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Starseed Children

Children have a dynamic energy field and are born with a specific purpose in mind. For several years facilitated an intuitive camp for children and I learned a lot. I remember when I first offered this camp, I met with the parents ahead of time to field any questions they may have about my beliefs and what I might be exposing their young ones to.

The biggest question the parents had was, “Do you think my child is intuitive?” Then their next question was, “How as a parent, do I support my child’s intuitive ability?” So let me answer those two questions here. All children are intuitive. All children can see, hear, feel, know, and sense their environment. In fact, it is a shock to your child when they realize that you as the parent do not have those same exact abilities. Let me answer question number 2. The best way to support your child’s intuitive ability is for YOU to take intuitive development classes and THEN, teach your child when it is appropriate for them to learn.

What is my biggest advice after working with children for years now? Please teach them to meditate. Please teach them how to release overwhelming energies that we as adults expose them to. Parents please cleanse your energy field at the end of the day when you come home from work. Learn how to meditate to shift your own energy field into balance. Our children pick up all the energy we bring home from work.

Whoa! Well I just jumped right into the deep end with that one and have digressed a bit here. So let me start again. I have a new baby niece that was born during the Coronavirus pandemic. That is what inspired me to write about children. I was curious about all the new babies being born at this time. I also have a dear friend who also had a new granddaughter born just the day before my niece. As I watch the photos of the two of them, (since I can not see them in person) their energies were very similar. They came into the world very wide eyed, very advanced in development, and very engaging with everyone around them. They both have an extremely strong golden beamed connection to the greater consciousness that is about as broad as a dinner plate. Now the average adult human, has a cosmic connection about the size of a quarter, so you can imagine these new little ones just born, are pretty tapped in to what is happening on our planet. I am going to name them the Wise Ones. They have big eyes like Owls and in fact their essence is very owl like.

The Wee little Wise Ones are being born during the Pandemic.
Helping us to remember our own deep WISE GOODNESS!

Starseed children have been coming to our earth since around the 1920’s when we first started seeing the Indigo children. My sense is these first ones were the scouts to take the pulse of the energy on earth during WWI and in the 1940’s of WWII. As the decades rolled through more and more of the Indigo’s begin to come in with the largest surge being born in the 1980’s. Indigo’s are the 30-40 year olds that are now leading us through protests to change our economy, politics and how we treat each other. They came in battling the authority system and they practiced well on their parents as children. Not the easiest children to raise. Yet they were born in adverse situations and to strong minded parents to help them prepare for their greatest purpose on earth which is right now.

New Starseed Children started coming in the year 2000, as the Indigo were ready to have their own children. These are the Crystal Children and Rainbow Children. Crystal children have the ability to connect new high frequency vibrations to families and communities. They make strong heart connections, and see each person as a soul. They are very open minded and do not understand human conflicts as they see everyone as equal. They have large eyes that can see right through to your soul. They do not come in with Karma from past lives, so there is almost a purity about them. I call them energetically clean. They are born to parents who are open minded. They are here on a mission, and that is to help us to remember how to love as a humanity.

Crystal Children help anchor high levels of consciousness to the earth.

Rainbow Children began coming in around 2000 as well, but more so beginning in 2008. They too have large eyes, calm temperaments, yet can hold a strong focus. They are extremely telepathic, to the extreme and often do not begin human talking until around the ages of 3-5 years old. They too have come in to teach about love but are here to help create the rainbow bridge into the future, the new age, a new way of being in the world. They are still young at this point, however, they are here for a purpose that can not be denied.

2020 starseed children born smack dab in the middle of all that is going on in the world. I am told they are here to help us to remember our own inner wisdom. They are here to assist us to join heaven and earth through our own bodies and to remember the wisdom of our own nature, through nature. Our Ancient Ancestors remembered what it was like to be one with nature and one with the stars. These new little ones are here to help us to remember. What should we call them? The Wisdom Keepers?

Why would a new spirit choose to be born during this time on earth?
To brighten our own light and help us to remember to have Hope for their future!

What is the biggest thing I have noticed when you bring your child with behavior issues in to see me? You child expresses through their own energy field what is NOT being expressed by parents. You know that game you find at the Arcade? Whack-a-mole? The mole pops up through the hole and you hit it on the head to knock it back down into the hole? Then that mole pops up through a different hole? Then you whack it again? Well think of the mole as your stuff that you push deep down inside of you? You whack it down and it comes up through your child. Let’s think of anger as an example because this is the most common that is frustrating to deal with in a child. You may have deep underlying rage that is not being expressed. The child is picking up on the frequency of rage in the household.

What do children need? To do the work these children have come to do require a strong creative energy outlet. Creative energy is like a salve that just helps calm everything down. Cooking, baking, building, writing songs, drawing pictures, writing their own books, pretending to run their own radio show and tapping into the creative energy of nature. Yes, these children also need time with technology too! It helps their mind to think quickly in quantum mathematical ways. Integrate it all with nature and you have a winning combination.

Children also need structure and routine and as they grow older, expanding the structure and routine giving them wider range to be creative and yet they know where the boundaries are. Teach them how to work with energy cleanly and honestly so they do not learn how to manipulate energy as an alternative. Heal yourself, so you can show your child by example how to have healthy relationships. Overall your child is a brilliant soul and will manifest exactly what they need to learn and prepare for their mission in life. Just like you had to do as a child.

Psychic abilities? They already have them. If you have them then you can help your child to add their intuitive sense to everything that they are doing. I have witnessed children with a lot of ability need to be protected by their parents so their gifts are not exploited. Therefore, encourage your child to work with and understand all of their abilities but please do not have your child do readings on other adults. Adult concepts are far too confusing for your child and when the adult sees a 6 year old provide accurate information, the emotions of the adult can overload your child. Proceed with Caution.

Lets talk about Starseed babies and humans, are you one

All children are special. All children are born here because they do have a purpose. All children are psychic and this may come as a shock to you, but your child just might even know you better than you know yourself. Working with children for twenty years has taught me this. They DO NOT miss a thing. Therefore it is best to not underestimate them, or belittle them. Treat them with respect. Create strong structure with a flow of creativity that flows in the middle of that structure.

2 responses to “Starseed Children”

  1. This is spot on!! I’m sharing with friends. Thank you.

    • Please do share. So glad you enjoyed it. Nancy

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