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Stop Jamming My Telepathy!

High pitched frequencies, ringing in the ears, inner ear dizziness, are just some of the symptoms you may experience as old outdated harsh communication is filtered out by the new higher dimensional ways of communicating. However, as a nurse, I must also mention that there are physical issues that can cause these symptoms as well. Therefore, it is most prudent of me to suggest that if you are experience a constant state of Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) or vertigo (dizziness) then please see your doctor to make sure there is not other health issues going on. Most individuals that work within the spiritual realms whether psychics, mediums, as healers are very familiar with a sudden onset of high-pitched ringing usually indicates there are higher frequency spirits around who are actually communicating with you. In this 3D earthly human dimensional realm, we can hear the spoken word, songs, air blowing through the trees, dogs barking, and birds singing. As energy passes through your voice through your breath, it vibrates the vocal cords to create words, language that we can hear. This is the same when a dog barks and a bird sings. When the wind blows through the trees, it is the movement of the tree that creates the sounds. It is the stick that hits the drum that creates the sounds and drumbeat vibes that move energy through your body. However, old outdated communication energies continue jamming those open telepathic channels and we need to open them now! Click here to read about telepathic communication study, Smithsonian Magazine.

Stop Jamming my telepathy!

Telepathic communication is the vibrational frequency of an energetic thought. When you have a thought it moves across an energetic light grid, influencing through wave patterns the outcomes that you desire. The word intention is, when you have a thought and action follows, such as, “boy this is going to be a rough day”. That thought has a vibration and frequency that influences you to potentially have a bad day. Your intentional thought leaves your auric field and can select the worst outcomes to fulfill your belief that you are going to have a bad day. Yes, your own inner communication can jam those smoother frequencies and block them from expressing. What your intentional focus is, creates your future and these new higher HD frequencies coming to our collective consciousness is telling us that it is time to take greater responsibilities for our unseen, unknown telepathic communication to our environments. Every single thought that you have literally has an energy pattern that influences everything inside of you and around you.

There is a deep harshness that surrounds the worlds communications right now and these new telepathic HD frequencies are like a fine mist, breaking up that harshness to make room for a gentler, kinder, more caring way of communication. Can you take just a moment to sit with what you just read? The energy of harshness is black, with jagged cutting edges of heavy dense energy meant to destroy the heart of soul of language. Insist that someone stop jamming your telepathy with their harshness! Of course you might not say it that way, but you certainly want to set boundaries around negative communication. As a clairvoyant who sees energy, there are times when I am listening to someone speak and black oily jagged energy is pouring out of the person’s mouth, running down their chin and filling up their auric field. I know in my sharing, this clarity of vision, is a disturbing thought to you but this is one of the draw backs of having 3rd eye clairvoyant sight. Seeing this does not mean the individual has a black heart, it only means that their communication has been tainted with harshness, hatred, criticism, and judgement. This tainted communication style is what is being dissolved at this time, opening us to communication that is beautiful with color!

Stop Jamming my Telepathic Channels! There is so much noise out there!

Texting has been teaching us how to telepathically communicate all of these years preparing us for this transformational time. I know this statement just might be challenging to those who feel that texting is ruining our ability to communicate. Even believing that we are losing the art of communication for lack of practice. It was those same concerns that I was inspired to ask my ascended self to illuminate clarity around it, especially, with the addition of 5G networks adding high frequencies that we fear is damaging to the natures’ navigation systems. Spirit explained that as we text each other in one or two words, or using little emoji’s expressing emotions, we are developing telepathic communication that is required to fill in the blanks. Someone text you a heart emoji and you are filled with a large bushel of emotions of love, knowing you just received a full paragraph of unspoken words.

