of what you may do in the future. With your personal room there is a light being that oversees all the rooms. You have a personal file clerk assigned to you that will pull the record needed for any question you ask. That information comes back to you in the form of intuitive/psychic sensitivities. The more you cultivate those skills the greater detail you gain from the records. Without intuitive skill, you will assume you were clever, and figured it all out with your mind.
War Room – This is a large room where very high ascended masters come together to monitor all the wars.
Universal Room– A large room where ascended light beings keep their finger on the pulse of what is happening on earth and other planets, stars, moons and suns in the universe.
Birth Room – This is the planning room where a team of spiritual guides assist the individual create a plan for when they are born on earth.
Death room– This is the room, where individuals can meet their spirit team to review choices they made when on earth and how they can correct it next time.
Life review room – this is a room, where an individual spirit will meet with a larger spirit team to review lifetimes of lessons, to create a learning plan moving forward.
Reconciliation Room – this room is for events where crimes against humanity took place and has created damage to the souls. A large gathering of light beings come together to consult on how to resolve the issue and when possible help the offending person reconcile with the those they harmed. Such as the Holocaust.
Healing Room– this area looks almost like a spa, with tables. When you lay on the table light beings come in and offer healing.
Ancestral Hall- This is an amazing area where the walls are 3 stories high filled with your ancestral tree that go back thousands of years. You can see where some of the areas of the tree may have black cloudy spots that can benefit from healing. Such as an ancestor was hurt or harmed by someone else or harmed another. If it is genocide, then you will see a large area of cloudiness. Overall, the light from the ancestral tree is important to remember so that you know you are supported by many points of light from your ancestors. Those past events do heal over time.

As we raise our frequency other dimensions of lower, slower, outdated frequencies begin to collapse as it can not sustain the higher light. Other dimensions of light move in to fill the gap left by the collapsed areas. So if this all is even remotely true, then your ability to manifest (quickly) will appear very differently than it has in the past. This will require all of us to express with greater discernment only the most uplifting thoughts for ourselves. You will still have painful, hurtful or toxic thoughts but shifting them into action steps to integrate your old experiences will appear with a wider range of healing options.

What does any of this Akashic Records talk have to do with the human experience? The human experience will go forward as it always has. We all still need to go to work, tend to ourselves, our families and our pets. Vacations, physical activities, hiking, and bowling are still in our future and in fact provide opportunities for your body to just live life in all the ways it wishes to. You just might wish to binge Netflix, eat popcorn, and drop out of life for a while. All of those human things are still a valuable part of being here as a spirit on earth. Yet, concepts of high knowledge, I would imagine, will be available for everyone, not just a few. Similar to Top Down authority is shifting towards a grass roots movement. My recommendation is that you remain in a state of curiosity with a large dose of adventurous spirit towards everything that comes our way.

In my 25 years of exploring through experiences in the unseen world, this 2023 year will even be new for me. As I always say, we are stronger together then we are apart. Here’s to Unity Consciousness! Meditation is the key to adapting to change, here is another blog about meditation.

6 responses to “The (2023) Year of the Akasha”

  1. The Akashic Records in one of my favorite places to visit!

    • Thank you Kathy. Having a healthy astral body improves sleep too.

  2. Thank you for this information, Nancy. I imagine the amount of information intuitively available or accessible to one who is capable of providing an Akashic Record reading to another human being will vary from person to person. In your experience and knowledge is there a “typical” or average amount of information available to those who are the subjects of the Akashic Record reading?

    Question 2: How does one learn to access the Akashic Record themselves?

    Question 3: Will I need to check this site for your reply or will you email me?

    Thank you for your time and attention.

    • The Psychic Mastery graduate students know how to do Akashic Records Readings, although they tend to bring the Akashic material through a Psychic Reading. I can not answer your question because I have not had an akashic reading from another person. I can say that yes, psychic akashic readers tend to provide information depending on their own expertise and knowledge. I teach students how to go to the Akashic records but not everyone is able to go inside. The frequency is very high and the more adaptable you are at exploring in a multidimensional way has easier time entering the Akasha field. Normally the reply would come to your email however you asked to be published anonymously so you will find your answer here.

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