Communication in the 5th dimensional realm is highly telepathic. Communication in the 3rd dimensional realm is highly physically verbal. In the blog posts about expressing through our physical chakras, I mention that those chakras are “non-verbal”, and express through body movement, emotions, sensuality, facial expressions, and stability. All of those 3rd dimensional attributes of human expression adds to mental telepathy. So when it comes to the concerns around 5G internet and phone services you just might experience the same ascension symptoms as you would moving from a 3D frequency to a 5D frequency such as headaches, nausea, body aches, and disruption of memory patterns. CLICK HERE for ascension symptoms. When speaking telepathically with my guides around the 5G internet issues impacting the human body, I was told that yes, in the beginning those in the 3D world may struggle with physical ailments but over time as the frequency of the entire planet rises, we will adapt on many levels as high dimensional humans. Think back on just how much slower we used to communicate back in the 1940’s and how fast we talk now. We will adapt and adjust, and as unique individuals we will have varying experiences as we integrate those changes into our body. Click here to read my blog posts on Telepathy, the new frontier.

Over Thinking can jam up your telepathic channels

Spirit guides and angels do not need to use a voice box to make sound, nor do they need a tongue or lips to form words because all communication is in telepathic form. I remember a time when I woke up to a spiritual presence standing next to my bed. It was a male figure in a plaid shirt, wearing blue jeans, and he had a soft face with kind eyes. I did not feel threatened at all. However, I remember asking him, using my out loud voice, why was he here and what can I do for him? I recall his facial expression did not change and there was only silence in the room. He visited me a few more nights and each time, I was met with the same silence to my questions. Of course, now I realize that he was communicating telepathically with me. Meaning, he was sending me communication from his mind to my mind. At that time, I had never heard of telepathic communication nor was I skilled at it, but that is exactly how the spirit realm directly communicates with us. The spirit realms know who has the ability to engage with the spirit world. At the time, they clearly could see that one day, I would have the ability, but this was over 30 years ago and telepathy was just not part of my reality then. Now, in this year of 2021, spirit has informed me that we are in an accelerated telepathic growth period and particularly now, our telepathic abilities are ascending to high definition.

Here are some Tips to cultivate Your Telepathic HD Abilities

  1. Listen first – start practicing your listening skills.  When someone is talking to you are just in general to a group, allow their words to fade into the background.  When only focused on the spoken word you can miss other subtle frequencies not being spoken. 
  2. Tune into the frequency of the words.  Cultivate telepathy by listening to the sounds, the energy swirling around the verbal words that are being spoken.   
  3. Categorize the words as light or heavy in the beginning.  Does the spoken word have a weight to it?  Does the spoken word have a lightness to it?  Just focusing on those two sensations will help you to begin to notice if the frequency matches the actual spoken word.  Those who are more empathic my notice feelings around words. 
  4. Do you notice a color around the words being spoken?  Those who are more visually dominant my notice colors. 
  5. Do you notice a sound around the words being spoken?  For those of you who are more clairaudient, clear hearing, you may hear a sing song type frequency or a growling type of frequency or any wide range of sound separate for the direct words being spoken. 
  6. Do you have a knowingness “hit” of the communication that is not being spoken?  You may notice what is not being said.  I describe is as reading “between the lines” or listening “between the lines” when someone is talking.  I might say, I know you are saying you are not angry but I my senses are telling me that there is some anger here in your words.
  7. Communication second – play with your own communication of the spoken word.  When you communicate your words, what is the true intention you are telepathically communicating.  Such as your words might be saying, “No, I do not mind at all if you go out to the club with your friends” and yet you are telepathically communicating just the opposite through your mental frequency, “No, I really want you to stay home and watch a movie and eat popcorn with me on the couch!”  To enhance your own HD telepathy you are going to need to cultivate having your telepathic truth match your words. 
  8. Mind to Mind communication – Tap a friend to play with telepathic communication.  Send a thought and see if they can pick up in their own mind what you are thinking.  Then it is their turn, to send you messages.  In the past, there were two categories of telepathic communicators.  You were either a great sender or a great receiver but usually not both.  Now here in the year 2021, I am finding that most people are skilled at both or can easily cultivate both. 

Telepathy is the fullest frequency filled with bushels of information that will provide a deeper communication in the future.  It is a full body style of communication and a style that I expect we will adapt to very quickly.

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